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Unkle Nuke

getMaNGOS Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Unkle Nuke

  1. I hope it will eventually have a full AI so you only need to issue general commands and leave it up to the bot how to go about doing things, like the way you can currently control pets/minions by setting them to aggressive/defend/passive.
  2. While you're at it, don't forget to include an exception for GMs. I actually wish that AFK could be disabled completely for GMs. There are times when I'm not actually playing for extended periods because of work I'm doing with the server console or database but, I need to remain logged in to keep an eye on things.
  3. For cross-platform compatibility, OpenGL would be better than DirectX. The biggest advantage DX offers over OpenGL is support for sound and I/O. You need seperate libraries for those features if you're using OGL for the graphics. I wish there were more interest in PseuWoW on the part of those who have talent in the various apsects of game development. I'd sign on this very minute if there was a need for a dev with zero experience and coding skills. I can draw and I'm good with words but I'm not sure how much value that would have at this stage. It would truly be a shame for this project to die because it has so much promise. PseuWoW is the perfect companion to MaNGOS and it would allow people to operate servers with complete freedom. Planeshift is a good example of just such a success story, where people decided they could do an MMORPG as good as the commercial game companies. I urge anyone that knows programming for C++ and Lua, 3D modeling, CG art, sound engineering, or composing music to please go sign up over at PseuWoW today!
  4. Aww! You're just being a party-pooper now! Taking potshots at lazy people with no clue or an ounce of motivation is the only sport in this place. You would deny the members here such entertainment? You, good sir, shall have to sit in... The Comfy Chair!
  5. Yeah but there's a boatload of these guys that probably would prefer if MaNGOS were a peripheral that you just plugged into a port... or had a web page that worked like Windows Update for patches and optional modifications. Maybe someone should set one up just to mess with their heads. I smell an April Fool's idea, "Welcome To MaNGOS Update!"
  6. That's the thing you have to bear in mind, Stodderen. Since Playerbots is a core patch, it will be active on all your realms using that server core. You'll need to go through the extra work and additional computing resources to have a single server with Playerbots while your other realms operate from a server without the patch. What did you expect... for MaNGOS to be "plug and play"?
  7. There is also software available that can generate those UML diagrams. I do agree there are many patch submissions but my point is there could be far more. The more people that can understand and contribute to the project, the more robust and resilient MaNGOS will be. The first step would be in encouraging those who understand the code to begin submitting comments to the commits. That's the most simple and direct method. The next step would be for those who wish to begin work upon a documentation project with all the bells and whistles to start laying the ground work. Get your outlines, tables, and flowcharts ready then set up a wiki for developers to make contributions. Others have attempted similar efforts and they died off in a relatively short time. By my experience, precious few ever stick with any project to its completion. I hope you will finally be the scribe that many have wished for, Toinan67!
  8. Refactoring would not be impossible, it's just that the time and effort involved with such an overhaul would bring further core development to a grinding halt for at least 6 months, a year would be more realistic. Also, having a more tightly structured source tree would place constraints upon more free-from styles of coding and force programmers into adhering to that structure or else you'd wind up with the same undocumented mess in a matter of months. It would require contributors to document their functions as part of the requirements for submission... and we know how much most code hackers hate documenting their work! On the other hand, having a clean, organized, fully documented source tree would drastically speed up development. It would allow far more people to contribute patches when they're able to make sense of the areas in the source they wish to work upon without devoting hours of study to the whole. Approaching the MaNGOS core as it stands now can be a very daunting task for those unfamiliar with the code base. Patch submission and review would be more efficient. It would require fewer revisions and fixes on the part of the contributor by having a better understanding of the overall structure that their patch fits into, allowing for cleaner, more correct code right from the moment of initial submission.
  9. There have been some changes to the core. The lines from the patch, Unit.cpp: if (IsMounted()) // Use on mount auras main_speed_mod = GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_FLIGHT_SPEED); else // Use not mount (shapeshift for example) auras (should stack) - main_speed_mod = GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_FLIGHT); + main_speed_mod = GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_FLIGHT)+GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_MOUNTED); stack_bonus = GetTotalAuraMultiplier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_ALWAYS); non_stack_bonus = (100.0 + GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_FLIGHT_SPEED_NOT_STACK))/100.0f; break; and the lines from MaNGOS 0.16-dev1 r 9310, Unit.cpp: if (IsMounted()) // Use on mount auras { main_speed_mod = GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_MOUNTED_SPEED); stack_bonus = GetTotalAuraMultiplier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_MOUNTED_SPEED_ALWAYS); non_stack_bonus = (100.0f + GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_MOUNTED_SPEED_NOT_STACK))/100.0f; } else { main_speed_mod = GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_INCREASE_SPEED); stack_bonus = GetTotalAuraMultiplier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_ALWAYS); non_stack_bonus = (100.0f + GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_SPEED_NOT_STACK))/100.0f; } break; So, do we just apply the patch as it is, does it need updating, or has the changes to the core made this patch unnecessary?
  10. There's always the MaNGOS wiki, or something like it, that could serve the purpose of documenting the source quite well. This way, all those who understand parts of the code can contribute until a fully documented source is done by aggregate.
