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Posts posted by antiroot

  1. Bumping and giving an update

    I've been using my proposed patch for 8 months, and haven't experienced any issues with it.

    I have a GM account that is "XP Locked" and is able to login/logout without loosing the flag.

    Would love to not have to manually/remember to patch it every time I do a fresh clone

    To clarify why some users loose the flag after relogin:

    If PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED is not added to the old_safe_flags variable then


    SetUInt32Value(PLAYER_FLAGS, 0 | old_safe_flags);

    Those 2 lines unset the flag for GMs


  2. Amazing, last time I had tried mmaps it wouldn't compile for me, but all is working well.

    Only thing I noticed is that it does not appear to log when the mmaps folder is not found when starting the server, not a big issue but did cause me some headache since i don't actually store my data files in the same location as mangos and i use symlinks so i don't need duplicate copies of data files for mangos backups/alternate versions (felt pretty silly once i remembered i forgot to symlink the mmaps folder)

  3. I'm not able to compile again, I've not actually read all the code in the world_pvp repo so the errors it's reporting are over my head.. sorry I can't be more helpful, I plan to digest the source this weekend to learn how it's all working

    http://pastebin.com/mX1wu31m - Build Errors

    Compile builds fine with clean mangos, mangos+SD2, but fails with mangos+SD2+world_pvp, again using FreeBSD

    CXX compiler: c++ (GCC) 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]

  4. Compiling fails under freebsd when processing GameObject.h, didn't save the exact error, but at line 270 PlayersSet m_capturePlayers[bG_TEAMS_COUNT];

    BG_TEAMS_COUNT is not defined, just a missing include? possibly BattleGround.h since that constant is defined there

    (based on my memory) I think the file that failed to compile was Camera.cpp which includes GridNotifiers.h which includes GameObject.h but because BG_TEAMS_COUNT is not defined in any of the includes it failed

    I can get the full error log later tonight if needed

  5. I think the code for MaxBuyablePrice and other related checks need to be reviewed in this case. I also think if an item doesn't have Buyprice or Sellprice (depending on config) set in db then AHBot should ignore attempting to buy those items.

    lets assume itemA is 3000 and we sell 1

    BasePrice *= item->GetCount(); // == 3000

    MaxBuyablePrice = ( BasePrice * config.BuyerPriceRatio )/100; // 6000 if(config.BuyerPriceRatio==200)

    MaxBidablePrice = MaxBuyablePrice - ( MaxBuyablePrice / 30); // 5800

    so AHbot should not buyout this item if its more than 6000 (0g60s00c) and should not bid over 5800 (0g58s00c).

    I've seen players put low level white items up for thousands and ahbot still buys it so I think these area do require some investigation. This is just an assumption and i haven't looked into it enough to know for sure, but i'll do a little more research when i have time

    also if itemA stacks for 20, ahbot should not buy it over 120000 (12g00s00c) or bid over 116000 (11g60s00c) based on the math above which is from the ahbot source

  6. I think the goal is to have an official-like core or the mechanics that make it function. as for the content, since that is copyrighted it is not part of the goal. besides mangos is a mmorpg server that is *compatible* with wow clients that does not specifically mean it has to be a wow like server.

    this is just my opinion on the topic though, and others may feel differently

  7. Oh well, it does however put an awful lot of the same items on though..

    that's an interesting idea. I'll see what i can do about making a patch that allows you to limit the max number of duplicate items. maybe make it based on the quality so purples don't have any duplicates, but whites might have upto say 10 duplicates.. customizable of course so you can decide what you want to have duplicates and what not to have

  8. but if receiving servers already think emails from mangos are spam and alot of servers are filtering them, then it is too late to implement an email authorization setting.

    Correct me if i'm wrong but the official fluxbb way is to send an email to the user with an "activation" link, if their server thinks mangos is blacklisted and drops the mail then the user can never fully register

    EDIT: based on lillecarl's reply below, the same still applies, since they won't be able to receive a password upon registering if the server rejects the email

  9. having email accounts and pop3 have little to do with sending email from a server. There are other reasons that could cause the email to be marked as spam, incorrect or contradicting headers. Some servers check SPF records. some servers do a reverse dns lookup on the IP and check if it is prefixed with numbers (they use this as a way to "guess" if the host is a dynamic ip host, common source of spam, this method sometimes results in false positives). or sometimes its just user error where they accidentally marked an email as spam once and the server remembers that action for emails from the same sender. and in the case of proxying outgoing mail from one server to another server, proxies will commonly be blacklisted and either rejected entirely or marked as spam (this can also happen without the proxy but may be less common)

    for the record i've received email on my hotmail account for topics i've been subscribed to just fine

  10. I would do as Vladimir suggests, using the supplied sql/characters.sql file will give you the latest version of the characters database and no updates will be required.

    To me it almost seems like your only updating the version numbers and not actually applying any updates, but following Vladimir's suggestion will resolve the issue regardless of how/why your characters database is missing pieces

  11. I think you did not apply the database updates properly, for example the error

    2011-07-08 22:47:41 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'item_guid' in 'field list'

    should not happen if you have the updates correctly since that field was added from 10332_01_characters_character_aura.sql

    Additional information would be useful, mangos revision number, 3rd party database (if used)

  12. Big thanks to you too Valdimir for taking the time to review and cleanup the code to a finally acceptable state, will be testing as much as possible tonight!

    on a side note, I'm extremely happy my force include/exclude filters were able to make it into the core as well, that's the whole reason I made my branch in the first place :) (aside from minor fixes and maintaining)

  13. @hyuga have you tried committing the changes introduced from the patch as the error suggests?

