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Posts posted by kich0

  1. SpellEffects.cpp :

    @@ -2769,6 +2773,12 @@ void Spell::EffectTriggerSpell(SpellEffectIndex effIndex)
       pet->CastSpell(pet, 28305, true);
    +    // Empower Rune Weapon
    +    case 53258:
    +    {
    +    m_caster->ModifyPower(POWER_RUNIC_POWER, 25);
    +    return;
    +    }
       // normal case

  2. anyone interested in testing this..?

    diff --git a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    index bf03a30..5126203 100644
    --- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    @@ -73,187 +73,40 @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
        DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Recvd CMSG_WHO Message" );
    -    uint32 clientcount = 0;
    -    uint32 level_min, level_max, racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count;
    -    uint32 zoneids[10];                                     // 10 is client limit
    -    std::string player_name, guild_name;
    -    recv_data >> level_min;                                 // maximal player level, default 0
    -    recv_data >> level_max;                                 // minimal player level, default 100 (MAX_LEVEL)
    -    recv_data >> player_name;                               // player name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> guild_name;                                // guild name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> racemask;                                  // race mask
    -    recv_data >> classmask;                                 // class mask
    -    recv_data >> zones_count;                               // zones count, client limit=10 (2.0.10)
    -    if(zones_count > 10)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        uint32 temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // zone id, 0 if zone is unknown...
    -        zoneids[i] = temp;
    -        DEBUG_LOG("Zone %u: %u", i, zoneids[i]);
    -    }
    -    recv_data >> str_count;                                 // user entered strings count, client limit=4 (checked on 2.0.10)
    -    if(str_count > 4)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    -    DEBUG_LOG("Minlvl %u, maxlvl %u, name %s, guild %s, racemask %u, classmask %u, zones %u, strings %u", level_min, level_max, player_name.c_str(), guild_name.c_str(), racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count);
    -    std::wstring str[4];                                    // 4 is client limit
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        std::string temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // user entered string, it used as universal search pattern(guild+player name)?
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(temp,str[i]))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(str[i]);
    -        DEBUG_LOG("String %u: %s", i, temp.c_str());
    -    }
    -    std::wstring wplayer_name;
    -    std::wstring wguild_name;
    -    if(!(Utf8toWStr(player_name, wplayer_name) && Utf8toWStr(guild_name, wguild_name)))
    -        return;
    -    wstrToLower(wplayer_name);
    -    wstrToLower(wguild_name);
    -    // client send in case not set max level value 100 but mangos support 255 max level,
    -    // update it to show GMs with characters after 100 level
    -    if(level_max >= MAX_LEVEL)
    -        level_max = STRONG_MAX_LEVEL;
    -    uint32 team = _player->GetTeam();
    -    uint32 security = GetSecurity();
    -    bool allowTwoSideWhoList = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST);
    -    AccountTypes gmLevelInWhoList = (AccountTypes)sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST);
    +    //KICHO: Who List Player Stats                          0    1    2     3     4      5    6       7
    +    QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid,name,race,class,gender,level,zone,COUNT(guid) FROM characters WHERE online!=0");
    +    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
    +    //uint32
    +    uint32 clientcount = fields[7].GetUInt32();    //online count (player number)
    +    uint32 race = fields[2].GetUInt32();        //player race
    +    uint32 class_ = fields[3].GetUInt32();        //player class
    +    uint32 lvl = fields[5].GetUInt32();            //player level
    +    uint32 pzoneid = fields[6].GetUInt32();        //player in zone
    +    //string
    +    std::string pname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string gname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    //KICHO: World Packet
        WorldPacket data( SMSG_WHO, 50 );                       // guess size
