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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. [zero]Skinning fix ? Hi all ! I've found something on mangos zero, it appear that it's impossible to skin creatures who aren't critters, so, after a little search i've found this in the source: [quote]case SPELL_EFFECT_SKINNING: { if (m_caster->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER || !m_targets.getUnitTarget() || m_targets.getUnitTarget()->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_UNIT) { return SPELL_FAILED_BAD_TARGETS; } if (!m_targets.getUnitTarget()->HasFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_SKINNABLE)) { return SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_UNSKINNABLE; } Creature* creature = (Creature*)m_targets.getUnitTarget(); if (creature->GetCreatureType() != CREATURE_TYPE_CRITTER && (!creature->lootForBody || creature->lootForSkin || !creature->loot.empty())) { return SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_NOT_LOOTED; } uint32 skill = creature->GetCreatureInfo()->GetRequiredLootSkill(); int32 skillValue = ((Player*)m_caster)->GetSkillValue(skill); int32 TargetLevel = m_targets.getUnitTarget()->getLevel(); int32 ReqValue = (skillValue < 100 ? (TargetLevel - 10) * 10 : TargetLevel * 5); if (ReqValue > skillValue) { return SPELL_FAILED_SKILL_NOT_HIGH_ENOUGH; } // chance for fail at orange skinning attempt if ((m_selfContainer && (*m_selfContainer) == this) && skillValue < sWorld.GetConfigMaxSkillValue() && (ReqValue < 0 ? 0 : ReqValue) > irand(skillValue - 25, skillValue + 37)) { return SPELL_FAILED_TRY_AGAIN; } break; }[/quote] That's in Spell.cpp, and i bet the error is here: [quote]Creature* creature = (Creature*)m_targets.getUnitTarget(); if (creature->GetCreatureType() != CREATURE_TYPE_CRITTER && (!creature->lootForBody || creature->lootForSkin || !creature->loot.empty())) { return SPELL_FAILED_TARGET_NOT_LOOTED; }[/quote] Because the player have always the message "you need to loot the mob before skin him" (don't know the exact error message in english but i hope u understand what i want to say) So, what's the correct value for this line ? Thx by advance
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