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Everything posted by Locario

  1. 40 visits to my post and nobody has answered me. Is it so hard for someone to answer my question?
  2. Hi all. I have done this steps (from wiki) to update a mango's test server cd mangos git pull cd /src/bindings/ScriptDev2 svn up cmake blablabla make -j 1 make install The wiki ends with : DONT FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR DATABASES. Theres another post about that. I don't have found any post with this matter then, i have updated 5 files from /opt/mangos/sql/updates to mangos db, but, i need to update more databases (scriptdev2 for example) tnx all, and sorry about my English
  3. If admins see good this, I want to put pin, or included in the wiki. It's proven more than once on virtual machines, and a real scenario. Bring out all the juice of this guide. Thanks all.
  4. Hi all. In this guide we will install what is cited in the case, on Linux (Debian 6) in 32-bit version. It assumes you already have a fresh install, and recommend in the version without graphical environment for better performance. I will comment each step. Install required packages from the repositories, from root: aptitude install mysql-server gcc g++ automake autoconf make cmake libmysqlclient-dev libtool libssl-dev subversion patch zlib1g-dev libc6 git git-core pkg-config unzip ssh We put in opt and download MaNGOS there: cd /opt git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git mangos we get in MaNGOS folder and create a folder to install scriptdev2: cd mangos/ mkdir src/bindings/ScriptDev2 svn co [url]https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/[/url] src/bindings/ScriptDev2 git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-xxxxx-ScriptDev2.patch MaNGOS is now compiled with cmake, and this requires a complement (ACE), now it will download and compile it as: cd.. mkdir ace cd ace wget [url]http://download.dre.vanderbilt.edu/previous_versions/ACE-6.0.1.tar.gz[/url] tar zxvf ACE-6.0.1.tar.gz cd ACE_wrappers/ mkdir build cd build ../configure make make install We insert PlayerBot, if we use this module: cd /opt/mangos/ git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master This done, we can compile MaNGOS (change the value # numberofcores / processors by the number of cores in your micro, you can do with a "cat / proc / cpuinfo" without the quotes): cd /opt/mangos/ mkdir build cd build cmake -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos -DPCH=1 -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 .. make -j #numberofcores/processors make install Copy the default configuration files to their routes, and then edit the first two (take your time, here is the control of almost everything) comes to mangosd.conf and realmd.conf: cd.. cp etc/mangosd.conf.dist etc/mangosd.conf cp etc/realmd.conf.dist etc/realmd.conf cp etc/scriptdev2.conf.dist etc/scriptdev2.conf cp etc/playerbot.conf.dist etc/playerbot.conf nano etc/mangosd.conf nano etc/realmd.conf We're going download the databases: cd ~ && mkdir udb && cd udb svn co [url]https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb[/url] unifieddb cd ~ && mkdir acid && cd acid svn co [url]https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid[/url] sd2-acid Fill databases (change PASS with MySQL password): mysql -u root -pPASS < /opt/mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql mysql -u root -pPASS < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/sql/mangos.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos characters < /opt/mangos/sql/characters.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos realmd < /opt/mangos/sql/realmd.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql cd ~/udb/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB unzip *.zip mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ./*.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ~/acid/sd2-acid/trunk/wotlk/3.0.8/3.0.8_acid.sql mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql Now we have to put SQL patches, as are many, there is a script rescued from the wiki, which does this automatically, the steps are to create a file, and paste the following contents inside: PS: This script fails in some installations. If you have the patience, use the community version of sqlyog, to dump patches / opt / mangos / sql / updates by hand to the database " handles. " It's pretty simple. In this version you quoted are not many and you have just 10 minutes with the patch. #!/usr/bin/env python import glob, os patches = glob.glob('*.sql') patches = sorted(patches) for x in patches: db = x.split("_")[2].replace('.sql', '') os.system("mysql -u mangos -pmangos -v " + db + " < " + x) The file we will create from the path of SQL patches as follows: cd /opt/mangos/sql/updates/ nano updatescript.py Within that file updatescript.py, put in the code above two steps. We execute permissions for that file, then run it (it is best not see a string of text that says "error"): chmod +x updatescript.py ./updatescript.py Well, there is little, let's set some parameters in the DB, as the name of the kingdom, and IP: mysql -u mangos -pmangos And once inside REALM_NAME change the name of your kingdom, and the value IP with the ip of your realm use realmd; UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'REALM_NAME' WHERE id = 1; UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'IP' WHERE id = 1; Now, let's create a special user to connect from outside with Mangolín application to our MySQL database for this purpose, go