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Posts posted by vladex

  1. the problem is that when i insert git commit -a in my git window(after doing the change in player.cpp and i did git add src/game/player.cpp) it shows me something like this:

    Merge brach 'master' of git://github.com/blueboy/mangos




    # It looks like you may be commiting a MERGE

    # If this is not correct, please remove the file


    # and try again.

    # Please enter the commit message for your change.

    and some other lines .. what the hell do i do now ?? ...

  2. ok so you can download the lastest mangos reversion

    here are some steps that might help you:

    1.Get git from http://git-scm.com/download if you have the windows version download it from the Win line

    2.After you install git make a directory somewere you want, for example i use : "mangos core" as my core directory

    3.After you create that directory right click on it and click GIT BASH here

    4.A console should open .After that you type this line there : "git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git" without the "

    5.ok you now have the lastest mangos version , but you still need to compile it so if you have c++ installed (wich you should) just go into the win/mangosdVC90.sln

    6.When you are in you should select Release on the solution configuration up in the toolbar

    7.you are done.. compiling the last reversion

    NOTE: you don't scriptdev2 installed

  3. hey, i was thinking at this :

    for example i set in the mangosd.conf file CharactersPerAccount = 50 and i log into my account create 40 characters(im on my account not on a other account) and i enter on one of the 40 characters i created on my account then ill do .bot add 39 times (40 - my char wich im logged on) so is that possible ?

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