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Everything posted by terrorio

  1. The table creature_linking_template won't do the trick, because it only works for entry id's and not for GUID's. Even if creature_linking_template worked with GUID's, it would still mess up because of the "bad" follow system, the creature's follow their master with a distance of 10-20 yards and not smooth at all.
  2. Maybe there is a way to make the spell not act as a shapeshift? So it always returns spell_failed if it's on cooldown? If it's not marked as a shapeshift spell, it can't remove the shapeshift by clicking the spell icon.
  3. Yeah I tried, but there is a problem.. I try to explain as best as I can. The situation: to cancel a shapeshift spell you have 2 options - Richt click the buff logo in the right upper corner - Click the spell icon in the spellbar Both situations call the same function: void WorldSession::HandleCancelAuraOpcode( WorldPacket& recvPacket) The problem is that I need to add a check to the spell bar and NOT a check to the right click method.. Because if I add the check to HandleCancelAuraOpcode, you cannot remove the spell by Right clicking the buff icon and this is a problem I hope you understand because it's hard to explain. I guess the main point I'm trying understand is that if there is a way to add a cooldown check only to the Spellbar and not to the right clicking part..
  4. Is there a way to make a shapeshift spell to check if it's on cooldown and return spell_failed message instead of removing shapeshift?
  5. Hello, in what function are spells handled that act as shapeshift For example, if you cast dire bear form, you'll get a different spellIcon in your spellbar (the whisp icon) if you click it again, it will remove the shapeshift. How does the core know that it is a shapeshift spell and removes the shapeshift instead of returning that the spell is on cooldown? It seems Shapeshift spells are skipped with the spell cooldown check, because if you click shapeshift spell again, the shapeshift gets removed. Even if it's on cooldown What function checks if the spell is a shapeshift spell?
  6. Rewrite of MovementHandling would be nice aswell, it will give a big boost to the complete blizzlike feeling.
  7. Just get a random target and let the player cast the sand trap spell. pPlayer->CastSpell(pPlayer, 25648, true);
  8. Hello, some specific weapon enchantments are not reapplied after a player gets resurrected. Anyone know where to look or how to fix this? I don't think it's good to remove and reapply all itemmods on revive. Rockbiter weapon gives 500 attack power for example, which is lost after you die, Until you relog or re-equip item. thanks!
  9. I know how to read the DBC files, but the problem is that field 162 (1.12 client) has a negative SpellFamilyFlag, and in the database I cannot put negative values in the spell_proc_event table. That's the problem
  10. Hello, another question! How do I read those negative SpellFamilyFlags in the dbc files? how do I convert them so they get into spell_proc_event?(Can't enter negative values) Thanks
  11. The problem is that I have the passive aura declared in the spell_proc_event table, with the correct family name/flags. however the dummy spell has 0 and 0 at the flag/name(Like all dummy spells) So the passive aura won't proc on the dummy hit. that's the problem.
  12. Hello all, How do you make a dummy spell to be able to proc? I've seen several talents which give you a passive aura, and those passive aura's need to have a chance to proc on the dummy spell hit. However the problem is that most dummy spells don't have a spellfamily name or spellfamily flag. Any suggestions?
  13. Hello, I've got a problem with several items. If I try to combine them together, it keeps sending the message "Item is not ready yet". Anyone know where to look? thanks
  14. But how comes the NPC movement is not smooth at all? Creature follows a Creature -> Very bad follow || Creature follows a Player -> Very good follow What's making the difference?
  15. Actually I want to remove those "emotes" from bosses. On retail bosses didnt' get affected by critical hits or normal hits. On mangos however, the bosses are affected and their visual appearance is pretty ugly, especially with 25 or 40 man raids and everyone damaging the boss.
  16. Hmm strange, because on the master, creature animations goes smooth. But on ONE and ZERO the creature keeps "bugging" if it receives many hits. It looks like after each direct damage taken, it resets back to its orginial stand state or something (if the damage is received from DOTs, it doesn't bug). This results in the creature not finishing it's attack animation and looks quite dull.
  17. Hello all, does anyone know where the creature animations are handled, for example when you critical hit a creature, it has a special animation. Or if the creature dodges, it does the dodge animation. Are these handled in the core? Thanks
  18. Maybe for those 2 flags: FLAG_RESPAWN_ON_EVADE = 0x0004, the slave respawns when the master evades FLAG_TO_RESPAWN_ON_EVADE = 0x0008, the master respawns when the slave evades Isn't it better to let the slaves respawn when the master reached home, instead of enter evade mode? Now it's possible to pull the boss far away, kill the adds quickly and make the boss enter evade mode -> slaves are back and people can pull them already, while the boss is still running "home". And after that they can kill the boss without his slaves. Just an idea Edit: I remember on retail the slaves respawn once the master reached home.
  19. I found the problem which was causing my creature to despawn, since quest_end_scripts didn't had a primary key in database, I couldn't remove my older entries, which where overwriting my newer ones. Anyway thanks for the help, learned a lot
  20. As far as I know there is no procFlag for successful CAST, but only succesful HIT, that's the problem.
  21. Thanks for the quick answer, I'll see if I can get further with this tomorrow, kinda late now . The reason I wanted to change is because whenever I summon a creature via the quest_end_scripts, it never stayed longer than 6/7 seconds. I tried every number at the 'datalong2' 120, 7200, 7200000, 100000. It didn't matter, it despawned everytime after 6/7 seconds. (I'm on Zero btw). When I used TempSummonType 8 (TEMPSUMMON_MANUAL_DESPAWN) it stayed forever untill I despawn it through a script, which is what I need. Anyway, I'll continue with this tomorrow, g'night!
  22. Hello all, Got a question that I can't answer myself. I want to modify the parameters of command SCRIPT_COMMAND_TEMP_SUMMON_CREATURE = 10. (Located in map.cpp) Currently the 'datalong3' and 'datalong4' aren't used in the database table 'quest_end_scripts' (at least not for the above command). How can I make datalong3 to hold the parameter of TempSummonType? Currently it is like this: Creature* pCreature = summoner->SummonCreature(step.script->summonCreature.creatureEntry, x, y, z, o, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_DEAD_DESPAWN, step.script->summonCreature.despawnDelay, (step.script->summonCreature.flags & 0x01) ? true: false); At the moment it's a fixed value: TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OR_DEAD_DESPAWN. But I want it like this, so I can put the value of TempSummonType in my database: Creature* pCreature = summoner->SummonCreature(step.script->summonCreature.creatureEntry, x, y, z, o, step.script->summonCreature.unused1, step.script->summonCreature.despawnDelay, (step.script->summonCreature.flags & 0x01) ? true: false); unused1 seems to be the 5th row in 'quest_end_scripts' (datalong3) But this doesn't work and I've tried several things but nothing works. Can ayone give some help?
  23. Actually it does work, my bad. Commented some code that was actually removing the charges ! thanks for replying though.
  24. Hello, Got a problem with some buffs: It has a few charges but once it reach 1 charge left, the buff remains, but should go away. If it's 2 charges or higher, it does reduce the charge each proc, however the last charge does not. Any suggestions where to look?
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