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Everything posted by blueboy

  1. Yes I thought it might be. Both auctionhousebot & playerbot modify World.cpp more or less @ the same location. Chances are that the guys who support auctionhousebot will insist you apply their patch first. To prevent you from being in a support ('Piggy in the Middle'), I suggest you choose the order, and then stick to it. Then, if you get a conflict, you only need to fix the same patch each time. This was one reason why I decided to host my own 'auctionhousebot' repo, to ensure that neither conflict. Snippet from the auctionhousebot patch on my ahbot repo diff --git a/src/game/World.cpp b/src/game/World.cpp index f45f20c..b04bb80 100644 --- a/src/game/World.cpp +++ b/src/game/World.cpp @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ #include "GMTicketMgr.h" #include "Util.h" #include "CharacterDatabaseCleaner.h" +#include "AuctionHouseBot.h" INSTANTIATE_SINGLETON_1( World ); @@ -1312,6 +1313,9 @@ void World::SetInitialWorldSettings() uint32 nextGameEvent = sGameEventMgr.Initialize(); m_timers[WUPDATE_EVENTS].SetInterval(nextGameEvent); //depend on next event + sLog.outString("Initialize AuctionHouseBot..."); + auctionbot.Initialize(); + // Delete all characters which have been deleted X days before Player::DeleteOldCharacters(); @@ -1392,6 +1396,7 @@ void World::Update(uint32 diff) /// <ul>[*] Handle auctions when the timer has passed if (m_timers[WUPDATE_AUCTIONS].Passed()) { + auctionbot.Update(); m_timers[WUPDATE_AUCTIONS].Reset(); ///- Update mails (return old mails with item, or delete them) Compare the 3 line pattern above and below the patch mod, with the file (src/game/World.cpp). If there is any difference, cut the 3 line pattern from the patch & copy/paste the pattern from the file. Remember to include an additional space at the start of each line you paste, otherwise the patch won't work. Hope this helps
  2. Hi, I've just tried applying a patch created from the current code on portal to the current MaNGOS HEAD [10391], and it works without issue. I also tried it with MaNGOS[10385] and it worked too. Are you applying any other patches prior to playerbot (maybe auctionhousebot). The conflict might be caused by these. Try applying the playerbot patch first. Hope this helps
  3. Hi, Thanks for the info on these core changes. Yes, not a problem. FeRkEl is quite correct. They have been making changes to standardise function calls to use 'ObjectGuid' rather than 'uint64. Obviously I will be updating both repos shortly, but in the meantime here is what needs changing Simply remove the 'uint64()' cast for calls to GetPlayer(); to in the following files PlayerbotDruidAI.cpp @ line 666 PlayerbotMageAI.cpp @ line 373 PlayerbotPaladinAI.cpp @ line 434 PlayerbotPriestAI.cpp @ line ~437 PlayerbotShamanAI.cpp @ line 521 They have also renamed the function GetLeaderGUID(), used in PlayerbotAI.cpp @ line ~679 to Hope this helps
  4. Hi, I can't say that I have noticed any jerky movement when the bot(s) follow. I noticed that you have updated portal, to prevent the bot(s) teleporting as the player flies. Good idea! You say that your running your server on a slow celeron base pc, but then you say that both your system run on Ubuntu, 64bit and 32bit. Have you got two servers or is your client the 64bit pc and the celeron the 32bit? My server and clients are 32bit dual Xeon boxes and the only 'jerkiness' is caused by wow addons that I use. I spent yesterday testing the 'delocalized-spells' branch. You've made alot of changes, so forgive me if I missed something. There is obviously more to the change than just switching from language restricted spells to enum spellids. WOW! what a contrast. I've been trying to assault the 'Stockade' instance in Stormwind for days. My guild group was sadly 'ineffectual', all dying quite quickly. They were no match for the stockade prisoners and could only get so far, before withdrawl due to item damage. I then tried your patch and the group is now kickass . They cut through the hostiles like a hot knife through butter. I completed the assault in the first try and I didn't experience any issues :cool: Do you want to merge the branch with portal or shall I do so. I get the feeling from replies, that the code will only be fully tested by others, once it has been merged with portal Cheers
  5. Hi, The short answer to this is, YES. I'm just testing the 'delocalized-spells' branch at the moment and it appears to work fine. It shouldn't be too long before the merge. Cheers
  6. Hi, Your on fire Can't wait to try this and the 'delocalized-spells' out. Great work. Cheers
  7. Hi, Motto: Keep the customers satisfied It's your choice which repo you use. The blueboy repo holds the release code that has been tried and tested (most stable). If you want to try out new features that we are currently testing, by all mean use portal. kyle1 (aka chelobaka) also posts test code on branches off portal, so check those out too. We would be grateful for any feedback, on the test code. Cheers
