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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. so SPELL_ATTR_EX7_UNK28 related to buff stacking? about the patch.. don't think that modifying each aura basepoints is a good idea, could cause asymmetric apply/remove, and aura value is lost in the process. Maybe better to calculate max value at apply/remove modifier. Personally i think everything that adds a distinct buff icon should stack.. this is one of those stupid restrictions that blizz adds to the game.
  2. looks like a C implemetation of what would be std::deque<bool> in C++
  3. libmpq is not strictly part of mangos source, just a dependency
  4. thats the problem then, must be set as positive buff
  5. vmaps only provide WMO afaik (static map models), terrain height is handled by map code (not used as LoS source currently), gameobject LoS still not implemented, its needed for things like Sindragosa ice tombs and, in this case, blink to prevent going through closed doors
  6. i think dps is mangos is lower, cause of bugged spells/talents and wrong crit dmg calcualtion (will post patch later)
  7. cause the damage penalty wasn't implemented before
  8. you can't have proper working blink without LoS/height by gameobjects
  9. its because Titan's Grip reduces damage done by 10% when dualwielding 2H, not a bug.
  10. http://www.wowwiki.com/Armor_penetration http://www.zalambar.com/warcraft_calculator/armor_penetration in resume, that 100% isn't all your armor, its a value that depends on target level and armor
  11. you could at least tell us the original problem in the first place
  12. need Laise to rewrite if from scratch ^^
  13. something like this? static uint32 const Quests[] = { 11111, // quest 1 22222, // quest 2 33333, // quest 3 44444 // quest 4 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Quests)/sizeof(uint32) ; ++i) { if (pPlayer->GetQuestStatus(Quests[i]) == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) { // do stuff } }
  14. if you're so enthusiast to play the new expansion then play in the official servers..
  15. And how is Mangos related to blizz? Every thing in Mangos is custom.. nothing is from blizzard. And I don't see why this would be a problem.. you could have an option that turns it OFF and ON.. so if you don't like it.. you can just give it a "0" value in the mangos config.. You're twisting the logic. MaNGOS is meant to be an open-source implementation of a blizz-like WoW compatible server, and the main priority is implementing blizz-like features (we're not near being complete in that aspect). By custom in this case i mean by things unexistant on official servers. People wants stuff like this pushed into master just to save themselves the hassle of patching, testing, maintaining, merge conflicts, etc.
  16. Not to be mean, but isn't really a good idea to mess with patches if you don't know what you're doing. Learn to code first, or you won't be able to fix problems that arise from using experimental features.
  17. Its a totally custom feature, not related to any blizz stuff or implementing missing functionality, so i don't think this will ever get into the master repo.
  18. void Player::Say(const std::string& text, const uint32 language) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 100); std::string str; if(isDonator()) str += "[Donator] "; str += text; BuildPlayerChat(&data, CHAT_MSG_SAY, str, language); SendMessageToSetInRange(&data,sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_LISTEN_RANGE_SAY),true); } offtopic: personally i would find annoying if all my chat messages contained "Donator" or stuff like that
  19. if the original patch has correct opcode filling then its a good start point for developing a new version for mangos
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