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Posts posted by Xfurry

  1. hmm does master loot work to chests with this? I ve tried to make my own version(i did not know about this patch), but I think that client ignore SMSG_LOOT_MASTER_LIST for chests...(on blizz servers theres only FFA and group loot for chests, http://www.wowwiki.com/Loot + one player told me that).

    There are 2 types of loot chests:

    1. World loot chests which are placed on the main map and contain only normal items (escpecialy food and potions). These type of chests use only free for all and group loot.

    2 Instance loot chests which are spawned inside the instances when a special event, which involves something else than killing a boss, is done. These chests contain superior or epic items and use the same rules as any instance boss: Group loot, Master loot, Need before greed, Round robin, free for all.

    This info is checked from blizz players which are raiding Ulduar weekely.

    The database content provider must make sure they have proper data in the _template, this is not something Mangos should do.

    I agree, but it seems that YTDB didn't bother with this, because the loot rules for chests (I'm refering only to dungeon chest which I've described above) were not implemented officially in Mangos. That is why I've made this bug report.

    Maybe you will take a look on that patch, and implemented in the revision if everything is in ok.

  2. Many thanks. It really works. :D

    I have completed the patch.

    Mangos loot chests fix

    Also don't forget to update the gameobject template like this:

    update `gameobject_template` set `data15` = 1 where `entry` in ( -- chest ids here -- );

    I strongly recommend this to be implemented in revision. It would solve a lot of problems with the loot in Ulduar and some other dungeons.

  3. Fixed in [11878]

    I think this bug is old but I've noticed that nobody actually reported this. I have tested this both on my server's custom core and on a clean mangos core without sd2 and the results are the same, so I believe it's a general Mangos bug.

    The bug is about looting the loot chests while in a group.This bug can be exploited and players can fill their pockets with tons of items and emblems in just a few min. I will explain how it happens.

    Mangos Version: MaNGOS/0.16.0-DEV (* * Revision 9611 - *) for Win32 (little-endian)

    Custom Patches: no custom patches

    SD2 Version: no sd2

    Database Name and Version : YTDB_0.10.9_R533_MaNGOS_R9311_SD2_R1565_ACID_R302_RuDB_R34.9

    How it SHOULD work: If you are in a party group or raid group, if someone loots a chest with green, blue, violet or orange items the group loot interface should be displayed and you should be able to choose need or greed. Or if the group is using master loot then the master looter should be able to choose from a drop down menu a player from a list, to which he should give the item.

    How it DOES work: There are 2 major bugs and exploits:

    1. While in a group which uses group loot, master loot or other types of loot, the loot award system doesn't work for loot chests. So the items can be stolen from the chest by anyone. This is the minor bug.

    2. The major bug is that the loot chest can be farmed infinitely. I will explain how is this done. While in a group one of the members loots the chest pressing "shift + right click" and he takes the emblem and some items. Then comes the second group member which loots the chest using the same keys (shift + right click) and takes the emblem and some of the remaining items. The other group members use the same pattern. Only two players are requiered in order to exploit this bug. After the second group member has looted the chest, the first group member can loot the chest again using the same keys and taking the same items (because the items are respawned or the chest isn't deleted). And this can happen over and over again, until they get borred.

    For a better understanding I will post an exploit screen from my server:

    Image link

    I've searched on many git hubs and even on trinity core in order to find a fix for this major exploit, but I haven't found anything. I've even tryed to implement some custom fixed, but those didn't work either.

    Maybe some of you will take a look at this problem and find a solution. Loot chests are important because many encounters from Northrend and escpecially Ulduar use this type of loot.

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