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, listed count
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, online count
    -    // TODO: Guard Player map
    -    HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType& m = sObjectAccessor.GetPlayers();
    -    for(HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr)
    -    {
    -        if (security == SEC_PLAYER)
    -        {
    -            // player can see member of other team only if CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetTeam() != team && !allowTwoSideWhoList )
    -                continue;
    -            // player can see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR only if CONFIG_GM_IN_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > gmLevelInWhoList)
    -                continue;
    -        }
    -        // do not process players which are not in world
    -        if(!(itr->second->IsInWorld()))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target is globally visible for player
    -        if (!(itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(_player)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target's level is in level range
    -        uint32 lvl = itr->second->getLevel();
    -        if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)
    -            continue;
    -        // check if class matches classmask
    -        uint32 class_ = itr->second->getClass();
    -        if (!(classmask & (1 << class_)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if race matches racemask
    -        uint32 race = itr->second->getRace();
    -        if (!(racemask & (1 << race)))
    -            continue;
    -        uint32 pzoneid = itr->second->GetZoneId();
    -        bool z_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if(zoneids[i] == pzoneid)
    -            {
    -                z_show = true;
    -                break;
    -            }
    -            z_show = false;
    -        }
    -        if (!z_show)
    -            continue;
    -        std::string pname = itr->second->GetName();
    -        std::wstring wpname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(pname,wpname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wpname);
    -        if (!(wplayer_name.empty() || wpname.find(wplayer_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string gname = sObjectMgr.GetGuildNameById(itr->second->GetGuildId());
    -        std::wstring wgname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(gname,wgname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wgname);
    -        if (!(wguild_name.empty() || wgname.find(wguild_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string aname;
    -        if(AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(itr->second->GetZoneId()))
    -            aname = areaEntry->area_name[GetSessionDbcLocale()];
    -        bool s_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if (!str[i].empty())
    -            {
    -                if (wgname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    wpname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    Utf8FitTo(aname, str[i]) )
    -                {
    -                    s_show = true;
    -                    break;
    -                }
    -                s_show = false;
    -            }
    -        }
    -        if (!s_show)
    -            continue;
            data << pname;                                      // player name
    -        data << gname;                                      // guild name
    +        data << gname;                                      // guild name (not implemented yet)
            data << uint32( lvl );                              // player level
            data << uint32( class_ );                           // player class
            data << uint32( race );                             // player race
            data << uint8(0);                                   // new 2.4.0
            data << uint32( pzoneid );                          // player zone id
    -        // 50 is maximum player count sent to client
    -        if ((++clientcount) == 50)
    -            break;
    -    }
    -    uint32 count = m.size();
        data.put( 0, clientcount );                             // insert right count, listed count
    -    data.put( 4, count > 50 ? count : clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
    +    data.put( 4, clientcount );                             // insert right count, online count
    +    delete result;
        DEBUG_LOG( "WORLD: Send SMSG_WHO Message" );

