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Everything posted by blueboy

  1. Hi Syenet, The guide I provided shows you how to merge the code locally on your harddrive. True, this merged code is ready to compile, without the need to create a patch. But if you later decide to build a new server, the stanalone patch may save you some time (just apply it to a fresh download of MaNGOS). If after resolving merge conflicts you do not commit the code changes, then the merge will not take effect (git log to check merge success). I have tested the collect/get/survey code on my box, using code merged from my instructions and it seems to work perfectly. I gather you are compiling on Windows. If not, you might have a couple of compile issues on linux. I have notified BThallid and I am sure he will adjust the code on loot-fix-bt shortly. 1. Declaration of non-standard function itoa() for linux 2. Addition of a missing header file in PlayerbotAI.cpp (#include "../CellImpl.h") EDIT: The code on loot-fix-bt has now been updated initially only allows the bot to collect profession and quest items after combat. To get the rest you must specify I agree that it would be a good idea to have an 'all' option to complement the 'none' option with collect. Maybe have all collect options active as default. shows all gameobjects near to the bot as expected and all were accessible. Either select the target, in the case of looting a corpse, or a HLINK [Copper Ore] in the case of a gameobject. /p get Bot moves to specified location and obtains the goodies. Cheers
  2. Yes, I know that. It's weird to me just because the "collect" part once worked perfectly. I see there's a "ahbot" branch in your "portal", is it the "new_ahbot" form cyberium http://github.com/cyberium/mangos/tree/new_ahbot? If I want to merge "ahbot" to my current "training" which is already merged with "loot_bt", how can I do that? Yes, it worked for me too before, but like I said Bthallid is trying some new ideas out and the code is not guaranteed. I can comment on the training code as that's mine and I shall shortly merge this code with portal for beta testing The auctionhousebot code on blueboy is based on Naicisum's code. This code is stable, requires low maintenance and works fine for moderate amounts of auction items (~1500). To use the auctionhouse code, why not create a standalone patch that can be applied to the playerbot/training/loot-fix-bt code. This is what I use and it should merge and compile without issue. #!/bin/bash -x git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git ahbot cd ahbot git fetch git://github.com/blueboy/ahbot.git ahbot:ahbot git checkout ahbot HASH=`git log --pretty=oneline | grep -m 1 '\\[1[0-9]\\{4\\}]' | cut -d " " -f 1` git diff $HASH > ahbot.patch Hope this helps
  3. Hi Syenet, Thanks for the feedback, I'm sure Bthallid will find it useful. Please bear in mind that these sub-branches hold alpha code and although it might compile, it may just be an idea in progress (i.e not guaranteed to work). Cheers
  4. Hi Guys, If it is any help, I have a method to locally merge both development branches loot-fix-bt and training into the portal code, to enable you to test all. 1. clone the portal code to a directory where you wish to compile git clone git://github.com/blueboy/portal.git <dest. directory name> 2. Inside <dest. directory name> check all available branches git branch -a You will need to correct for some merge conflicts, so check that your default git editor (core.editor) is useable. Mine was set to 'Vim' and I hate this. To change the core.editor ( if editor is not accessible in the system path, you may need to include this too); git config --global core.editor <editor of your choice> 3. Merge loot-fix-bt branch git merge origin/loot-fix-bt 4. Merge training branch git merge origin/training 5. Open file src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.h and search for string HEAD. There are two conflicts First Remove the highlighted text, everything is fine here. Second Again remove the highlighted text and move BotSpellList m_spellsToLearn; // list of spells so 6. save the file, and return to the source root and check for changes git status 7. Add modified files and commit changes. git add src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.h git commit -a The editor will now automatically open, allowing your to review and change the commit message. Simply save the file. EDIT: Now to create a playerbot patch with everything in it, run the following bash script from the source root #!/bin/bash -x HASH=`git log --pretty=oneline | grep -m 1 '\\[1[0-9]\\{4\\}]' | cut -d " " -f 1` git diff $HASH > playerbot.patch git apply --check --whitespace=fix playerbot.patch I have tested this and it works. You may find a git warning about whitespaces, but these are easy to fix. Hope this helps
