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Posts posted by Xfurry

  1. I managed to make this patch partially work.

    You can see the updated version here: https://github.com/xfurry/Mangos/commit/c140b3356270808c6d4ccad4f7d14ded5be0fcfa

    I haven't test this 100% but I know there are some issues:


    Gameobjects - flags don't have artkit;

    Eastern Plaguelands:

    The towers can't be captured; the whole script needs to be refactored;


    Working fine;

    Hellfire Peninsula:

    The towers are working fine, but the world states need some tunnings;


    The towers are working fine; the flag-carrier npc doesn't have gossip (DB issue); world states also need tunnings;

    Terrokar Forest:

    The towers are workign fine, but the world states need some tunnings;

    Nargrand - Halaa:

    Basic functionality - needs more research and refactoring;

    Grizzly Hills - Venture Bay:

    Basic functionality - needs more research and refactoring;

  2. I've tried to merge the latest patch version with the latest Mangos, but I have some compile problems related to ObjectGUID and Grid searchers.

    More exactly, related to this:

    GameObject * flag = ObjectAccessor::GetGameObjectInWorld(m_capturePointGUID);
    GameObject * flag2 = ObjectAccessor::GetGameObjectInWorld(m_Objects[EP_EWT_FLAGS]);
    GameObject * flag = ObjectAccessor::GetGameObjectInWorld(m_capturePointGUID);
    GameObject * flag2 = ObjectAccessor::GetGameObjectInWorld(m_Objects[m_TowerType]);
    GameObject * flag = ObjectAccessor::GetGameObjectInWorld(m_capturePointGUID);
    cell.Visit(p, world_unit_searcher, *m_capturePoint->GetMap());
    cell.Visit(p, grid_unit_searcher, *m_capturePoint->GetMap());
    cell.data.Part.reserved = ALL_DISTRICT;
    m_Creatures[type] = MAKE_NEW_GUID(guid, entry, HIGHGUID_UNIT);

    Maybe some of you can help with this.

    Anyway I'll try to fix those tonight.

  3. I'm the only one with the problem that using  mirror image while in raid will make everyone appear with the caster name?

    No. Actually this may happen even if you are not in a raid. I tried to go in SW and cast Mirror Image (without the patch applied) and everybody near me appeared with my name for as long the spell lasted.

  4. Who cares about your public server? :)

    Let the devs do the job, you're using a development branch. Devs don't have to permanently fix crashes, they do want they want...you should be constantly thanking them for gaving you the tools to create a public server.

    1. Why would anyone bother developing such a large project as Mangos, if there were no public servers. That's why we keep public servers running, and develop patches ourselfes, which we submit to Mangos for revision. My respect for Mangos dev, but they are not the only ones who keep this project alive. There are a lot of users which provide usefull patches for Mangos.

    2. Why wouldn't a developer want to fix a crash? What is the point in developing an application which does great things but crashes each 5 min?

    3. The main purpose of a development branch is to provide developers feedback about the known bugs and crashes. If nobody cares about some crashes reported by many users 2 MONTHS AGO then how are they going to release a new stable version in the future?

    I don't say it's easy to fix it, but somebody or better said "all of us", must fix this.

  5. hmm..where it can be modified..its not like SetAuraDuration or SendAuraUpdate are messing with map =\\

    So, is there any fix for this?

    I think we are all waiting for 2 months to get this crash fixed.

    The main problem is that, this crash only occurs often when there are more than 100 players online.

    For example if we have about 50 players online, the server will stay online for about 30-60 min without any crash, but if we have 500-700 players online the server will crash in about 10 secs.

    And this is not because of a certain spell or test scenario. I think this may be related to some AuraHolder arrays whice become very unstable on a high number of auras / players.

    The_Game_Master, Unloading and others provided a lot of crash logs. Aren't these enough to fix it?

    In my opinion, fixing this crash should have the highest priority, before doing any other commit or spell fix!!!

  6. did you think that can be a variable in mangosd.conf that exclude some instance from the dungeon finder, at random and specific mode? why? well we all know that some instance like oculus isnt working, or others like HoR, that we can maybe could get under dev status and at some moment cant be playable so we can exclude them from the system.

    srry my eng, hope you get my point.

    Well, one solution would be to script all the instances yourself, like I did. :)

    Then you won't need to exclude any of them.

  7. Ok, I know this is very complicated, but I was trying to say something else which is more simple.

    I was trying to say that this spell : spell 69146 which actually is the damage spell doesn't work as it should.

    I tried to test this in two ways:

    1. I tested this with a Gm char using the .cast 69146 command. The spell placed an aura of blue fire on me which damaged any mob in a range of 2-3 yards for 6k damage. This is absolutelly corrent, and this is how the spell should work. But then I tested the same spell inside the script.