  11. You start by opening up your C++ editor and taking a look at parts of the MaNGOS source like ObjectMgr.cpp, since, by process of logic, you are looking into objects. If you take the time to study the source code, and it is no easy or quick read, then you will eventually gain some insight into what modules deal with certain features. "Nothing worth having is ever easy."
  12. Read post #597, by balrok, for the current status of his project. Aside from that, Outdoor PVP does not work with the new core structure and needs a major rewrite for the current MaNGOS code.
  13. "Git Manual Page" pour la description de l'utilisation de "git rebase" commande, traduit en Français par Google Translate: git rebase (1) Page de manuel
  14. Reminds me of "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" when a simple remark by Aurthur Dent slipped through a dimensional wormhole and was overheard by aliens at peace negotiations, where it was a dreadful insult in their language, which started an intergalactic war! lol
  15. Yes I have, so to speak. I regularly download, patch, and compile my own server from the MaNGOS source as well as ScriptDev2 and then install my database. Then there is the tweaking and customizations for the server. About eighteen months past, I began as a clueless "noob" who had no idea where to begin. If I can do it, then so can you. To say you can't learn is just plain lazy on your part. If all you want is a working server handed to you with no cares about how it works, then you have come to the wrong place. This is what comes of an entire generation raised on game consoles. They expect to simply plug something in and just play.
  16. WoW-V may be your trouble. It uses generic SQL code and does not support all the tables used in MaNGOS-compatible databases. You'll have to learn the table structure used for items to really do the job right. The UDB Wiki and forums are a very good resource for such information.
  17. Glad to be of help, balacas. Looks like that's what he was referring to, xeross155. That line in mangosd.conf I put in the code tags does allow you to choose how many primary professions characters can have. For my low-pop server, I allow 3 so players can have a chance when wanting to make their own items that sometimes requires another profession to complete, such as an enchanter that also chooses leatherworking and needs skinning so they can make their own enchanted armors.
  18. Use 'git rebase' to update source without losing patches. git rebase works by setting your patches into a temporary place. Then updates your source to the newest revision of MaNGOS. After, it puts your patches back into the code. If there is a conflict with a patch, use the 'git mergetool' same as you would when merging patches. Once the conflict is fixed, use 'git rebase --continue' to finish rebase.
  19. Put simply, if you wish to compile your server you will need the source code. As hunuza said, the terms of the GPL license requires that an author supply the source code upon request. MaNGOS follows that license and any "repacks" of MaNGOS must also comply with it. You really would be better off if you obtained the MaNGOS source right from its origin and learned to add patches into it. You say you're already familiar with using a compiler so that extra step should not be such a great leap. It will not only give you the satisfaction of knowing you've done the job yourself but also allow you to be more familiar with how your server is set up to work. You'll have to pardon the derision and cynicism you're being greeted with but it has been a rule of long experience that there are far more people out there who simply want to run a server "out of the box", so to speak. As such, they have little interest in the core prinicple of the MaNGOS Foundation, that the project is primarily a learning tool to help developers understand how an MMORPG server works. This translates into you being expected to be at least willing to learn a few basic things, like obtaining, patching, compiling, and configuring your own server. You have already taken the first step to learning, by asking questions. Now it's up to you if you progress from there.
  20. LOL. No Honor for this kill then, cyrex. I needed help with Tassader's Blink v3 and it was my understanding that help with a patch is supposed to be kept in the topic for that patch.
  21. Works = Professions ? Do you mean that your players' characters now have 2 professions but you wish to allow 3 professions? Change this line in mangos.conf: MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 3 It will allow all characters to have 3 professions. The characters who now have only 2 professions can learn the third profession they choose from the correct trainer.
  22. Tassader, will you be continuing work on Blink? I was very hopeful that you would be the one to finally fix Blink, in as much as it is possible given the current development of the MaNGOs source. Please do not give up on your work, Tassader. I also have a request for help. I am trying to incorporate Blink v3 into my 0.15 r9134 source repo but I am having trouble getting the patch. When I use git diff to create the patch, a lot of code from 0.16 is mixed in with it. When I use git rebase to try and sync my blink3 branch with my 9134 master, it produces a much smaller patch with no 0.16 code cluttering things but, with a large part of Blink v3 missing. Is there a diff file of the patch that can be uploaded or is there a better way I can use Git to properly obtain this patch?
  23. The best way to make more effort to fix class skills is by you starting work to fix them, then encourage others to help by showing you know what you are doing. Study well the MaNGOS code, learn C++, and you can inspire others by your skill.
  24. Sounds like the auto-restarter you're using needs more work. It's not properly catching the error state and sending the shutdown command like it should. Talk to the developer of that tool or find a better auto-restart utility.
  25. Such an effort on your part would greatly appreciated by a great many people here. Contrary to appearances, those who take regular part in these forums are indeed here for the sake of learning. I highly recommend you obtain a download of Doxygen and use it, along with the Doxygen config files in the MaNGOS source tree, to generate the commented documentation of the source code as a starting point. It can help you to sort out the "mess" by showing the relations bewtween modules, libraries, and functions.
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