  5. No, the code for both are separate, as they both under development. Eventually both will be merged with the master portal branch, where beta testing will be done, prior to a merge with the stable blueboy repo. If you want to test both out, you will need to get the code from both branches. If you need help doing this, please let me know Hope this helps
  6. Hi Syenet, Thanks for testing the training branch. Sorry I messed up in the original branch, I merged loot-fix-bt branch with training. I should have kept the code from both branches separate. This is why I removed the original branch. The new training branch now only contains training code. This would explain why looting features no longer work. Please test out BThallid's excellent loot-fix-bt branch as well, to restore these features. Hope this helps
  7. Hi cyberium , No, playerbot does not use any code from 'scripting', either universal or ScriptDev2. I was just pointing out that the script option in Configuration Manager is not used by MaNGOS or playerbot. This is why no rules are not built into "mangosdVC100" or the other solutions (VC90) for that matter. Cheers
  8. Hi, There is a good reason why the "mangosdVC100" solution does not include "script" project; Whenever I compile under windows, I purposely deselect the 'script' option in Configuration Manager. This refers to the 'universal' scripting, which is not not used by MaNGOS. ScriptDev2 is compiled as a separate Project. It works, try it Hope this helps
  9. Hi Guys, All fixed I have merged both repos with MaNGOS[10944]. The adjustment made by NoFantasy makes perfect sense and I'm amazed it was not changed before. The conflict in World.cpp was due to a core/playerbot clash while adding header file references, easy to fix. Hope this helps
  10. blueboy

    MMaps Redux

    Hi Guys, Just to let you know that reference to another header file must be added to PathFinder.cpp, inorder for the latest code to compile without issue on *nix Hope this helps
  11. training is the a new feature of playerbot. It basically allows players to manage their bot(s) class/profession training.The code is in the early stages of testing, but appears to work fine. If you wish to try it out any of the code in development, we would be interested in your comments. Hope this helps
  12. This is the playerbot project and we focus on it's development only. You can merge the two projects yourself. I have given tips in this thread about resolving possible merge conflicts. Failing that, you can use the code from https://github.com/blueboy/ahbot that I have adjusted to merge directly with playerbot. It's the old Naicisum code, but it works. As long as you don't expect billions of items to be stocked in your auctionhouse Hope this helps
  13. Thanks for testing the training branch, I do hope to combine the commands 'training', 'learn' and 'skill' into one, before I push the code to portal. All suggestions are welcome and the use of mailboxes will certainly be considered. Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the patch from TrinityCore. I was aware of Lojack's (a.k.a MoJo) work. He has adapted playerbot to work with TrinityCore and has added some nice features of his own, that we maybe able to use. In fact his patch did enable me to get started with the training code Cheers
  14. Hi, I created the branch training from the code on portal when it was at MaNGOS[10856]. I then merged the code from loot-fix.bt with training. This may have rewound the code, because loot-fix-bt was created when the core was at MaNGOS[10792]. I should really have then merged with the core again, to ensure that everthing was up-to-date. Sorry. You will appreciate that the code on individual sub-branches is 'alpha' code and does not necessarily reflect the current the status of other branches. Now that I have updated portal and blueboy, it should resolve your issue Hope this helps
  15. Hi, I know what has happened. The code on portal is currently merged with core code MaNGOS[10856]. The change in the code was made in ManGOS[10867]. I create standalone patches and apply this directly to the latest core code. I will merge the code on portal and blueboy with the latest core, and this will fix the issue. Hope this helps
  16. Hi, This is most strange. The extract I gave in my last post was taken for Creature.h in the core, with no mods. https://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/src/game/Creature.h What version of the core are you running? This was added to the core in MaNGOS[10867] https://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/605ecf175f19883529bf4c39354d2b06da75a46d Hope this helps
  17. Yes, I haven't pushed the fix mentioned in post #1585 yet. Once I have renamed the declarations of these two lists, it should silence the errors. In the meantime you can make the changes manually in PlayerbotAI.h EDIT: I have just pushed my latest commit with fixes for previous issues. The code on branch 'training' has been tested with MaNGOS [10899] and compiles and runs without issue. Hope this helps, and thanks for testing the 'training' code.