    2. I tested this inside the script. I made Marrowgar summon a line of cold flame npcs from him to a random target, which was my character. And I made that Cold flame npc: npc 36672 to cast that spell on self, so it can damage me. And surprise, the spell didn't work, instead of damaging me, it did nothing, and the combat log showed something like a cold flame buff was added to me and then removed. Note: the npc was hostile to me and rooted into place.

    So my conclusion is that if I cast that spell and I can damage some hostile npcs with it, the same way a hostile npc should damage me with that spell. But unfortunately this doesn't happen, and this is in fact the bug which I am pointing to. :)

  8. Mangos Version: latest (rev. 10408);

    No custom core patches;

    SD2 version: latest (rev. 1804);

    Some custom SD2 patches related to Icecrown Citadel script.

    Database: YTDB latest (rev. 339);

    How should it work: It should place a patch of blue fire on the ground and deal 6-11k dmg / sec

    How does it work: It places the blue patch of fire on the ground, but it doesn't deal damage. On the combat log it appears as a positive buff, instead of a negative effect.


    Coldflame trigger spell

    Coldflame damage spell

    Note: this aura works similar to Legion Flame which works fine.

    Any ideea how this can be fixed? It's mandatory for the first encounter in Icecrown Citadel

  9. Confirmed. This happens mostly if you are not in a raid group, or you have been kicked from the group while you are still inside the dungeon.

    There is also another issue about raid difficulties.

    In some certain raid dungeons, like Icecrown Citadel, players should be able to change the difficulty dynamic, while they are on the same session.


    A group of 10 players make raid in normal mode ICC. One player from the group has already killed the Lich King on normal mode and has the King Slayer achiev. While inside the dungeon that player can switch difficuly to heroic mode for a certain encounter and then switch back to normal mode. This happens in the same raid lock.

    More example:

    A group enters ICC on 10 normal mode and have a player with King Slayer achiev inside the group. They kill Marrowgar and Deathwhisper. Before they start the Gunship battle they decide to do this on heroic. So the raid leader passes the lead to the player with King Slayer achiev, so he can set the raid to heroic mode. They do the Gunship battle on heroic and after that they switch back to normal mode for Deathbringer Saurfang.

    I hope this makes sense. :)

    Note: this information is tested on Blizz.

  10. I can accept that, but, for the sake of clarity and speeding up development, why is it "...not good enough,needs more work..."?

    Learning minds want to know! :)

    As I said before, this patch works fine.

    The only problem, (which actually isn't a problem), may be that loot rules are applied to both corpses and boxes. That's why some segments of this patch must be written just once for both corpses and boxes somewhere in Object.cpp to avoid redundancy.

  11. I was not refering to whole ToC, but rather the Faction Champions Encounter:

    "Players encounter members of the opposite faction in PvP Arena-styled combat."

    I have not yet started to really think about it, but there are this two block of information:


    http://www.scriptdev2.com/info-faction-champions-t4867.html (a few internals)

    So, my very point is, that there is (nearly) no chance at all to get the AI 100% like on retail, but I think it should be possible to get a good AI ;)

    And I see that "your" playerBot system uses some sort of AI, and hence I thought it _might_ help to use some of your experience to script this encounter.

    I have seen on Insider's github some scripts for the Faction Champions AI. I am using a slightly improved version of this, on my server and it works pretty fine. :)

  12. However most of vehicle-bosses can be 'entered' by players or creatures. For example, when Archavon grips player in hand player 'enters' boss-vehicle. Look at spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=58672. First effect forces player to enter vehicle.

    Seats differentiate by primary (rider) and secondary. Some vehicles have no rider seat and thus cannot be controlled. Some have no seats at all (like Saurfang). But if you look at sniff you can figure out that he is vehicle :)

    I understand now. Thanks for pointing this out. :)

    I have worked on the Ulduar scripts, but because my main core doesn't support vehicles yet, I haven't bothered too much with this things.

    However there is another thing which I didn't actually understand, or I'm not sure if it's implemented correctly. I have done some reviews of Wojta's patch for vehicles, and I've seen that he has implemented vehicles as some kind of pets. This means that ingame a player which is inside a vehicle looks like this: "Demolisher Character's pet", and some of the vehicles' behavior is similar to the pets' behavior. I don't really think this is correct, maybe there should be another way in which the vehicles can be handled by the core.

  13. It's totally wrong. Flame Leviathan, Kologarn, Archavon, Ignis and Deathbringer Saurfang are vehicles too and they can attack and have threat list.

    I think you should include Mimiron & his robots, Krick & Ick and Tyrannus & Rimefang here. But I don't think they are actually vehicles. They may be just simple npcs with vehicle seats attached on them.

    By vehicle I understand an npc which a player can use, move, casts spells and have their own health and energy. Neither of the bosses above can be used by players in this purpose.

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