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Posts posted by darkstalker

  1. IsNoStackSpellDueToSpell returns true when the spells DONT stack, false when they DO stack (default is true). You can add custom stacking rules there, just compare the spell prototypes spellInfo_1 and spellInfo_2 and return the apropiate value.

  2. there is a strange piece of code in IsNoStackSpellDueToSpell (SpellMgr.cpp) that seems to be the cause of this and other problems:

    if (spellInfo_1->SpellIconID == spellInfo_2->SpellIconID &&
           spellInfo_1->SpellIconID != 0 && spellInfo_2->SpellIconID != 0)
           bool isModifier = false;
           for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
               if (spellInfo_1->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == SPELL_AURA_ADD_FLAT_MODIFIER ||
                   spellInfo_1->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER  ||
                   spellInfo_2->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == SPELL_AURA_ADD_FLAT_MODIFIER ||
                   spellInfo_2->EffectApplyAuraName[i] == SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER )
                   isModifier = true;
           if (!isModifier)
               return true;

    what its supposed to do? using spellIconID in that way its wrong imho.

  3. So if we will be using A* runtime path finding we need to keep movemaps in memory, dont we?

    Keeping complete map pairs should be much bigger

    With A* you'll need to compute the entire paths before moving the agent, and recalculate everything when target moves/on collision (A* with local repair). Its slow and expensive on big problems.

    You can use realtime search algorithms like LRTA* and calculate paths on the fly with a low cost (but reduced solution quality). This needs storing the heuristic value for each node in the search space (the "memory" of the algorithm).

  4. from my research i've found that conflag is doing aprox 10% more dmg (removed all talents that would modify conflag damage), including emberstorm 5/5 it does 25% more damage (talent gives +15%). I dont know where the extra damage comes from. Tried addin a 0.9 factor to the dmg but still doesnt match

  5. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Elemental focus talent (clearcasting proc), removed incorrect procs from Healing wave and Lesser healing wave (not damage spells), added missing procs from Lava burst and Thunderstorm

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    DELETE from spell_proc_event WHERE entry = 16164;
    INSERT INTO spell_proc_event () VALUES
    (16164, 0, 11, 2416967683, 12288, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0);

  6. This adds the fire damage on melee hit for Flametongue Weapon (all ranks). This is the first time i attempt to fix something in mangos, i hope its correct.

    * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Implements the Flametongue Weapon proc

    * For which repository revision was the patch created?


    * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    didnt fount one

    * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    index 83e1a43..63e15f6 100644
    --- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    @@ -6039,6 +6039,13 @@ bool Unit::HandleDummyAuraProc(Unit *pVictim, uint32 damage, Aura* triggeredByAu
                    return false;
    +            // Flametongue Weapon proc
    +            if (dummySpell->SpellFamilyFlags & UI64LIT(0x0000000000200000))
    +            {
    +                triggered_spell_id = 10444;
    +                basepoints0 = GetAttackTime(BASE_ATTACK) * (dummySpell->EffectBasePoints[0]+1) / 100000;
    +                break;
    +            }

    SQL patch:

    DELETE FROM `spell_bonus_data` WHERE `entry` IN (8026, 10444);
    INSERT INTO `spell_bonus_data` VALUES
    (10444, 0.1, 0, 0, "Shaman - Flametongue Weapon Proc");

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