  3. Its a simple possibility to create couple of characters , but the goal is not the simplicity ,you need stuff your fake characters its take more time and at the end , the real player will see that couple of characters are fake because if its all the time the same characters are online and in the same zone (player say : they don't move?),the same level, i think we must choose between simplicity:basic way or difficulty but advanced way . With difficulty way , the fakeplayers are true player so they move zone change ,level change ,stuff change whithout that you lost more time . I will help you as soon as I have time , its a good project :D .

    Best regards

    maybe something like this should work ? but needs more work or it will corrupt DB


    //No SQL injection as AccountId is uint32
    -        CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 0  WHERE account = '%u'",
    +        CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET online = 2 WHERE account = '%u'",

  4. seems like all files got deleted - reuploaded

    here is my first attempt, I haven't tested it, if anyone interested please test...

    doesn't require any additional SQL just set online=1 to few chars in your DB

    diff --git a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    index a598130..ef573cc 100644
    --- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    @@ -73,169 +73,71 @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Recvd CMSG_WHO Message" );
    -    uint32 clientcount = 0;
    +/*//KICHO: GUILD selection (still in progress - not implemented yet)
    +    QueryResult *resultGuild = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guildid FROM guild_member WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM characters WHERE online!=0 order by guid)");
    -    uint32 level_min, level_max, racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count;
    -    uint32 zoneids[10];                                     // 10 is client limit
    -    std::string player_name, guild_name;
    +    Field *fields3 = resultGuild->Fetch();
    +    std::string guild_name  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string wguild_name  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string gname  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string wgname  = fields3[0].GetCppString();*/
    -    recv_data >> level_min;                                 // maximal player level, default 0
    -    recv_data >> level_max;                                 // minimal player level, default 100 (MAX_LEVEL)
    -    recv_data >> player_name;                               // player name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> guild_name;                                // guild name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> racemask;                                  // race mask
    -    recv_data >> classmask;                                 // class mask
    -    recv_data >> zones_count;                               // zones count, client limit=10 (2.0.10)
    -    if(zones_count > 10)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        uint32 temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // zone id, 0 if zone is unknown...
    -        zoneids[i] = temp;
    -        sLog.outDebug("Zone %u: %u", i, zoneids[i]);
    -    }
    +//KICHO: count "online" players via DB
    +    QueryResult *resultClient = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(guid) FROM characters WHERE online!=0");
    -    recv_data >> str_count;                                 // user entered strings count, client limit=4 (checked on 2.0.10)
    +    Field *fields2 = resultClient->Fetch();
    -    if(str_count > 4)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    +    uint32 clientcount = fields2[0].GetUInt32();
    -    sLog.outDebug("Minlvl %u, maxlvl %u, name %s, guild %s, racemask %u, classmask %u, zones %u, strings %u", level_min, level_max, player_name.c_str(), guild_name.c_str(), racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count);
    +//KICHO: Get "online" players stats for who list            0      1       2     3     4      5   6
    +    QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid,name,race,class,gender,level,zone FROM characters WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM characters WHERE online!=0 order by guid)");
    -    std::wstring str[4];                                    // 4 is client limit
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        std::string temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // user entered string, it used as universal search pattern(guild+player name)?
    +    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(temp,str[i]))
    -            continue;
    +    //KICHO: values taken from query
    +    uint32 level_min = fields[5].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 level_max = fields[5].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 racemask = fields[2].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 classmask = fields[3].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 zones_count = fields[6].GetUInt32();
    -        wstrToLower(str[i]);
    +    std::string player_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string guild_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();        //guild name (not implemented yet)
    -        sLog.outDebug("String %u: %s", i, temp.c_str());
    -    }
    +    //KICHO: recv_data
    +    recv_data >> level_min;                                 // maximal player level, default 0
    +    recv_data >> level_max;                                 // minimal player level, default 100 (MAX_LEVEL)
    +    recv_data >> player_name;                               // player name, case sensitive...
    -    std::wstring wplayer_name;
    -    std::wstring wguild_name;
    -    if(!(Utf8toWStr(player_name, wplayer_name) && Utf8toWStr(guild_name, wguild_name)))
    -        return;
    -    wstrToLower(wplayer_name);
    -    wstrToLower(wguild_name);
    +    recv_data >> guild_name;                                // guild name, case sensitive...