  8. Hi Guys, I've just added the neat 'command order' acknowledgement patch, to both repos. It works well and is a definite improvement. Thanks to cyberium Hope this helps
  9. Hi Guys, As promised I have just updated the portal repo with the revised botguy display restrictions. DisableBots: If set to 1 in playerbot.conf, no botguy menu will be displayed by NPCs. You will also be given a warning in the client 'General Log'. I think it might be best to remove this warning for botguy only, as it will be displayed everytime you select an NPC. I would be interested to hear what you think. RestrictBotLevel: The default in playerbot.conf is set to 80. If you changed this, you can control the ceiling level for bots online. MaxNumBots: The default in playerbot.conf is 9, which is the current maximum. This governs the maximum number of bots any one player can have online, at any moment. Remenber, restrictions only apply to players, administration accounts can use bot(s) freely. EDIT: I have now merged the current portal code with that on blueboy. I have also fixed several compile issues, brought about by recent 'ChatHandler' changes in the core. Hope this helps
  10. Hi, Yes the config file 'playerbot.conf' should be in the same folder as 'mangosd.conf'. The disable bot option at present only disables the bot(s) if summoned from the commandline (i.e .bot add <botname> ). When I revised the 'botguy' patch, I spent a great deal of time and effort ensuring it worked without fault, with special menu display ('cost' & 'completed quest') restrictions. When I posted this patch, I received little feedback and it seemed that no one was interested in it. So I didn't spend anymore time on it. Now that I'm receiving some feedback, I will take another look at it, incorporating the other config file restrictions. I should have it finsihed shortly. In the meantime, if you want to disable the botguy menu, choose either a high cost or a very high level questid in playerbot.conf. Hope this helps
  11. Hi Guys, I've found a logic error in the existing code for 'command orders'. The commands 'protect' and 'assist' requires a valid target, either by 'text' or by 'mouse selection'. If it is not defined by text, it is assumed to be done by selection. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' what(): basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid Warning: Program '/home/mangos/wow/bin/mangos-worldd' crashed. In PlayerbotMgr.cpp @ line 766+ in HandlePlayerbotCommand(const char* args) If not entered by text, It is possible for a NULL value to be passed to the string pointer 'std::string' and this causes the crash. // std::string targetStr = targetChar; if(targetChar) { std::string targetStr = targetChar; targetGUID = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName( targetStr.c_str() ); } I have now re-arranged the code, so a check is made for a valid value ('targetChar'), before the assignment. I will update both repos shortly EDIT: I have now updated both repos with the fix Hope this helps
  12. Hi, Thanks very much for the patch, it looks good. I'll try it out on my next server build, probably tomorrow now. Then if it checks out, we can push it to the repos. EDIT: I've have posted a fixed version of your patch, that can be applied directly to the source. I'm running your patch at present, and it works very well, thanks. Cheers
  13. Hi, Glad you like playerbot. You can check that the bot(s) have acknowledged their combat orders as follows. Example Player Leaf rogue bot1 onyx priest bot2 lane warlock bot3 dran warrior bot4 hero hunter 1. invite the bot(s) to the player group. 2. /p orders 3. Apply the following macros .bot co onyx heal .bot co hero tank .bot co dran tank .bot co lane assist leaf 4. /p orders As far as whispers from the bot is concerned, if you silence the bot(s) it may stop useful info from the bot(s) :rolleyes: If you have any WoW addons installed on your client, such as 'QuestHelper' these may attempt to talk with the bot(s). As the bot(s) vocabulary is quite limited, you will then get spammed with the bot(s) telling you that they do not understand. In the case of 'QuestHelper' you can turn off party chat in the addon settings. Hope this helps
  14. Hi, I'm presently testing the code on blueboy with MaNGOS[10267] and it compiles without issue. You should be O.K with MaNGOS[10254]. Please get back to me if you experience problems. Cheers
