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Unkle Nuke

getMaNGOS Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Unkle Nuke

  1. After spending many hours reading and experimenting with the Git Bash, I'm reaching the end of my patience. So far, I've managed to download and then toss out about 2 GB of attempts but this whole Git thing is still about as clear as mud. I've tried clone, branch, fetch, remote, and most of the other Git alphabet soup but nothing seems to work as anticipated. Is there such a difference between Windows and Linux that Git is unable to operate without downloading the same files over and over to each local repository or branch in Windows? So how, exactly, step-by-step, does one set up a repo with many branches that will not eat up my hard drive? I'm working from the 0.12 branch as my master. I used git remote add origin git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git -t mangos-0.12 mangos0.12.243 to create a repository in my local 'mangos-0.12.243 folder'. Now here's where it gets dicey for me...adding branches for later merging or patching of the master branch. * I'd like to add a 'working' branch folder, with a copy of the mangos-0.12 master in it, for merges or manually adding patches so I can keep my master clean. * Have branches or folders with patch branches from various forks, like AH Bot, Alterac Valley, Anticheat, and others that can be merged into 'working' or generate patches that can later be added to 'working' with "git apply" but still leave those branches intact for later updating. "git clone" doesn't seem to be the answer as I'm only interested in the branches that concern patches for mangos-0.12. Would I instead manually create a branch using "git branch [branch name]" and then use "git remote add [branchname] [remote url] -t [remote branch] [local branch]" as I did when pulling 0.12 as master? Would I then use 'git pull' or should 'git fetch' be my choice for updating? I'm beginning to believe I either need to be a masochist or that Git was made for the understanding of only die-hard Linux geeks that eat compiler code and crap out bash scripts.
  2. I hope he is. A definitive fix for Blink is long overdue. He's still pushing commits to his blink3 branch, so I'm assuming work still continues. Hopefully, all these other patches that have been posted here will give him some good ideas but my thought is that the quality of how Blink works is very dependent on the quality of how Vmaps function. A lot of actions depend on good terrain data and Vmaps work well, but it would be even better if a grid mesh could be used instead. Path-finding, terrain height, line-of-sight, and many other things could be handled more economically and with greater flexibility using simple polygons. No more need for waypoints or Vmaps! Unfortunately, I have no idea if all that is strictly server-side or if some of it is also dependent upon the client. If it's client-based then we're probably stuck with waypoints and Vmaps and just have to make the best of it.
  3. Thanks for the tool! I'm all for anything that makes my life as a server admin easier. I'll try this one out very soon. I'm doing a major upgrade to the database, which is a year out of date, to bring it in line with the latest mangos 0.12.
  4. You know what I love about open source? I mean aside from the obvious aspect of being free. It gives power to all of us to make software exactly the way we want it, not being forced to accept whatever features are decided by the forces of economics that determine the destiny of commercial programs. Sure, an open source project may take forever, due to lack of manpower, time, and resources for development but it gets done the right way. I fully support the idea of an original MMORPG client for MaNGOS. It's not only very much in the spirit and philosophy at the core of the MaNGOS project, it's also the chance for everyone to contribute in creating a game they've always wanted. Got an idea for a new race, class, spell, profession, or item? But, remember, we're not limited to simple copy-cat features of existing software. We can have the audacity to make it better! In fact, the framework of this client, paired with MaNGOS, means you could create any kind of MMORPG you wanted! All you need is the proper scripting, models, textures, and other assets where you could have something like, say, a Halo-style tactical RPG with world-spanning combat. Hmm...Master Chief as a gnome.
  5. A nice little GUI, that displays a picture of the character, with text boxes that simply labels the fields to be edited, like level, guild, and so on. Sounds good to me. I like simple. But you can edit that stuff by hand using Quice, SQLyog, Navicat, MySQL GUI Tools, or any of the other SQL query editors. The wiki ought to give you all the details on what the various tables and fields are that you need to edit, until someone comes along that feels undertaking such a programming project as a character editor is worthwhile.
  6. I certainly do hope you find it and make the patch available. I've been away for about a year, so I'm trying to catch up. Part of that means giving out some belated encouragement.
  7. I feel for you, pelle. I think it's a case of too few people doing too many things and it keeps them very busy. Sometimes you just have to rely on your own ingenuity and faith in your own skills to forge ahead and not give up. Dig deeper into the code and find the variables and other parts you need to make this complete! One of my nephews likes assassination rogues. I'm sure he'd love this fix.
  8. Thanks for the patch, Nahpalm. If I understand correctly, this patch unbinds players from an instance of the boss is dead, otherwise it keeps them bound until they do kill the boss? I hope it works with branch 0.12. Regardless, appreciate your taking time to create this.
  9. As with your other patches to spells and spell effects, is this code applied to unit.cpp? Thank you for working on behalf of all mages everywhere! [EDIT] I just noticed your other patch for Periodic Trigger Aura is applied to SpellAuras.cpp Do I then apply this section of code posted here to the other patch to create a unified patch?
  10. This thread is continuation of the old Playerbot-AI topic http://getmangos.eu/community/viewtopic.php?id=15924 GitHub branch: https://github.com/ike3/mangos Documentation: ike3/mangos @ GitHub Compile and Installation: ================== 1) You need an English game client (i18n is not supported yet). 1a) Extract DBC files from the client 2) Clone git repository and build it using the same approach as original MaNGOS (no custom build steps are required). Make sure you have the latest version. 2a) Optional: Setup MMaps. 2b) Optional: Setup Armory. 2c) Optional: Setup AhBot. 3) Create configuration file aiplayerbot.conf in the mangos config directory (where your mangosd.conf takes place) 4) Type AiPlayerbot.enabled=1 in the aiplayerbot.conf file. 5) If you want to add bots from your guild, not only your account, add AiPlayerbot.AllowGuildBots=1 to the aiplayerbot.conf. You can even allow everybody to add bots from the accounts by their IDs: AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAccounts=11,12 6) Run the server, make sure it says AI Playerbot is enabled. Summoning A Bot: ============== 1) Login with the character you will play. 2) To summon a bot use one of these chat commands. 2a) /.bot add $CHARACTER_NAME 2b) /.bot add $ACCOUNT_NAME Make sure your bot is nearby, as the AI won't allow players to summon bots any other way but using a meeting stone! If everything is ok, the new bot will whisper your character with "Hello".
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