into the console sql management, and create the user with full permissions to change values in the DB: CREATE USER 'remote'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASS'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'remote'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; exit; Change the word PASS password Change the value of the / etc / mysql / my.cnf from: bind-address = to : # bind-address = And then restart the service: /etc/init.d/mysql restart Perfect, and you just have to pass the files from the Linux machine, this route (all in / opt / mangos) /opt/mangos/contrib/extractor/ ad.exe /opt/mangos/contrib/vmap_extract_assembler_bin/ makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat make vmaps.bat vmap_assembler.exe vmapExtractor3.exe These five files, the folder you put in your WoW client, which, yes or yes, a client must be CLEAN (without any previous patch) version 3.3.5a 12340. Then open a cmd console windows (Start - run - cmd), you stand in the path where you copied the files, and run two files, first ad.exe, and when the file has finished removing the need to extract, makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat run. This process will have created four folders. Three of these folders, vmaps, maps, and dbc, the going to happen with WinSCP or whatever, to / opt / mangos / bin We will install a program called screen, this program lets you open new terminals, is like a TTY TTY1 emulated in real, and can open many. This allows you to start the two below files through ssh, and when you close the ssh session, which still continue binaries running on those created with TTY's virtual screen. aptitude install screen screen -S wow This has created a virtual TTY, named wow, and here we load the first file: cd /opt/mangos/bin ./realmd Now press CTRL + A + D, this will disconnect from the TTY, but the file is still running again run another tty, named world screen -S world And within this new TTY, run: cd /opt/mangos/bin ./mangosd Again press CTRL + A + D If we want to recover some of the TTY above, we: screen -r wow That we would load the first file executed TTY realmd to disconnect, you know: CTRL + A + D If you want to see all TTY's created: screen -ls Enjoy your new server
  5. it's UDB, not forum already!
  6. Yeah, right, is in English, but ... Where do I get a table "item_convert" full? the other errors I need some help, it is clear that missing data or values somewhere, but the problem is not where I have the source data to insert them by hand? where the sack? Thanks for the reply.
  7. Hello everyone. I would like to know how to fix these errors I have in my log: 2011-03-10 19:13:47 >> Loaded 0 Item converts . DB table `item_convert` is empty. 2011-03-10 19:13:47 Table `creature_model_info` has redundant modelid_other_gender model (11226) defined for model id 11226. 2011-03-10 19:13:47 Table `creature_model_info` has redundant modelid_other_gender model (15552) defined for model id 15552. 2011-03-10 19:13:47 Table `creature_model_info` has redundant modelid_other_gender model (20287) defined for model id 20287. 2011-03-10 19:13:47 Table `creature_model_info` has redundant modelid_other_gender model (22511) defined for model id 22511. 2011-03-10 19:13:47 Table `creature_model_info` has redundant modelid_other_gender model (22512) defined for model id 22512. 2011-03-10 19:13:50 Creature (GUID 112378) has unknown sheath state (252) defined in `creature_addon`. 2011-03-10 19:13:51 Spell (id: 33824) have SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE for quest 10162 , but quest does not have SpecialFlags QUEST_SPECIAL_FLAG_EXPLORATION_OR_EVENT (2) set. Quest SpecialFlags should be corrected to enable this objective. 2011-03-10 19:13:52 `game_event_quest` game event id (9) not exist in `game_event` 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 5523 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 5524 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 6712 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 7973 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 15874 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'item_loot_template' entry 24476 isn't item entry with ITEM_FLAG_LOOTABLE and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table 'milling_loot_template' entry 36902 isn't item entry (herb) and not referenced from loot, and then useless. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Creature (Entry: 3921) has gossip_menu_id = 3033 for nonexistent menu 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 2343 Id: 2) have action_menu_id = 11422 for nonexistent menu 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Gossip menu option (MenuId: 2343 Id: 3) have action_menu_id = 11422 for nonexistent menu 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 5602, id 0 has `npc_option_npcflag` = 1 but creatures using this menu does not have corresponding`npcflag`. Option will not accessible in game. 2011-03-10 19:13:53 Table gossip_menu_option for menu 10662, id 0 has `npc_option_npcflag` = 1048576 but creatures using this menu does not have corresponding`npcflag`. Option will not accessible in game. Thanks all
  8. Hello everyone. I have some doubt about database issues. Yesterday I managed to start my wow server in a linux virtual machine, patching the files one by one with SQLyog. All perl scripts to update found in the forum failed. My question is: If I make a backup of the tables mangos, realmd, characters and scriptdev2 mangolin and restored to a clean installation of handles zero would work?
