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getMaNGOS Eluna Developer
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Everything posted by Rochet2

  1. I think the issue might be that transport unloads after eluna unloads, causing the crash. [code] mangosd.exe!ElunaEventProcessor::~ElunaEventProcessor() Line 55 + 0x3 bytes C++ mangosd.exe!ElunaEventProcessor::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0x16 bytes C++ mangosd.exe!WorldObject::~WorldObject() Line 937 + 0x1f bytes C++ mangosd.exe!GameObject::~GameObject() Line 87 + 0x57 bytes C++ mangosd.exe!Transport::~Transport() + 0x4e bytes C++ mangosd.exe!Transport::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0x16 bytes C++ [B] mangosd.exe!MapManager::~MapManager() Line 53 + 0x29 bytes C++ mangosd.exe!MapManager::`scalar deleting destructor'() + 0x16 bytes C++ mangosd.exe!MaNGOS::OperatorNew::Destroy(MapManager * obj) Line 59 + 0x1c bytes C++[/B] mangosd.exe!MaNGOS::Singleton,MaNGOS::OperatorNew,MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime >::DestroySingleton() Line 143 + 0xb bytes C++ msvcr120d.dll!0fc3edf3() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for msvcr120d.dll] msvcr120d.dll!0fc3eea0() mangosd.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 662 C mangosd.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 466 C kernel32.dll!76b4338a() ntdll.dll!77199f72() ntdll.dll!77199f45() [/code] Seems that transports are not unloaded on mapmgr unloadall. The transports unload when the MapMgr singleton gets destroyed when the program shuts down. We could fix this on Eluna side by just checking if Eluna still exists at that point. Or the fix could be that transports are unloaded when everything else is unloaded. Not sure leaving any actual object data to be destroyed in the end of whole program should be done. What do you think? : / In addition to the transports being a problem, the BG data is also a problem as it also gets deleted only at the very end and not when for example maps unload Ill make a PR that will remove the crash, but the unload handling should still be discussed. [url]https://github.com/mangoszero/server/pull/238[/url]
  2. The error is true, but you are using too new Eluna for your source. The sources have fixed Eluna version hashes that should be followed. The error doesnt happen on the designed version. Thanks for the heads up. Will fix it now.
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