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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. its caused by unknown pets, you can "fix" it ingame by doing /reload and /script CombatLogClearEntries(), that way you get the unknown pets name and combat log continues working
  2. the cooldown doesn't work unless you cast as non-triggered, but doing that you interrupt your current casted spell..
  3. flag being reset probably means that no one is saving it to DB
  4. maybe "args" is null or outside array after ExtractLiteralArg call
  5. didn't know about that virtual items for displaying honor/arena currency
  6. probably aura not being removed on unshift
  7. name convention used in unix systems for service processes that run in background
  8. it should be percent from caster's spell damage, not percent of damage done. and maybe for cases like this we should start parsing description text.
  9. maybe that info is stored in some spell.dbc entry?
  10. what about using std::tr1::array?
  11. make -jN where N is the number of cores you have
  12. compiling outside windows doesn't use precompiled headers, so there is a speed loss
  13. darkstalker

    Mangos Coding

    i wonder why nobody did this on code: if (Player* pCaster = dynamic_cast<Player*>(pUnit)) .. use C++ RTTI instead of custom type field?
  14. In spanish: 1 - Inicio 2 - Acerca de 3 - Contacto 4 - Mi Cuenta 5 - Ayuda 6 - Iniciar Sesión 7 - Cerrar Sesión 8 - Registrarse 9 - Hola 10 - Adiós 11 - Gracias 12 - Has estado conectado 13 - Has estado desconectado 14 - Datos no válidos 15 - Su cuenta ha sido actualizada 16 - Su cuenta ha sido suspendida 17 - Ocurrió un error procesando su solicitud
  15. spells listed there have only the healing reduction part
  16. i think it should be a separate command
  17. i prefer to generate a sql than force-adding all the files
  18. from what i know, it must include a 10% absorb shield reduction too (added as hotfix), maybe its another additional spell?
  19. This is a perl script that creates a combined file a for all updates between the specified interval (one for each db), so you don't have to apply them one by one: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $desc = "Generates a combined SQL file with all MaNGOS updates between specified revisions."; my $usage = "Usage: $0 <first_rev> <last_rev>"; die "$desc\\n\\n$usage\\n" if $#ARGV != 1; my $first_rev = int($ARGV[0]); my $last_rev = int($ARGV[1]); die "error: Invalid parameters.\\n\\n$usage\\n" if $first_rev == 0 || $last_rev == 0; sub generate { my ($filename, @file_list) = @_; print "generating $filename\\n"; open(FOUT, ">$filename"); foreach my $srcfile (@file_list) { if ($srcfile =~ m/^(\\d+)/) { if ($1 >= $first_rev && $1 <= $last_rev) { print "-- adding $srcfile\\n"; open(FIN, "<$srcfile"); print FOUT "-- [ $srcfile ] --\\n"; print FOUT <FIN>; close(FIN); print FOUT "\\n"; } } } close(FOUT); print "\\n"; } my $rev_interval = "$first_rev-$last_rev"; &generate("mangos_WORLD_$rev_interval.sql", glob "*_mangos_*.sql"); &generate("mangos_CHAR_$rev_interval.sql", glob "*_characters_*.sql"); &generate("mangos_REALM_$rev_interval.sql", glob "*_realmd_*.sql");
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