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Le Froid

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Everything posted by Le Froid

  1. Unfortunately I'm not experienced with the spell system so I could not create a fix for this bug. But anyhoo here's the report: Mangos Version: 0.12.1 (rev 1514) Custom Patches: None, or if any it wouldn't affect the spell system in any way. SD2 Version: s2438 Database Name and Version : TBC-DB 1.2.1 'Winter Veil Fun' for MaNGOS One s1434 How it SHOULD work: When you use this Demonology spec your pet should get a certain percentage of the mana you are draining from a NPC. It is something like 33%, 66%, and probably 99 or 100% (I cannot be certain about the last number) How it DOES work: The pet receives none of your mana even after using a talent point on this spec. This can be a pretty big hindrance to warlocks (like myself) as their pets will constantly be low on mana.
  2. I haven't looked through the code enough to offer a complete solution but I'll tell you how I'd approach the situation: What I would is edit World.h/World.cpp to add a config value(s) for the player's default speed(s). This should probably be under the enum eConfigUInt32Values section of World.h. Then copy some of the code from World.cpp (under LoadConfigSettings(bool reload)) on how to set up a config variable and modify it for your own, and then add the respective string to your config file. (ex: Player.Speed.Walk, Player.Speed.Run, Player.Speed.Swim) After that, I'm not sure where exactly, write something to modify the speed(s) according to your variables. For example something like this should work: and so on. I hope this helps
  3. Thank you for the input DaC, however for some reason my system gets compiler errors after applying that patch: I can edit the code to look like this: if (Pet* pet = GetPet()) if (this != attacker) pet->AttackedBy(attacker); however I don't understand why that specific patch won't work. Edit: After some testing with this patch it does appear to work.
  4. Here's a bug i discovered after updating to the latest mangos rev-- Mangos Version: 1467 Custom Patches: MMaps-One SD2 Version: 2388 Database Name and Version : TBC-DB 1.2.1 'Winter Veil Fun' How it SHOULD work: The spell 'Health Funnel' should simply channel the warlock's heath to his pet, and nothing else. How it DOES work: As of now, from what I've noticed your pet will attack you if you try this spell after exiting combat. Perhaps it thinks that you're attacking it? When I dismissed the pet and summoned a new one it wouldn't fight me back. Edit: I also just noticed after running away from a hostile NPC my pet would chase after me and attack me. So maybe in one of the latest revisions the pet/minion system got screwed up in some fashion? Final Edit: After doing some testing I have concluded that rev s1462 is to blame for this bug, after reverting the revision the pet system went back to normal for me.
  5. All that stuff is calculated server side, for example you can change the name of a zone in the MaNGOS dbc files, and when the client runs it will show the new zone instead of the local version
  6. LUA is one of the worst languages I've ever seen :\\ How it is popular I have no idea. If I get my python engine to fully work I'll release on these forums At least python is an acceptable scripting language.
  7. I might add the engine to an existing project but for now i want to work on this as a separate project so its easier to debug and develop (personally) Anyway I think I know how to load multiple scripting libraries to MaNGOS so I don't need any help for now
  8. Hello everyone, I am doing a few customizations to my MaNGOS core, and currently I am writing a plugin that will load Python scripts into the core instead of only using SD2. What I want to know is how can I change the core to load multiple plugins, because I am not writing the python stuff in the SD2 project. So far I just looked around the core a little and found #define MANGOS_SCRIPT_NAME "mangosscript" #define MANGOS_SCRIPT_SUFFIX ACE_DLL_SUFFIX #define MANGOS_SCRIPT_PREFIX ACE_DLL_PREFIX #define MANGOS_LOAD_LIBRARY(libname) ACE_OS::Dlopen(libname) #define MANGOS_CLOSE_LIBRARY(hlib) ACE_OS::Dlclose(hlib) #define MANGOS_GET_PROC_ADDR(hlib,name) ACE_OS::Dlsym(hlib,name) But I couldn't see it used anywhere in the script loader. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Edit: I think I found it, LoadScriptingModule() function just needs some modifications
  9. Heres an example script using the function Player::CompleteQuest(). I didnt test the script and don't expect it to work #define GOSSIP_COMPLETESOMEQUEST "Complete some quest" #define GOSSIP_COMPLETESOMEOTHERQUEST "Complete some other quest" #define QUEST1 quest_id #define QUEST2 quest_id bool GossipHello_quest_fixer(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature) { pPlayer->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, GOSSIP_COMPLETESOMEQUEST , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 1); pPlayer->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM(GOSSIP_ICON_CHAT, GOSSIP_COMPLETESOMEOTHERQUEST , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 2); pPlayer->SEND_GOSSIP_MENU(1, pCreature->GetGUID()); return true; } void SendDefaultMenu_quest_fixer(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, uint32 uiAction) { switch(uiAction) { case GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 1: pPlayer->CompleteQuest(QUEST_1); break; case GOSSIP_ACTION_INFO_DEF + 2: pPlayer->CompleteQuest(QUEST_2); break; } } bool GossipSelect_quest_fixer(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, uint32 uiSender, uint32 uiAction) { switch (uiSender) { case GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN: SendDefaultMenu_quest_fixer(pPlayer, pCreature, uiAction); break; } return true; } CreatureAI* GetAI_quest_fixer(Creature* pCreature) { return new creatureAI(pCreature); } void AddSC_quest_npc() { Script *newscript; newscript = new Script; newscript->Name = "quest_fixer"; newscript->pGossipHello = &GossipHello_quest_fixer; newscript->pGossipSelect = &GossipSelect_quest_fixer; newscript->GetAI = &GetAI_quest_fixer; newscript->RegisterSelf(); }
  10. WoW uses a SRP6 algorithm for logging on. If the other game uses the same process for logging on its something like this AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE: -client->server Command: Error: Packet Size: Game Name: Version 1: Version 2: Version 3: Build: Platform: Operating System: Country: Timezone Bias IP Address: SRP I Length: SRP I: AUTH_LOGON_CHALLENGE -server->client Command: Error SRP B: SRP g: (length) SRP g: SRP N: (length) SRP N: SRP s: AUTH_LOGON_PROOF -client->server Command: SRP A: SRP M1: CRC Hash: Number of keys: AUTH_LOGON_PROOF -server->client Command: Error: SRP M2: I believe the username is I and the password is in B SRP info is over here - http://srp.stanford.edu/design.html I don't know if theres any other public documentation about wow or starcraft though, you probably have to find out yourself Dark =(
  11. You should explain more what the patches are about instead of just how to apply them
  12. You're saying you are running it from another computer? Try copying the files onto your PC and running it from there
  13. What are you talking about?? If you want to learn c++ you will have to pick up a lot of books research a lot. If you mean you want documentation for MaNGOS I don't think there is any
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