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Everything posted by terrorio

  1. Hello, Is there any check in the core yet that checks if the Main tank is incapacitated, and if so, the creature should start attack the 2nd on the threat list, until the main tank is free again. Currently testing stuff and it seems that if a creature cast Gouge, it moves to the 2nd on threat list if available. However with conflagration(state Confused) it does not turn to the 2nd on threat list.
  2. No I wasn't poiting to the immune mechanics, but talking about casting generic spells, it seems that they interrupt the inferno. Try Hatefull strike for example.
  3. Thanks, tested it and works like a charm, one problem though. Most of the time the spell gets interrupted by spells/melee attacks. Maybe a problem with the type of spell?
  4. Tohan could you post your fix? I ran into the same problem with another mob, thanks already:)
  5. Hey everyone just started learning mangos and it's very interesting, but also like a maze anyway, How do you create your own immunities? I want to make a specific immunity for AoE spells you got 4 possible AoE spells. SELECT_TARGET_SELF, //Only Self casting SELECT_TARGET_SINGLE_ENEMY, //Only Single Enemy SELECT_TARGET_AOE_ENEMY, //Only AoE Enemy SELECT_TARGET_ANY_ENEMY, //AoE or Single Enemy Is it hard to create a new immunity and where do I start? looking through the core now and still not getting how immunities work. I don't know but something like this to start with?: ApplySpellImmune(spellProto->EffectImplicitTargetA, type, apply); and then somehow it needs to check for those ImplicitA targets Thanks
  6. Hey, currently trying to fix a spell named Deaden Magic. It's a magic buff you gain that reduces 50% magical damage taken, but if I cast it on myself I can dispel it, which it shouldn't and when the boss cast the spell, you can't dispel it, which it should. Any help?
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