    -    // client send in case not set max level value 100 but mangos support 255 max level,
    -    // update it to show GMs with characters after 100 level
    -    if(level_max >= MAX_LEVEL)
    -        level_max = STRONG_MAX_LEVEL;
    +    recv_data >> racemask;                                  // race mask
    +    recv_data >> classmask;                                 // class mask
    +    recv_data >> zones_count;                               // zones count, client limit=10 (2.0.10)
    -    uint32 team = _player->GetTeam();
    -    uint32 security = GetSecurity();
    -    bool allowTwoSideWhoList = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST);
    -    AccountTypes gmLevelInWhoList = (AccountTypes)sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST);
    +    //KICHO: more string values
    +    std::string wplayer_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string wguild_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    //KICHO: client count packet
        WorldPacket data( SMSG_WHO, 50 );                       // guess size
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, listed count
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, online count
    -    // TODO: Guard Player map
    -    HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType& m = sObjectAccessor.GetPlayers();
    -    for(HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr)
    -    {
    -        if (security == SEC_PLAYER)
    -        {
    -            // player can see member of other team only if CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetTeam() != team && !allowTwoSideWhoList )
    -                continue;
    +    //KICHO: values taken from query
    +    uint32 race = fields[2].GetUInt32();    //player race
    +    uint32 class_ = fields[3].GetUInt32();    //player class
    +    uint32 lvl = fields[5].GetUInt32();        //player level
    +    uint32 pzoneid = fields[6].GetUInt32();    //player in zone
    -            // player can see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR only if CONFIG_GM_IN_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > gmLevelInWhoList)
    -                continue;
    -        }
    -        // do not process players which are not in world
    -        if(!(itr->second->IsInWorld()))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target is globally visible for player
    -        if (!(itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(_player)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target's level is in level range
    -        uint32 lvl = itr->second->getLevel();
    -        if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)
    -            continue;
    -        // check if class matches classmask
    -        uint32 class_ = itr->second->getClass();
    -        if (!(classmask & (1 << class_)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if race matches racemask
    -        uint32 race = itr->second->getRace();
    -        if (!(racemask & (1 << race)))
    -            continue;
    -        uint32 pzoneid = itr->second->GetZoneId();
    -        bool z_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if(zoneids[i] == pzoneid)
    -            {
    -                z_show = true;
    -                break;
    -            }
    -            z_show = false;
    -        }
    -        if (!z_show)
    -            continue;
    -        std::string pname = itr->second->GetName();
    -        std::wstring wpname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(pname,wpname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wpname);
    -        if (!(wplayer_name.empty() || wpname.find(wplayer_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string gname = sObjectMgr.GetGuildNameById(itr->second->GetGuildId());
    -        std::wstring wgname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(gname,wgname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wgname);
    -        if (!(wguild_name.empty() || wgname.find(wguild_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string aname;
    -        if(AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(itr->second->GetZoneId()))
    -            aname = areaEntry->area_name[GetSessionDbcLocale()];
    -        bool s_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if (!str[i].empty())
    -            {
    -                if (wgname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    wpname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    Utf8FitTo(aname, str[i]) )
    -                {
    -                    s_show = true;
    -                    break;
    -                }
    -                s_show = false;
    -            }
    -        }
    -        if (!s_show)
    -            continue;
    +    //KICHO: more string values
    +    std::string pname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string gname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    std::string wpname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string wgname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    //KICHO: sending data from query
            data << pname;                                      // player name
            data << gname;                                      // guild name
            data << uint32( lvl );                              // player level
    @@ -244,14 +146,9 @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
            data << uint8(0);                                   // new 2.4.0
            data << uint32( pzoneid );                          // player zone id
    -        // 50 is maximum player count sent to client
    -        if ((++clientcount) == 50)
    -            break;
    -    }
    -    uint32 count = m.size();
    -    data.put( 0, clientcount );                             // insert right count, listed count
    -    data.put( 4, count > 50 ? count : clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
    +    data.put( 0, clientcount );        // insert right count, listed count
    +    data.put( 4, clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_WHO Message" );

