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Posts posted by herrtrigger

  1. Mangos 11171, release

    SD2 1981

    UDB 398

    Acid 3.0.8

    Win xp pro, x86

    Uptime was 9 days

    Crash occured when lvl80 human warrior was grinding these:


    He was on fly mount pulling lots of mobs.

    2011-03-07 17:59:23 Account: 13 (IP: xxxxxxxxxxxx) Login Character:[Theseus] (guid: 125)


    Revision: * * 11171 *
    Date 7:3:2011. Time 18:26 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2050  @ 1.60GHz
    Number Of Processors: 2
    Physical Memory: 1047916 KB (Available: 300648 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 2517116 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Version 5.1, Build 2600)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  0043B269 01:0003A269 C:\\GAMING\\11171+1981\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:09E3FF04  EBP:09E3FF24
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0043B269  00000000  ??4barGoLink@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+20A9
    009A6129  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+D59
    002A2E34  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2542  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    009A6340  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+F70
    009AB939  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+6569
    009A6129  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+D59
    002A2E34  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    009A6340  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+F70
    009AB939  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+6569
    009A6129  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+D59
    002A2E34  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    009A6340  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+F70
    009AB939  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+6569
    009A6129  00000000  ?SetOutputState@barGoLink@@SAX_N@Z+D59
    002A2E34  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0046F594  00000000  ?_IsWithinDist@WorldObject@@QBE_NPBV1@M_N@Z+34
    4420896A  00000000  


    2011-03-07 18:24:30 ERROR:WorldSocket::SendPacket enqueue_tail
    2011-03-07 18:26:03 ERROR:World Thread hangs, kicking out server!

    I've never seen "SendPacket enqueue_tail" before.

    (Maxcorestucktime is set to 120 secs in cfg btw)

  2. Mangos 11171

    SD2 1981

    UDB 398

    Acid 3.0.8

    Win XP x86, release

    Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde Keep dungeon



    1x human warrior

    2x draenei palladin

    1x draenei shaman

    (all entered dungeon unmounted btw)


    Some doorways act weird and can't be passed.

    First, the draenei's could not pass the doorway wich leads to Thrall's prison (and thus couldn't progress the COT quest(s)).

    The human warrior could though.

    So we thought maybe this buff had somethibg to do with it: Human Illusion


    We just continued the run, since the human warrior was able to trigger Thrall's escort.

    Everything went fine, but arriving at the last house wich Thrall enters: Nobody couldn't pass that doorway, and Thrall died while fighting inside alone.

    The next day we tried again, and everything was exactly the same, until the point where Thrall runs into a room to put on his armor: the draenei's couldn't enter that room either (no big deal), but the warrior ran inside the room perfectly, but couldn't get out anymore.

    Had to .namego him out of there. And yes, Thrall died again in all the commotion ^^

    So it's pretty weird, but breaks one of the coolest dungeons in the game (imho).

    (I read some time ago that sometimes indoorcheck & unmount can cause unpassable doorways, but as said, we made shure we entered dungeon unmounted, so dunno if related)

  3. ops i see one error what is wrong

    ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'chars.account' doesn't exist

    i used this sql script on my char DB, is that wrong ?





    -- Select your Realmd database ofcourse.

    DELETE FROM `account` WHERE `last_login` < TIMESTAMP('2010-01-01') AND `id` NOT IN (SELECT `id` FROM `account_banned` WHERE (`bandate` = `unbandate`));

    -- All queries beneath are for the character Database.


  4. 49 days of uptime is unrealistic even for Blizz .......... Regular uptime of mangos servers is even lower...
    as a matter of fact: uptime over 7 days is not blizzlike
    yea but what i really meant is that you are discussing some absurdly long uptimes that won't happen in near future

    Assuming there would be some crazy guy out there, who has a costly server rack, and has his MaNGOS running for 49+ days....

    Well, lets first meet such guy who will have a server running for 49 days with online > 0 players :)

    Well... I don't want to be the party-pooper but this thread is getting me scared a bit. :)



    My small 'family & friends' server runs for about 2-3 weeks 24/7, then I always turn it off myself in order to backup databases.

    Then, after succesfull backupping the databases, I restart that pc, relaunch mangos, and it will go into same 2-3 week cycle.

    So, imho, when I don't shut it down myself it would run easily 49 days+.