  9. Hi all I am very happy to announce that after downloading a clean WoW client and patches to 3.3.5a 12340, ad.exe run at this moment I have my test server running! Many doubts haunt me, I see the quests in English, and I have my client in Spanish, objects are also in English how I can translate objects and quest to Spanish? "I can make legendary items to personnel through gm tools? What most concerns I have is how I can update everything to latest version, mangos, scriptdev2, udb, acid ... thank you all for your wonderful work
  10. how i can see my mango's version installed Version of MANGOS, not WoW.
  11. I'm trying to get a clean 3.3.5a 12340 client to run ad.exe, if that's fail, how i can see my mango's version installed, revisions etc please? EDIT : What guides do you recomment? tnx again
  12. i have only one ad.exe file, in this path /root/mangos/contrib/extractor/ad.exe EDIT : I have 11197 MANGO'S revision, but, who i can know what version of mangos i have (0.17, 0.16) how i can know what version of client i need to my version of mangos? why i dont have 1985 script2dev revision if i have done svn co [url]https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/[/url] src/bindings/ScriptDev2 tnx all
  13. for an anvice of Skirnir i create a new post of my problem: I have used this two documents to build mangos: http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_MaNGOS_On_Linux and http://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_M … bian_Lenny I have Debian Lenny 5.0.8 with cmake 2.8.4 and openssl from lenny backports 0.9.8o to prevent login problems. Basically i used this steps from my history: 4 aptitude install gcc g++ automake autoconf make cmake libmysqlclient15-dev libtool libssl-dev subversion patch zlib1g-dev libc6 git git-core pkg-config 9 git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git mangos 10 cd mangos/ 11 mkdir src/bindings/ScriptDev2 12 svn co [url]https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/[/url] src/bindings/ScriptDev2 13 git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-11167-ScriptDev2.patch 14 mkdir build 15 cd build/ 47 wget [url]http://download.dre.vanderbilt.edu/previous_versions/ACE-6.0.0.tar.gz[/url] 50 tar zxvf ACE-6.0.0.tar.gz 51 cd ACE_wrappers/ make build cd build ../configure make && make install 20 wget [url]http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz[/url] 21 tar xzf cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz 22 ./bootstrap make make install 62 /usr/local/bin/cmake -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos -DPCH=1 -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 .. 72 make -j 2 make install 84 cp etc/mangosd.conf.dist etc/mangosd.conf 85 cp etc/realmd.conf.dist etc/realmd.conf 89 aptitude install mysql-server 90 nano etc/mangosd.conf 91 nano etc/realmd.conf 92 cd ~ && mkdir udb && cd udb 93 svn co [url]https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb[/url] unifieddb 95 cd ~ && mkdir acid && cd acid 97 svn co [url]https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid[/url] sd2-acid 100 mysql -u root -pPASS < /root/mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql 102 mysql -u root -pPASS < /root/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql 104 mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /root/mangos/sql/mangos.sql 106 mysql -u mangos -pmangos characters < /root/mangos/sql/characters.sql 107 mysql -u mangos -pmangos realmd < /root/mangos/sql/realmd.sql 108 mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /root/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql 109 mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /root/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql 110 cd ~/udb/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB 111 unzip *.zip 114 mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ./*.sql 115 mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ~/acid/sd2-acid/trunk/wotlk/3.0.7/3.0.7_acid.sql 116 mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ~/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql 117 cd /root/mangos/sql/updates/ 118 nano updatescript.py 119 chmod +x updatescript.py 120 ./updatescript.py 121 mysql -u mangos -pmangos use