  5. here is my first attempt, I haven't tested it, if anyone interested please test...

    doesn't require any additional SQL just set online=1 to few chars in your DB

    diff --git a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    index a598130..ef573cc 100644
    --- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp
    @@ -73,169 +73,71 @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Recvd CMSG_WHO Message" );
    -    uint32 clientcount = 0;
    +/*//KICHO: GUILD selection (still in progress - not implemented yet)
    +    QueryResult *resultGuild = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guildid FROM guild_member WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM characters WHERE online!=0 order by guid)");
    -    uint32 level_min, level_max, racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count;
    -    uint32 zoneids[10];                                     // 10 is client limit
    -    std::string player_name, guild_name;
    +    Field *fields3 = resultGuild->Fetch();
    +    std::string guild_name  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string wguild_name  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string gname  = fields3[0].GetCppString();
    +    std::string wgname  = fields3[0].GetCppString();*/
    -    recv_data >> level_min;                                 // maximal player level, default 0
    -    recv_data >> level_max;                                 // minimal player level, default 100 (MAX_LEVEL)
    -    recv_data >> player_name;                               // player name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> guild_name;                                // guild name, case sensitive...
    -    recv_data >> racemask;                                  // race mask
    -    recv_data >> classmask;                                 // class mask
    -    recv_data >> zones_count;                               // zones count, client limit=10 (2.0.10)
    -    if(zones_count > 10)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        uint32 temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // zone id, 0 if zone is unknown...
    -        zoneids[i] = temp;
    -        sLog.outDebug("Zone %u: %u", i, zoneids[i]);
    -    }
    +//KICHO: count "online" players via DB
    +    QueryResult *resultClient = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT COUNT(guid) FROM characters WHERE online!=0");
    -    recv_data >> str_count;                                 // user entered strings count, client limit=4 (checked on 2.0.10)
    +    Field *fields2 = resultClient->Fetch();
    -    if(str_count > 4)
    -        return;                                             // can't be received from real client or broken packet
    +    uint32 clientcount = fields2[0].GetUInt32();
    -    sLog.outDebug("Minlvl %u, maxlvl %u, name %s, guild %s, racemask %u, classmask %u, zones %u, strings %u", level_min, level_max, player_name.c_str(), guild_name.c_str(), racemask, classmask, zones_count, str_count);
    +//KICHO: Get "online" players stats for who list            0      1       2     3     4      5   6
    +    QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid,name,race,class,gender,level,zone FROM characters WHERE guid IN (SELECT guid FROM characters WHERE online!=0 order by name)");
    -    std::wstring str[4];                                    // 4 is client limit
    -    for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -    {
    -        std::string temp;
    -        recv_data >> temp;                                  // user entered string, it used as universal search pattern(guild+player name)?
    +    Field *fields = result->Fetch();
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(temp,str[i]))
    -            continue;
    +    //KICHO: values taken from query
    +    uint32 level_min = fields[5].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 level_max = fields[5].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 racemask = fields[2].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 classmask = fields[3].GetUInt32();
    +    uint32 zones_count = fields[6].GetUInt32();
    -        wstrToLower(str[i]);
    +    std::string player_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string guild_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();        //guild name (not implemented yet)
    -        sLog.outDebug("String %u: %s", i, temp.c_str());
    -    }
    +    //KICHO: recv_data
    +    recv_data >> level_min;                                 // maximal player level, default 0
    +    recv_data >> level_max;                                 // minimal player level, default 100 (MAX_LEVEL)
    +    recv_data >> player_name;                               // player name, case sensitive...
    -    std::wstring wplayer_name;
    -    std::wstring wguild_name;
    -    if(!(Utf8toWStr(player_name, wplayer_name) && Utf8toWStr(guild_name, wguild_name)))
    -        return;
    -    wstrToLower(wplayer_name);
    -    wstrToLower(wguild_name);
    +    recv_data >> guild_name;                                // guild name, case sensitive...
    -    // client send in case not set max level value 100 but mangos support 255 max level,
    -    // update it to show GMs with characters after 100 level
    -    if(level_max >= MAX_LEVEL)
    -        level_max = STRONG_MAX_LEVEL;
    +    recv_data >> racemask;                                  // race mask
    +    recv_data >> classmask;                                 // class mask
    +    recv_data >> zones_count;                               // zones count, client limit=10 (2.0.10)
    -    uint32 team = _player->GetTeam();
    -    uint32 security = GetSecurity();
    -    bool allowTwoSideWhoList = sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST);
