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Everything posted by Schmoozerd

  1. rather clear to me: (wowwiki) "If mana is reduced to zero by the debuff, the debuff is removed and the target does 10,213 to 11,287 shadow damage to himself and all nearby allies. Resistible but not Dispellable. "
  2. Move this thread to rejected, because alternate (though based on this) version added. Thank you
  3. Reject this old version. The consume spells for trollgore are implemented already
  4. actually i disagree - VC100 might not be as stable as VC90, but all in all the VC studios are really neat IDEs I wouldn't want to miss them
  5. minimal players for battlegrounds are done in database and not config. -- SELECT * FROM battleground_template; -- Alterac UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=40,MaxPlayersPerTeam=40 WHERE id=1; -- was 40 -- patch UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=30 WHERE id=1; -- was 40 -- WS UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=10,MaxPlayersPerTeam=10 WHERE id=2; -- was 10 -- patch UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=3,MaxPlayersPerTeam=7 WHERE id=2; -- was 10 -- Arathi UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=15 WHERE id=3; -- was 15 -- patch UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=7,MaxPlayersPerTeam=12 WHERE id=3; -- was 15 -- Eots UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=15,MaxPlayersPerTeam=15 WHERE id=7; -- was 15 -- patch UPDATE battleground_template SET MinPlayersPerTeam=7,MaxPlayersPerTeam=12 WHERE id=7; -- was 15
  6. Is this sill required? CONDITION_HAS_TITLE, title_id, optionally with 0==HasTitle, 1==NotHasTitle I know of such case, but I might miss some use here.
  7. In [11889]. Thank you; No idea why this nice patch got lost in the years
  8. Not entirely sure if this is correct: 1) Stunning/ Rooting while they are netted missing? 2) what happens when the net wears off, do they return to their normal position (hight)?
  9. "ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION" is rather unlikely to be caused by mangos(zero) code. More likely some unlucky compile setting I have in memory that there problems related to SSE or SSE2 with this, maybe search forum for ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION
  10. Tiny observation: I usually compile on 64bit debug mode ( VC100) So I switched to the mmaps_rewrite branch, and get this error LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '\\dep\\lib\\Win32_Debug\\Detour.lib' With 32bit release compile was alright
  11. no, a mistake I made in commit https://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/243a22134587b972a5f9ae4d7c4bcc5e760261b2 pretty sure I have found the bugger, just want to make sure with a test -- Edit Fixed in [11884]. Thank you for pointing
  12. A little bump on this; Maybe ask UncleNuke if he would like to become moderator here - probably you all know that he is always very friendly in his posts and helps to the best of his abilities
  13. dunno - they started to increase I think in december, most likely a new bot software that can handle the registration here, so most likely it won't get better until luda increases the obstacles for registration Really annoying, but we cannot do more than bann&delete
  14. how would normal chests (or veins) work on retail? is there a delay from when the first user looks into it, until the next user can mine/loot? or is it the last looter/ miner get's the stuff inside?
  15. hm, this might be bad news, thank you for the report!
  16. Related to your changes in SelectHostileTarget I think it might be a good idea to move the "GetMotionMaster()->operator->()->IsReachable())" check into Unit::IsSecondaryChoiceTarget added in commit 51d2766d57ad
  17. First thing I noted: IN src/game/MoveMap.cpp + // ######################## MMapFactory ######################## + // our global singelton copy + MMapManager *g_MMapManager = NULL; Why not use the default mangos way with Singleton?
  18. I reject this, because I think it is the wrong way; Basicly we define how the temp-summon types should behave, and in my view the most reasonable would be to change them so that the respawnDelay is increased to a value bigger than the time given as last argument in most summon-type cases. Would feel more reasonable to me, as example: TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN 300s I would expect that the corpse will be visible for 300s (before despawn and unsummon)
  19. Hmm, I crashed on this some time ago as well. But didn't have time to do the research you say you did; So probably this patch is well and should be implemented. A few minor issues might remain, no time just now to think about the problem if to add m_caster or not to the target-map. But to bump this topic that it won't get lost
  20. hm, nice catch. Not entirely sure about the proper solution to unlearn the triggered (and their triggered) spells For sake of recursivity I have the feeling that both Player::removeSpell and Pet::removeSpell are better places for this, but I am not familar with player spells at all. and removeSpell is called in many places. But as suggestion
  21. [11879]+epsilon. Thank you Thanks to evilatwow for research and Grz3s & porkrinds for testing.
  22. Might be nice to finally implement these spells.. I am not sure about many details in this code area, hence this rewrite of the patch might be rather bad. Any input is very welcome! diff --git a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp index f354cff..ad03a17 100644 --- a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp +++ b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp @@ -7420,7 +7420,7 @@ void Aura::PeriodicTick() float gain_multiplier = 0; - if(pCaster->GetMaxPower(power) > 0) + if (pCaster->GetMaxPower(power) > 0) { gain_multiplier = spellProto->EffectMultipleValue[GetEffIndex()]; @@ -7442,6 +7442,25 @@ void Aura::PeriodicTick() target->AddThreat(pCaster, float(gain) * 0.5f, pInfo.critical, GetSpellSchoolMask(spellProto), spellProto); } + + // TODO - Other place for this? send-log, do drain? + // All power drained, some spells can trigger an additional spell + if (target->GetPower(power) == 0) + { + switch (GetId()) + { + case 32960: // Mark of Kazzak + { + if (target && target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && target->getPowerType() == POWER_MANA) + target->CastSpell(target, 32961, true, NULL, this); + + // TODO - how? + target->RemoveAura(this); + break; + } + } + } + break; } case SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE:
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