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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. i have this since months, but added it manually. It seems fine, but some white tauren skins are giving black cat/bear, besides that all fine
  2. you need to "set active" them from instance script to make it work properly, don't remember exact function name
  3. the problem there is that previous spell casted consumes 1 rage, so the result of "m_caster->GetPower(POWER_RAGE)-rage" is negative
  4. collect Recount data and compare with DrDamage values
  5. i think the prototype is void instance_class::Update(uint32 const uidiff);
  6. sometimes i've missed savage roar and primal fury procs, maybe its related
  7. that will just cause overflow, and i don't think such architecture exists. correct way of doing this would be add aditional checks to the ".levelup" command and any other source of lvling
  8. do a ".se in" command in the server and will tell you what scripting library you using
  9. looks like you scan for the first resistance aura, then compare it with current value. Shouldn't it calculate the max value of all auras instead? maybe something like:GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier (duno if exact name, don't have sources at hand). Besides that the remove process could be assimetric (and leave you with rong resistance value)
  10. maybe depends on the amount of damage
  11. that disconnected member moving problem has been since forever raid ui problem started since 3.3.0 , it should be client/server packet mismatch
  12. i you look at wowhead some items have "this item changes into XX if you switch to faction YY", so i guess they do all the necessary changes. For that would be needed an extra db/dbc table that links alliance/horde version of items, reputations, quests and all of that.
  13. works fine for me, maybe your custom mod problem?
  14. I just applied previous patch manually, and tested on live server (i'm feral player myself so i know it works). Maybe related to this would be an implementation of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=51662, since it depends on aurastate bleed.
  15. better put 0 there to make PvP more fun ^^ </offtopic> combat rating changes should come with dbc, no changes needed.
  16. you could try to be more objective
  17. "int32 spell_id, Unit* target, Unit* caster," parameters are redundant since you're on Aura context and maybe there is a set of spells with different ranges that stack with each other
  18. combat rating values come from DBC afaik, no need to change anything
  19. if you really like Lua go write a mangos admin addon, everyone will /hug you.
  20. if you change something in a header (.h) file it will trigger recompilation of all the source files that depend on it if you change a .cpp file only that will be recompiled if you wan't to reduce compile times from recompiling i suggest using ccache
  21. darkstalker


    there is nothing wrong with farming your own opposite faction alts afaik, the dfference is that in retail you have to pay for 2 accounts to do it
  22. seems that retail is full of hacks, or we just not reading enough dbc data
  23. darkstalker


    someone else said in another topic that honor diminishing returns got removed by blizz some patches ago
  24. dalaran buffs are just cosmetic version, they don't stack
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