  18. Hi Syenet, Hmmm, this looks like VC100 can't find Creature.h for some reason. I have looked at the header file and Creature.cpp and it definitely exists I haven't compiled the code on a windows box for awhile. Leave it with me, the VC100 build files may need to be updated. Hope this helps
  19. Yes, When I was renaming things, I forgot to rename the typedef declarations of to Sorry about that I'll be pushing a new commit today and I'll correct it then. If you are testing 'training' code; If you have a large group of bots, it's easy to forget which bot has what? .... I have a new command ('skill') that will shows the current status of bot primary professions. Hope this helps
  20. Yes, there is no need to re-compile the whole project. If your using *nix, just run 1. make to ensure the changes work. Only files that have changed need re-compiling 2. make install to actually build the object code. and if your using windows I believe there is a re-build command in Visual C, that does the same. Note: If any header files (*.h) are changed, the compiler will force a full compilation, due to the interdependancy of these files. I also have written a service script (clean.sh) for *nix systems, that backs up the server config files before installation. These can then be quickly restored, to save time. You should be able to adapt this for windows. #!/bin/bash rm -R /home/mangos/wow/bin if [ -d "/home/mangos/wow/etc.old" ] && [ -d "/home/mangos/wow/data" ]; then rm -R /home/mangos/wow/etc.old fi mv /home/mangos/wow/etc /home/mangos/wow/etc.old rm -R /home/mangos/wow/data rm -R /home/mangos/wow/lib Run clean.sh, Before compilation and after compilation Then just load the server.. Hope this helps
  21. Hi Guys, I've just updated both repos to compensate for the core changes in WorldSession.cpp. They should now compile and run without issue. Hope this helps
  22. Hi mrelfire, Yes thanks, I've just had to fix that, whilst compiling the latest core with playerbot. They have dropped the use of 'GUID_LOPART' and there is a work around. I will update both repos shortly, but in the meantime here is a patch. diff --git a/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotMgr.cpp b/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotMgr.cpp index 975ab7d..991e17f 100644 --- a/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotMgr.cpp +++ b/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotMgr.cpp @@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ void PlayerbotMgr::HandleMasterIncomingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet) sLog.outDebug("PlayerbotMgr: CMSG_REPAIR_ITEM"); - uint64 npcGUID, itemGUID; + ObjectGuid npcGUID; + uint64 itemGUID; uint8 guildBank; p.rpos(0); //reset packet pointer @@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ void PlayerbotMgr::HandleMasterIncomingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet) Creature *unit = bot->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(npcGUID, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_REPAIR); if (!unit) // Check if NPC can repair bot or not { - sLog.outDebug("PlayerbotMgr: HandleRepairItemOpcode - Unit (GUID: %u) not found or you can't interact with him.", uint32(GUID_LOPART(npcGUID))); + sLog.outDebug("PlayerbotMgr: HandleRepairItemOpcode - Unit (GUID: %s) not found or you can't interact with him.", npcGUID.GetString().c_str()); return; } @@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ void PlayerbotMgr::HandleMasterIncomingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet) } else // Handle feature (repair all items) for bot { - sLog.outDebug("ITEM: Repair all items, npcGUID = %u", GUID_LOPART(npcGUID)); + sLog.outDebug("ITEM: Repair all items, npcGUID = %s", npcGUID.GetString().c_str()); TotalCost = bot->DurabilityRepairAll(true, discountMod, guildBank > 0 ? true : false); } Hope this helps
  23. Hi Dub, If your getting compile errors, what are they? Have you tried the code on portal, as I have just said to vladex. The code on blueboy was last updated for MaNGOS[10744]. They have since moved vmaps to a new location, causing a number of issues. The code on blueboy will be updated soon, once all issues with the core have been resolved. I noted that the source for vmap_assembler and vmap_extractor_v3 in the contrib folder, still have not been adjusted. As kyle1 says, if you wish to be helped, you must help us by providing all available information on errors is not good enough Hope this helps
  24. That explains it. I have only pushed changes to portal, until things settle down with the core. in the meantime you can edit the files PlayerbotAI.cpp, PlayerbotClassAI.cpp and PlayerbotMgr.cpp according to Please let me know if this fixes the issue on Windows I have only tested it on *nix Hope this helps
  25. Can you post the errors that your getting and details about your system (i.e windows or *nix). I had this issue just after the recent vmap re-location and I corrected the paths for WorldPacket.h. Are you using the latest code on portal or blueboy Cheers
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