  5. It can be and _valid_ case: when player (not group leader) have persistant binding to instance and group not have yet.

    That makes sense because the player that was saved prior will enter 'his' saved dungeon.

    But it's different. I seen it on fresh server start where i'm shure that noone was saved/bound to any instance/raid prior. (".instance stats" were all zero when party formed, and ">> Instance numbers remapped, next instance id is 1" upon server startup).

    edit: just checked; had 10549 + sd2 1833 before, and iirc it acted the same. Can't recall exactly from wich rev it started to happen though.

  6. when i enter an instance or a raid i cant see other people and they cant see any one, i only can see them on the mini map...

    Leave the instance and re-enter. This usually fixes the issue.

    Confirmed on 10720 + sd2 1863, winxp x86 (no other patches).

    Tried with Network.TcpNodelay = 0 and Network.TcpNodelay = 1 but that was just a big guess^^, since switching that didn't make a big difference.

    edit: issue doesn't happen often, and from what i've witnessed it's only some players of the group, not the whole group, that's suddenly unvisible upon entry.

    Also, got some pc's in lan here from wich one runs server, two are set up for gaming next to eachother: then it shows that on same connection game pc1 sees everybody upon entry, while pc2 misses a few players in sight, or vice-versa (or any other combo offcourse).

  7. After recieving some answers in irc, people asked to try Gnomeregan with 5+ players.

    According to dbc's, gnomeregan should still allow 5+ players. (if i understood correctly)



    After creating an 8 player raid group (2 groups: 5 + 3):

    Again, only the first 5 players wich entered were allowed:

    2010-10-17 20:53:42 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Störtebeker (174) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..
    2010-10-17 20:53:42 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Jatastaa (299) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..
    2010-10-17 20:54:17 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:90, x:-332.220001, y:-2.280000, z:-150.860001) We port him to his homebind instead..

    3 players back at their home city, left out in the cold.

    So since gnomeregan was mentioned to being 10man max, these things happening to 5+ group entries might indeed mean maxplayers is wrong afterall?

    Great help would be someone playing on retail, being able to tell if wowwiki/atlas/.... their max players are wrong, or mangos.


    Don't know if usefull (dated 2006), but not much info to be found googling for 10 man instances:


  8. Mangos 10549

    SD2 1833

    UDB 393

    Acid 3.0.5

    Win XP x86

    release, VS2008

    Tried with 2 instances:


    (http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Maps.dbc :map 48)



    (http://udbwiki.no-ip.org/index.php/Maps.dbc :map 47)

    Blackfathom was attempted with 6 player raid-group (5m group + 1m group)

    Razorfen was attempted with 7 player raid-group (5m group + 2m group)

    Every time a player above nr5 entered the instance, he got ported back:

    2010-10-07 23:05:24 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:48, x:-151.889999, y:106.959999, z:-39.869999) We port him to his homebind instead..

    2010-10-10 20:47:22 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Garly (314) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:47, x:1943.000000, y:1544.630005, z:82.000000) We port him to his homebind instead..
    2010-10-10 20:47:51 ERROR:WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode: player Novar (71) was teleported far but couldn't be added to map. (map:47, x:1943.000000, y:1544.630005, z:82.000000) We port him to his homebind instead..

    I then looked under instance_template, in search for maxPLAYERS.


    But it got removed over time (where is mangos getting maxplayers from now?)

    Using ".goname 'player-inside-the-instance'" didn't help and just ported me back to hometown again.

    (Side-issue:Trying twice .goname and getting ported back twice, ported me back in an empty stormwind (no npcs, GO's,....., visible at all). Logout-in made them all visible again, but the maxplayer issue remained offcourse.)

    So, anyone else able to run 10 man dungeons (not raids!) with more than 5 atm?

    Or am i just doing something very wrong with grouping?

  9. I thought not to post it under 'Windows crash dumps', since most there only hold the crashlog, but no info on what happened right before crash.

    Not shure if all this will be helpfull, but anyways, hoping it is. :)

    *Mangos 10288, win xp x86, vs2008, release.

