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Everything posted by kreegoth

  1. Version i posted that has additions to Xeross's works with 9764 tested and confirmed.
  2. Broken how? and using my files or just xeross's?
  3. well if that is true why does it work when i add them and not when they aren't there? I may have changed something else LOL but ill have to look it over later to make 100% sure as i did about 20-30 different compiles with different changes.. All i know at the moment with my files it worked.
  4. I simply re-added a few lines at the beginning of Auctionhouse.cpp For Ahbotseller and such and added the Bools to Auctionhouse.h Xeross.. before doing that i had no items in auctionhouse after doing it i did.. its very easy to check the additions just check above the configs for faction at the start of auctionhouse.cpp and above the initialize parts at the bottom of Auctionhouse.h Can anyone else who had no items in their Ahbot confirm that using these files fixed the problem?
  5. You take his. ALL mine is, is a filebeam upload of the auctionhouse.cpp and auctionhouse.h files. So use his as you normally would then just extract my fixes to the correct folder. If you already have Xeross's Repo just extract mine into the Src/Game/ Folder So it overwrites his files. Sorry im used to SVN and not git so im not sure how to create a patch atm... BTW Tested and confirmed working with a fresh compilation of mangos rev 9672
  6. Well I spent the last two days looking over the Ahbot files.. After around 20 or 30 botched compiles ( attempts.. lets call them attempts LOL) I have come up with this DOWNLOAD NOW! Try the following: git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git cd mangos git pull git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git ahbot Backup Xeross's Files for Auctionhouse.cpp and Auctionhouse.h (always back up:P) Then Extract Copy and paste my Auctionhouse.cpp and Auctionhouse.h files into the correct directory.(Game folder under Source) Compile and load. Worked for me.
  7. Mine is set for 5000 min 7000 max.. Left test server on overnight.. still no items. As i said it Seems correct.. I have logged the Character in and out.. Configs are correct.. Ive used a new char the old char everything.. So im not really sure What do you.. Try posting your configs you Sql data and all and i will go DIRECTLY from what your using Xeross see if that helps.
  8. My configs are set same as yours ( with the exception of using my own Account and GUID values) and I have no items whatsoever. Ive looked over the configs and the sql data and can see nothing wrong with it..
  9. I have the same problem as a few above. I compile fine and use the newer configs but when entering game nothing is found in auctionhouse? Any idea where i went wrong.
  10. The auctionhouse that i maintained ( I repeat i did not CREATE it i just updated when needed to, but not just patch wise ) It was done using initialiseSingleton though. This line where you could simply SET a playername in configs then. m_PlayerName = Config.MainConfig.GetStringDefault("Auctions", "PlayerName", "Ahbot"); <--- Vaue Ahbot is Set in configs. then when getting the char name to set an auction If there isnt a player found then the player is named as "Ahbot" when an auction is set up. if(!plr) plr = new Player(sAHBotMgr.m_PlayerName); ??
  11. I tried switching it from MinimalloadFromDb to LoadfromDB which is what mangos uses itself. it seemed to work fine except on compile it has problems on line 751 of Auctionhousebot.cpp where it calls _AHBplayer.LoadFromDB(NULL, AHBplayerGUID) The issue is it will not convert from what used to be expected as a Uint32 and is now a Queryholder *
  12. Looking into this issue atm seeing what I can accomplish hopefully ill have something to show for it within the hour. //EDIT// Sorry guys best I can come with as well is an Ahbot that doesnt give any errors on loading but crashes when items are inserted into the DB by it. Since thats no good then I guess the best I can come up with is nothing. I did however notice that when I got the Ahbot working the way it did if i looked into the Auctionhouse and did a search previous auctions that were present had nothing listed as the seller where as usually it would say "Ahbot" Makes me wonder if mangos itself is having trouble getting the Auctioneer's Data now. Will look into more options tomorrow afternoon.
  13. Well that would indicate that it is still looking for the Data value even though you corrected the value... perhaps there was an error?
  14. What warning are you getting? and sorry but what numbers did you switch?
  15. Forgive my stupidity but im tired LOL Anyone test what happens when you simply remove the data from the list in player.cpp such as this? { // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid, name, position_x, position_y, position_z, map, totaltime, leveltime, at_login, zone, level FROM characters WHERE guid = '%u'",guid); if (!result) return false; } I dont see the point in adding the other "new values" as it already doesnt load other values from the Database such as money and such on load. doesnt seem to be any real reason to add them unless it continues to have issues due to one not being present. If not ill test it tonight
  16. You missed a few lines while you were patching.. it seems likely that you did the patch manually. I would think its probably in one of the sections where those are listed that you forgot to add ones that are needed or something. recheck your patched files and im sure youll notice the mistake.
  17. Ha yeah .. Thanks for the heads up Vlad.. Was a complete f up on my part.. Thought i was on UDB forums for some reason when i posted that as i had both sites open.. feel free to delete these posts if you please.
  18. Look in the under review section for the Poi related stuff.
  19. 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 3685 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 3699 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 3879 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 3880 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 4945 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 4959 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 4960 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 4961 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5031 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5032 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5033 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5034 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5035 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5036 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5037 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5038 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5039 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5302 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5605 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 5606 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6446 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6637 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6638 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6639 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6640 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 6800 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7021 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7629 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7630 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7631 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7703 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7704 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7705 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7706 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7707 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7708 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7709 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7710 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7711 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7712 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7713 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7714 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7715 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7716 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7718 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 7719 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 8839 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9161 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9162 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9163 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9164 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9320 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9321 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 9322 for map 43 but map not have instance script 2010-03-23 18:51:07 ERROR:Achievement system call ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_REQUIRE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT (18) for achievement criteria 11491 for map 43 but map not have instance script Any ideas? They were all in Wailing Caverns. But I dont understand what went wrong or how to fix it.
  20. The PC i compile on is Winxp Vs2008 the server comp is Win Server 2003. Ahbot working perfectly. I actually maintained the auctionhousebot for quite some time on Arc before coming here but that doesnt help much with this one since its fairly different. The issue though is that looking at the commit that changed the Mail system i dont see it causing crashes at all.. since it really ONLY changes the .Str text used instead of other text.. if that was causing an issue you may see some really messed up letters and stuff in the mail but not much else.
  21. That wouldnt have anything to do with Mail being sent likely since you already said its a new DB so there shouldnt be any pending bought out auctions.. Have you already tried running JUST core and AHbot? Since its a new DB did you reset up Mangos config with the correct Guids and such for the AHBOT character? To mrelfire To be honest i dont know.. It seems a few are having problems but I and a few others seem to not be.... So i really am not sure.
  22. Wellqfk You will likely have to head over to the Playerbot threads to get that question answered as this is the auctionhousebot thread Also Demon WHEN is it crashing? when you load server, When you search for items? When you buy items? randomly?.
  23. I am not on linux. Im on windows 2003 server computer. Ahbot pulled Manual fix on config error. Ahbot working perfectly. Buying items selling items mail being sent.. no crashes no lagging no issues.. I dunno.. You should try using JUST core and Ahbot compiled and see if it still crashes for you before assuming its Ahbot
  24. My server was up almost 3 days with a average of 10-18 people playing on it. Almost everyone used the auctionhouse successfully when i asked if they had. So yeah im at a loss as well
  25. I dont understand what the issue is and yes i have read all of the posts here. I am using rev 9610 having cloned Origional Mangos and then pulled Naicisum's repo over it. It gives me Mangos.conf errors which i manually fix and then its working fine. I have no freeze issues and can buy items off the AH without a problem. I even had the AH buy items I put in there as well...
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