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Everything posted by Agiko

  1. Well Here the case. If a player creates a ticket and a GM deletes it. WITHOUT relogging the player cannot create anymore tickets until he relogs. I fixed this by sending a SMSG_GMTICKET_DELETETICKET to the player in the HandleDelTicketCommand. It seems that SendGMTicketGetTicket(0x0A,0) wipes out the display of a active ticket but the client thinks it still has an active ticket. SO here there codes under HandleDelTicketCommand //notify player if(Player* pl = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(guid, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER))) { pl->GetSession()->SendGMTicketGetTicket(0x0A, 0); PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETPLAYERDEL, GetNameLink(pl).c_str()); ++ // SYN: Send Packet Ticket Delete ++ WorldPacket data(SMSG_GMTICKET_DELETETICKET, 4); ++ data << uint32(9); ++ pl->GetSession()->SendPacket( &data ); } else PSendSysMessage(LANG_COMMAND_TICKETDEL);
  2. Yeah it should.. It working on my servers
  3. This should do it.. uint32 Unit::CalcArmorReducedDamage(Unit* pVictim, const uint32 damage) { uint32 newdamage = 0; float armor = pVictim->GetArmor(); // Ignore enemy armor by SPELL_AURA_MOD_TARGET_RESISTANCE aura armor += GetTotalAuraModifierByMiscMask(SPELL_AURA_MOD_TARGET_RESISTANCE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL); // Apply Player CR_ARMOR_PENETRATION rating and percent talents if (GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER) + { + + float maxArmorPen=0; + if (getLevel()<60) + maxArmorPen=400+85*pVictim->getLevel(); + else + maxArmorPen=400+85*pVictim->getLevel()+4.5*85*(pVictim->getLevel()-59); + // Cap armor penetration to this number + maxArmorPen = std::min(((armor+maxArmorPen)/3),armor); + // Figure out how much armor do we ignore + float armorPen = maxArmorPen*((Player*)this)->GetArmorPenetrationPct() / 100.0f; + // Got the value, apply it + armor -= armorPen; + + } - armor *= 1.0f - ((Player*)this)->GetArmorPenetrationPct() / 100.0f; + //armor *= 1.0f - ((Player*)this)->GetArmorPenetrationPct() / 100.0f;
  4. Yes 2/3 of armor in plate? Might as well let warriors wear cloth now
  5. * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Fixes Armor penetration Cap * For which repository revision was the patch created? All Rev that supports 3.1.0 and greater * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread. Nope * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Me Armor Penetration is Incorrectly calaulated it was taking the entire armor of the victim, This is wrong. The correct way is Fix uint32 Unit::CalcArmorReducedDamage(Unit* pVictim, const uint32 damage) { uint32 newdamage = 0; float armor = pVictim->GetArmor(); // Ignore enemy armor by SPELL_AURA_MOD_TARGET_RESISTANCE aura armor += GetTotalAuraModifierByMiscMask(SPELL_AURA_MOD_TARGET_RESISTANCE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL); // Apply Player CR_ARMOR_PENETRATION rating and percent talents if (GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER) + { + + float maxArmorPen=0; + if (getLevel()<60) + maxArmorPen=400+85*pVictim->getLevel(); + else + maxArmorPen=400+85*pVictim->getLevel()+4.5*85*(pVictim->getLevel()-59); + // Cap armor penetration to this number + maxArmorPen = std::min(((armor+maxArmorPen)/3),armor); + // Figure out how much armor do we ignore + float armorPen = maxArmorPen*((Player*)this)->GetRatingBonusValue(CR_ARMOR_PENETRATION) / 100.0f; + // Got the value, apply it + armor -= armorPen; + + } - armor *= 1.0f - ((Player*)this)->GetArmorPenetrationPct() / 100.0f; + //armor *= 1.0f - ((Player*)this)->GetArmorPenetrationPct() / 100.0f;
  6. That i could prove you wrong... Agro a mob on retail and jump off a higher ground to lower not in LOS of the mob. The mob will take the Standard Route down to reach you, therefore you can... There are also come cases where you can shoot a mob from higher ground which will cause them to path their way up.
  7. Anyone seen this? http://digestingduck.blogspot.com/ http://code.google.com/p/recastnavigation/ I tried it out in their Demo Provided with a object from the wow client and it works really fast and well, It an open source so maybe we could pick some words and numbers out
  8. Is it possible to make an instance like Scarlet crusade Armory into a non instance place so it does not seperate people with different instance ID? So i just want to find a way to make it global to all
  9. ahh So what the next step now?
  10. To fix the SoV Dot tick ... The damage is required to be scripted I did this in Aura::HandlePeriodicDamage and it works case SPELLFAMILY_PALADIN: { // Holy Vengeance / Blood Corruption[(0.013 * SPH + 0.025 * AP) * 5] if( m_spellProto->Id == 31803 || m_spellProto->Id == 53742) m_modifier.m_amount += int32(((0.013 * (((Player*)caster)->GetBaseSpellPowerBonus()) + 0.025 * (caster->GetTotalAttackPowerValue(BASE_ATTACK))) * 5)); }
  11. There is a bug in this patch somewhere... Your character name is unknown...NPC completly freezed
  12. So the packets are encrypted in?
  13. But if it does not have the module it would return a CMSG_WARDEN_DATA with a 0 ... But i dont get it at all
  14. I got a question... What exactly is send in SMSG_WARDEN_DATA 0x00? I send the client 0x00,MD5,Seed but they dont seem to reply back I tried
  15. In the client there is this command /console serveralert and when u type serveralert in the console.. it will trigger a message saying that the URL is set to SERVER_ALERT_URL Wonder if that can be used
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