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Everything posted by tyrael

  1. I said before somewhere in the forum... we need a gmbot guy that will automatically give u autocomplete for every q that is not working... why bot and not through db? cause many quests won't complete with method=0 in db
  2. for now... no cataclysm is or will supported... at the proper time when devs will consider necesary... it will be supported and they will give the proper support for cataclysm clients
  3. wow wow wow ... wow... now my boy u are talking on my language...autobots is automatic playing and thinking for himself? Something like this: Make 500 accounts and bots will populate your server and everything .. like LFG, auctionhouse, questing, bg's, etc? they will play fair and square.. if that is the meaning..well.. I am your nr1 tester my friend... I freekin love the idea... just say yes to my question and I'm your man Respect
  4. by the way..where is vladimir?
  5. what do I like very much is how guys that left mangos and now "work" for trinity core are 10 steps ahead of us in everything.. spells, features...scripts...even db... I can see that those ppl communicate and welcome anyone who is willing to give a strong hand... As I look to rsa rep I can see an active man.. a man that NEEDS to be in mangos dev team.. a man that try to think things in a different way and not a communist and not friendly mangos type .. that one that u need to wait millions of years until a patch is in the repo... in this way EVERYONE WILL LOSE HIS INTEREST... even u Schmoozerd ... I am not pro rsa and agains u or mangos... I am trying to make u see the point in this situation... look now ... how many devs are online? ZERO... beside u... how many commits per day? ZERO... The project that should make a wow server to look bl1zzl1ke as much as possible is ZERO walking forward.... someone should get in charge of the dev team and contact everyone..see what happend..etc.. A great community is build hard ..and can be distroied in a couple of months... 2 bad... mangos supose to be the best emulator out there for w0w... but it isn't .... maybe R2 fork is ... as I test it myself..and I am more than impressed... Even the db...look at udb.. a release after 2 months? WTF... look at ytdb... GOD repent America.... For now we are walking to FAIL... Respect
  6. u don't really need patch file... the easiest way for a beginner is to do it manually...sometimes u learn a little bit from everything
  7. I would like to see one 2 sart..pls thank you
  8. So I discovered this problem while I was scripting boss buru in sd2... I have latest core+sd2+acid to this date that I post... First take for example Buru_egg ... this mob after it dies will summon an other mob... if u set to the egg disable_move + disable_rotate + pacified ... and have the egg set as EventAI... the mob will not rotate, will be pacified..but if u aggro it .. it will follow u... if u fear it .. it will move...and so on... If u remove EventAI from db, from egg, ALL will work like a charm... Respect
  9. uu touching... can u post a patch pls under the underreview subforum ... this is necesary... so it can get to master do u need a hand on tests? if yes..tell me what do u need to be tested
  10. u need to edit system/scriptloader.cpp from scriptdev2 with the path of the script. Once opened that file u will know what I mean After u add into creature_template the name of your script under ScriptName.. I believe this is what u are looking for
  11. well there few specs that every class must have ... maybe max 3 or six specs ... 2 for each category... I suggest to do a few things... - implement in talent specs 1 basic leveling spec + glyphs for each category and class ( ex. 1 for fire 1 for aracane 1 for frost) - make a random choice for bot (if not commanded by owner) so the bot can choose random a spec to level for lvl 80: - I suggest to implement 2 specs for each category of every class ... - also random (unless owner select his desire) choice by the bot Also, - for PVE would be good to make a system like rawr does, bot can optimize his own gear for current spec (gems + ench + glyphs, food, elixir ,etc). This part can be user for further pvp gear optimization - one more thing that I can suggest is make a table for talent specs so everyone can change or add in it new specs or mod existing ones The thing that the bot can select random a spec to level makes him more "human"if I can say that...or .. less dependent by his owner... somehow he can think for himself .. and that is a good feeling.. u won't have to think for his gear, enchants ,etc... by the system I suggested upper (rawr like) bot will act more mature as concern the spec and gear. This is the open road for further bots improvements.. like bots can do their own rotations, cast spells that would help u to not die.. heal u automatically... keep u buffed... ask for buffs.... and much more... if u like my ideas tell me and I will continue to add new ones and continue to discuss. In my head I see playerbot an artificial intelligence bot... that can act as his master say or act independent as much "humanly"as possible. Respect
  12. I may be wrong ..but this is fixed once with the mmaps
  13. I remember Rawr is the name of the program... this program has ALL the talents combinations for all classes in it plus glyphs
  14. would be easier to make bots learn talents automatically by a preset talent tree? I mean incorporate in a db some specific builds and give the bot the command to follow one of them... there is that program, I don't remember the name of it, who let's u improve your character based on what options u gave him... and the thing is that it has ALL the talent specs and glyphs attached ... I am saying this maybe u guys know the program and wish to apply this idea... Respect
  15. at last..after all this years we see this in master
  16. that is what I talk about... ppl like rhaziel confirm the hard and the best work done for 1.12.1 servers as far as I see the new release of Acid will be critical for 1.12.1 .. I mean it took a loong time to get out...and I believe it worth all the waiting.. cause A LOT of things will get worked/improved.
  17. I guess u are more than right Patman... small things together makes big things Well I am very excited about the level wow gets 2... a couple of years ago I wouldn't have dared to dream of.. but today? a lot were improved and implemented... and many of that cover 1.12.1 the most.. Respect
  18. well I still believe that reports are not inoff... for gameplay I mean... It is very useful that the report is linked to tracker but what about players? we need an additional db where quests that do not work to be added by the gms... also this db server for a custom future to your idea.. I am suggesting using that db to give auto complete to the reported q, IF that q is approved by a gm. In the moment when a certain player will report the q, by it's name the server will check if that q is in db and if it's approved as auto complete by a gm... in that moment server will give that player complete to q... I repeat only after he reports it! Also to avoid overflow of reports about a quest, we can make that every player that takes that q to receive auto complete, only if the gm approve it. The gm must see the clear report and decide if in that report there are in off information about that q bug. Respect
  19. well... 60% your estimation is a lot... thou I still believe that mmaps and warden will make it 80% as we know that mmpas it self will solve a LOT of all branches unwanted behaviors! Respect
  20. - Well one more thing that can be add to all sides (server,scripts,db) would be custom content that can make your life easier and the content more fun! Things like: - Ah - playerbot - Traitor etc.
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