    *SD2 1749

    *UDB 392 & acid 3.0.4

    *No other patches

    *About 10 accounts (so until lately, with almost infinite uptime)

    Revision: * * 10288 *
    Date 2:8:2010. Time 21:50 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2050  @ 1.60GHz
    Number Of Processors: 2
    Physical Memory: 1047916 KB (Available: 388432 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 2517104 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Version 5.1, Build 2600)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  0078BE50 01:0038AE50 C:\\GAMING\\Mangos 10288 + sd2 1749\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:095998B4  EBP:095B8374
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0078BE50  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@QAE?AW4SpellAuraProcResult@@PAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@III@Z+3590
    004A6F28  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@QAEX_NPAV1@IIW4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@I@Z+6A8
    0049799F  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIIW4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@@Z+2F
    0048DB4C  00000000  ?AttackerStateUpdate@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@W4WeaponAttackType@@_N@Z+1BC
    0050B39A  00000000  ?Update@Player@@UAEXI@Z+53A
    004D444B  00000000  ?Update@Map@@UAEXABI@Z+DB
    004DA3B3  00000000  ?Update@InstanceMap@@UAEXABI@Z+13
    00887D9E  00000000  ?HandleGMResponseResolve@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+88E
    006B2E30  00000000  ?GetEmotesTextStore@@YAPBV?$DBCStorage@UEmotesTextEntry@@@@XZ+483D0
    00640306  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+59E6
    004580FE  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+3CBCE
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2542  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008FB820  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+1020
    00902200  00000000  ?step@barGoLink@@QAEXXZ+1FF0
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008FB820  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+1020
    00902200  00000000  ?step@barGoLink@@QAEXXZ+1FF0
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008FB820  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+1020
    00902200  00000000  ?step@barGoLink@@QAEXXZ+1FF0
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    095988EC  00000000  0000:00000000 
    FF50D845  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C842A51  00000000  GetConsoleInputWaitHandle+318
    7C842B98  00000000  ReadConsoleA+3B
    7C7D18B7  00000000  ReadFile+A5
    78586A93  00000000  realloc+9F7
    78586F17  00000000  _read+C0
    7854EC7A  00000000  _filbuf+7D
    7854E319  00000000  fgets+109
    004130D8  00000000  ??4Config@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+2028
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C7D2455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008FB820  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+1020
    00432B5B  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+1762B
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    719D5FA7  00000000  0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
    71A3314F  00000000  select+A7
    00264B85  00000000  ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+115
    FFFFFFFF  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C90E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    719D5FA7  00000000  0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
    71A3314F  00000000  select+A7
    00264B85  00000000  ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+115
    FFFFFFFF  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0078BE50  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@QAE?AW4SpellAuraProcResult@@PAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@III@Z+3590
    004A6F28  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@QAEX_NPAV1@IIW4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@I@Z+6A8
    0049799F  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIIW4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@@Z+2F
    0048DB4C  00000000  ?AttackerStateUpdate@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@W4WeaponAttackType@@_N@Z+1BC
    0050B39A  00000000  ?Update@Player@@UAEXI@Z+53A
    004D444B  00000000  ?Update@Map@@UAEXABI@Z+DB
    004DA3B3  00000000  ?Update@InstanceMap@@UAEXABI@Z+13
    00887D9E  00000000  ?HandleGMResponseResolve@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+88E
    006B2E30  00000000  ?GetEmotesTextStore@@YAPBV?$DBCStorage@UEmotesTextEntry@@@@XZ+483D0
    00640306  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+59E6
    004580FE  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+3CBCE
    008FB609  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+E09
    002A12C4  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C7DB729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Global Variables

    (nothing extraordinary in server.log after crash btw)

    Crash happened while runing the instance Utgarde Pinnacle (normal-mode)(http://www.wowhead.com/zone=1196/utgarde-pinnacle)

    Group that ran the dungeon consisted of:

    1 Human male, mage, lvl80

    1 Draenei female, priest, lvl 79

    1 Night elf male, druid, lvl 79

    1 Human male, paladin, lvl 80

    1 Draenei male, shaman, lvl 80

    (were also the only players online at that time)

    At the moment of crash, group was in combat with the following mobs:




    Coords of fight were around 34, 52 (on the wowhead minimap (from links above))


    Think i also might add it crashed world immediatly, was no freeze (since i have "MaxCoreStuckTime = 120" in cfg, thought maybe worth mentioning).

    And server & client not on same machine (small laptop dedicated to hosting the realm).

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