    -    AccountTypes gmLevelInWhoList = (AccountTypes)sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_UINT32_GM_LEVEL_IN_WHO_LIST);
    +    //KICHO: more string values
    +    std::string wplayer_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string wguild_name  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    //KICHO: client count packet
        WorldPacket data( SMSG_WHO, 50 );                       // guess size
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, listed count
        data << uint32(clientcount);                            // clientcount place holder, online count
    -    // TODO: Guard Player map
    -    HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType& m = sObjectAccessor.GetPlayers();
    -    for(HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr)
    -    {
    -        if (security == SEC_PLAYER)
    -        {
    -            // player can see member of other team only if CONFIG_BOOL_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetTeam() != team && !allowTwoSideWhoList )
    -                continue;
    +    //KICHO: values taken from query
    +    uint32 race = fields[2].GetUInt32();    //player race
    +    uint32 class_ = fields[3].GetUInt32();    //player class
    +    uint32 lvl = fields[5].GetUInt32();        //player level
    +    uint32 pzoneid = fields[6].GetUInt32();    //player in zone
    -            // player can see MODERATOR, GAME MASTER, ADMINISTRATOR only if CONFIG_GM_IN_WHO_LIST
    -            if (itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > gmLevelInWhoList)
    -                continue;
    -        }
    -        // do not process players which are not in world
    -        if(!(itr->second->IsInWorld()))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target is globally visible for player
    -        if (!(itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(_player)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if target's level is in level range
    -        uint32 lvl = itr->second->getLevel();
    -        if (lvl < level_min || lvl > level_max)
    -            continue;
    -        // check if class matches classmask
    -        uint32 class_ = itr->second->getClass();
    -        if (!(classmask & (1 << class_)))
    -            continue;
    -        // check if race matches racemask
    -        uint32 race = itr->second->getRace();
    -        if (!(racemask & (1 << race)))
    -            continue;
    -        uint32 pzoneid = itr->second->GetZoneId();
    -        bool z_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < zones_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if(zoneids[i] == pzoneid)
    -            {
    -                z_show = true;
    -                break;
    -            }
    -            z_show = false;
    -        }
    -        if (!z_show)
    -            continue;
    -        std::string pname = itr->second->GetName();
    -        std::wstring wpname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(pname,wpname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wpname);
    -        if (!(wplayer_name.empty() || wpname.find(wplayer_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string gname = sObjectMgr.GetGuildNameById(itr->second->GetGuildId());
    -        std::wstring wgname;
    -        if(!Utf8toWStr(gname,wgname))
    -            continue;
    -        wstrToLower(wgname);
    -        if (!(wguild_name.empty() || wgname.find(wguild_name) != std::wstring::npos))
    -            continue;
    -        std::string aname;
    -        if(AreaTableEntry const* areaEntry = GetAreaEntryByAreaID(itr->second->GetZoneId()))
    -            aname = areaEntry->area_name[GetSessionDbcLocale()];
    -        bool s_show = true;
    -        for(uint32 i = 0; i < str_count; ++i)
    -        {
    -            if (!str[i].empty())
    -            {
    -                if (wgname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    wpname.find(str[i]) != std::wstring::npos ||
    -                    Utf8FitTo(aname, str[i]) )
    -                {
    -                    s_show = true;
    -                    break;
    -                }
    -                s_show = false;
    -            }
    -        }
    -        if (!s_show)
    -            continue;
    +    //KICHO: more string values
    +    std::string pname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string gname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    std::string wpname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //player name
    +    std::string wgname  = fields[1].GetCppString();    //guild name (not implemented yet)
    +    //KICHO: sending data from query
            data << pname;                                      // player name
            data << gname;                                      // guild name
            data << uint32( lvl );                              // player level
    @@ -244,14 +146,9 @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )
            data << uint8(0);                                   // new 2.4.0
            data << uint32( pzoneid );                          // player zone id
    -        // 50 is maximum player count sent to client
    -        if ((++clientcount) == 50)
    -            break;
    -    }
    -    uint32 count = m.size();
    -    data.put( 0, clientcount );                             // insert right count, listed count
    -    data.put( 4, count > 50 ? count : clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
    +    data.put( 0, clientcount );        // insert right count, listed count
    +    data.put( 4, clientcount );        // insert right count, online count
        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_WHO Message" );

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