    I assume you're using patches for both mods and not merging other repos, in which case the patches only alter the data they don't apply it to your local repository. so you must apply the patch and then commit it to your repository in order to apply other patches that affect the same files

    noteworthy commands, `git status`, `git add`, and `git commit`

    status and commit are straightforward, add requires the relative or absolute path to the file or files to be added (you can specify multiple files at a time), these commands must also be done from within your local repository, if you need more info use `git help` followed by the command for example `git help add`

  14. Ok thanks to both of you

    I did see the Lava Bomb related code but also noticed the // Hack alert! and was just hoping there was a more proper way to do it. What i'm wanting to make is not official like at all, and is NOT something that I would try to have added to core or sd2. Just wanted a little learning experience with scripting, and the parts about creating a script, adding reference to it in db and actually seeing it in action that's what I want to learn about

    But again thanks for pointing me in the right/hacky direction, I'll probably just summon a temp creature to avoid using something that is not correct since this is just for learning and i don't want to get into a habit of doing something wrong

  15. I'm taking my first swing at scripting (nothing offy like but just for learning) I'm trying to create an item with a script effect that will summon an object, however looking at the core i can only find SummonCreature is there not a function that does the same but for game objects?

    Edit: I should note I want this to be a temporary summon with despawn time

    Another Edit: I think I found what i'm looking for, (i removed most args to keep it short)

    bool GameObject::Create(uint32 guidlow, uint32 name_id, Map *map, ....)

    I just want to make sure I don't save it to the DB, and use it the way it is used in SpellEffects.cpp

    So now I just want to know if my assumptions are correct

    Edit again: Ha so i'm just confusing my self more and more, I think should be using DynamicObject::Create(...)

  16. Bumping, I've researched this a little

    the flag "randomly" being dropped for some and not for others at relogin seems to be because the flag is dropped for players on GM accounts

    I'm using this and it seems to work for all players even after a relogin


    wowwiki states

    Players who have turned off their experience gains by visiting Behsten or Slahtz do not get any money in compensation for the XP they would otherwise gain.

    Players at max level should still receive money reward. I haven't tested, but it doesn't look like these changes will affect that feature

    Patch 3.2.0 Notes state

    Players with experience gains turned off who compete in Battlegrounds will face off only against other players with experience gains turned off.

    I did not attempt to write that part because I cannot test this on my server thoroughly enough

  17. but commit 11701 also adds deleting mails to non existent players.

    Hmm, where? I not expect changing in this part.

    Maybe lost in translation, I meant currently ahbot already modifies Mail.cpp to drop mail for itself, but with 11701

    MailDraft::SendMailTo now allow "send" mails to non-players. It correcly drop items in like case.

    ahbot no longer needs to modify Mail.cpp to do this and the core can do it on its own

    I was pointing out that the commit added features that ahbot can use, not saying that anything was missing or needed

    I know ahbot is far from official like, but I was under the impression it should emulate the appearance of a real user so that the auctions appeared to be from a real player to give it an official appearance. But if the blank name is acceptable for this mod than I think ahbot would be better not hacking together a fakename/guid for this purpose. From your post I'll assume the blank name is fine while I work on adapting the new method to a development branch of ahbot (just waiting for the bidder half before I release anything)

  18. Funny I was just about to post the exact same in regards to crashing, blank owner, and the fact that this commit makes it so ahbot can do what it does using more of the core.

    the fake guid ahbot uses is partly so we can set the name of the owner and also delete mail to that guid, but commit 11701 also adds deleting mails to non existent players.

    I completely understand why using the fake guid is one of the things keeping this from the core, does seem very hacky to me, but without it we have no name. Will a blank name in auctions be acceptable or does a developer have something hidden up his/her sleeves to work around this

  19. Hey guys, apologies for being gone so long, as I said before my server crashed and I had to repair it before I could continue to maintain my ahbot repo. Unfortunately there were other things on my server that were higher priority and needed to be done first. But I'm back now and my repo/branches are updated to 11695

  20. Your right a setting in the config prevents it

    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 0

    glyphs are not sold by vendors and not dropped by mobs so the Misc=0 rule would prevent it

    if you use my new_ahbot_finetune branch there is a config

    AuctionHouseBot.forceIncludeItems = ""

    and you can insert a comma separated list of item IDs you want to include (glyphs in this case) and the AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 0 will not filter them

  21. The following will pull mangos/master and then merge new_ahbot with it, after the merge it creates a patch file that you can use.

    Although on my server I tend to just merge the two repositories and not worry about making a patch

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git mangos
    cd mangos
    git pull git://github.com/antiroot/mangos.git new_ahbot
    git diff HEAD^1 HEAD > ../new_ahbot.patch

    * looks like there are some merge conflicts right now though, and i've not yet fixed my server to be able to test a fix

    the conflicting file is src/game/Mail.cpp probably due to mangos commit 11485

    so if you have to have ahbot you could pull mangos at revision 11484 and merge until a fix is pushed to my repo

    if you've already pulled the most recent mangos/master you can reset it back to 11484 with

    git reset --hard 1c43f279cf86f190a60d

    and then pull new_ahbot into it and create your patch, or just compile from there

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