realmd; UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'MYREALM' WHERE id = 1; UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'MYIP' WHERE id = 1; exit 122 cd /opt/mangos/bin/ 123 ls -lat 124 ./realmd 125 ./mangosd I extracted vmaps, maps and dbc from a 3.3.5 (12341) client. *** EDIT : esES client (Spanish) When i run realmd it prints : Database:;3306;mangos;mangos;realmd MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 Added realm "wowserver" seems ok, but when i run mangosd : MaNGOS/ (* * Revision 11197 - *) for Linux_x32 (little-endian) [world-daemon] <Ctrl-C> to stop. MM MM MM MM MMMMM MMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM MMMMM MM MMMM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM M MMM MM MMM MMMMMMM MM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMM MMMM MMMMM MM MMM [url]http://getmangos.eu[/url] MMMMMM Using configuration file /opt/mangos/etc/mangosd.conf. OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 (Library: OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010) Using ACE: 6.0.0 World Database:;3306;mangos;mangos;mangos, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SELECT required_11190_01_mangos_pool_gameobject_template FROM db_version LIMIT 1 Character Database:;3306;mangos;mangos;characters, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SELECT required_11117_02_characters_world FROM character_db_version LIMIT 1 Login Database:;3306;mangos;mangos;realmd, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [1 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.0.51a MySQL server ver: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [1 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SELECT required_10008_01_realmd_realmd_db_version FROM realmd_db_version LIMIT 1 Realm running as realm ID 1 [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE account SET active_realm_id = 0 WHERE active_realm_id = '1' [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE online<>0 [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE character_battleground_data SET instance_id = 0 [0 ms] SQL: SELECT version, creature_ai_version, cache_id FROM db_version LIMIT 1 Using World DB: UDB 0.12.1 (393) for MaNGOS 10545 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1833 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.7 - Full Release for Mangos (3.3.5a Client) [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET allowedSecurityLevel = '0' WHERE id = '1' Using DataDir /opt/mangos/bin/ WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1 WORLD: VMap data directory is: /opt/mangos/bin/vmaps Map file '/opt/mangos/bin/maps/0004331.map' is non-compatible version (outdated?). Please, create new using ad.exe program. Correct *.map files not found in path '/opt/mangos/bin/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in '/opt/mangos/bin/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file. I have runned ad.exe again without makevmaps_SIMPLE.exe again, copied files again to /opt/mangos/bin ; also declared DataDir variable to this directory in mangosd.conf, bur problem persist. I need some help please Tnx all
  14. Skimir, thanks for your response. I will try it in a virtual machine with Debian Lenny 5.08 32 bits. If i have a problem, i will open a new post in the forum. Thanks again. PD: Skimir, how can i do this? : Afterwards you need to download whatever database content (UDB, Trinity, etc.) this install is for 3.3.2 client, if i have 3.3.5 ¿what changes are needed? Thanks again Skimir.
  15. Ok, cmake now, but, what changes are neccesary now to install MangOS? We need another install step by step guide to install mangos at this time
  16. All ok for me, except the patching Phpmyadmin shows for db "characters" : required_10862_01_characters_mail If i do : mysql -p'PASS' characters < 10862_01_characters_mail.sql It returns : ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'required_10664_01_characters_arena_team_stats' in 'character_db_version' ok... if i do : mysql -p'PASS' characters < 10664_01_characters_arena_team_stats.sql then again : ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'required_10662_01_characters_item_loot' in 'character_db_version' and allways the same
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