  15. Hi, You maybe aware that we recently merged the development repo portal with the main blueboy repo. It is advised that you do a fresh playerbot install and do not re-use old files (i.e any pre-configured 'conf' files) All playerbot configuration is now done in a separate file called 'playerbot.conf'. If your compiling under linux this will be copied to the 'etc' directory in your binaries as 'playerbot.conf.dist'. This will need to be renamed and configure, otherwise the MaNGOS daemon will not find the info as the server loads. If you are compiling under windows, then you will need to copy the file 'playerbot.conf.dist' from the source 'playerbot' folder, to the location where you keep your other 'conf' files, renamed and configured as above. Please specify the actual version of code being used. Certainly, MaNGOS is changing all the time and what might be the 'latest' to you, might not be when I try to test the code. I am presently testing playerbot from blueboy with, MaNGOS[10246] SD2[1749] auctionhousebot[Naicisum] EDIT: I have now tested the build and it compiles and runs without issue They have made changes in Chat.cpp (MaNGOS[10242]+) that breaks the playerbot and auctionhousebot patches. I will update the playerbot code shortly. I do not provide support for auctionhousebot, but where the conflict occurs compare the new Chat.cpp with the patch and replace the lower 3 line pattern before diff --git a/src/game/Chat.cpp b/src/game/Chat.cpp index 9750696..d6f3765 100644 --- a/src/game/Chat.cpp +++ b/src/game/Chat.cpp @@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ ChatCommand * ChatHandler::getCommandTable() { "cometome", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleComeToMeCommand, "", NULL }, { "damage", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleDamageCommand, "", NULL }, { "combatstop", SEC_GAMEMASTER, false, &ChatHandler::HandleCombatStopCommand, "", NULL }, + { "ahbotoptions", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, true, &ChatHandler::HandleAHBotOptionsCommand, "", NULL }, { "flusharenapoints",SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleFlushArenaPointsCommand, "", NULL }, { "repairitems", SEC_GAMEMASTER, true, &ChatHandler::HandleRepairitemsCommand, "", NULL }, { "waterwalk", SEC_GAMEMASTER, false, &ChatHandler::HandleWaterwalkCommand, "", NULL }, After diff --git a/src/game/Chat.cpp b/src/game/Chat.cpp index 9750696..d6f3765 100644 --- a/src/game/Chat.cpp +++ b/src/game/Chat.cpp @@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ ChatCommand * ChatHandler::getCommandTable() { "cometome", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleComeToMeCommand, "", NULL }, { "damage", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleDamageCommand, "", NULL }, { "combatstop", SEC_GAMEMASTER, false, &ChatHandler::HandleCombatStopCommand, "", NULL }, + { "ahbotoptions", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, true, &ChatHandler::HandleAHBotOptionsCommand, "", NULL }, { "flusharenapoints",SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleFlushArenaPointsCommand, "", NULL }, { "repairitems", SEC_GAMEMASTER, true, &ChatHandler::HandleRepairitemsCommand, "", NULL }, { "stable", SEC_ADMINISTRATOR, false, &ChatHandler::HandleStableCommand, "", NULL }, Hope this helps
  16. Hi, Thanks for the info. I'm just testing playerbot with MaNGOS[10218]. They have indeed changed the parameters passed to the function CountRollVote. - bool CountRollVote(ObjectGuid const& playerGUID, ObjectGuid const& lootedTarget, uint32 itemSlot, RollVote vote); + bool CountRollVote(Player* player, ObjectGuid const& lootedTarget, uint32 itemSlot, RollVote vote); In PlayerbotMgr.cpp the function no longer passes the player's GUID, but just a pointer to the player. Before group->CountRollVote(bot->GetGUID(), Guid, NumberOfPlayers, RollVote(choice)); After group->CountRollVote(bot, Guid, NumberOfPlayers, RollVote(choice)); I will update the repos once I have finished testing it EDIT: I have checked out playerbot with MaNGOS[10219] & SD2[1742]. It compiles and runs without issue. Hope this helps
  17. Hi, When I first built my server I used the following reference, that shows you step by step how to configure OpenSuSe with MySQL & Apache. http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-opensuse-11.2-x86_64-ispconfig-3 hope this helps
  18. Hi, I would forget about 'vmware' altogether. Do as brunogcar suggests and get yourself a linux distro and bang that on the computer. I use; OpenSuSe 11.2 MySQL 5.1.36 server and of course GNU C/C++ compiler. I get no lag at all. I will PM shortly. Cheers
  19. Hi Guys, As promised I've just merged the portal code with the blueboy code. I've also updated both repos with the latest MaNGOS[10199]. portal will continue to be for development use only EDIT: The code on both repos compiles and runs without issue Hope this helps
  20. I believe the code on portal has checked out, with no nasty issues. If you disagree, please post me on this thread. If I haven't received any negative feedback in the next day, I will then merge the development branch portal with the main branch blueboy. Hope this helps
  21. Hi,, I need to find a common cause for the issue. Sorry I normally test these things out with my son, but he is away at present. @malloc84 You say that the lag only occurs when your in an instance, dueling. Does the lag also occur if your not in an instance and dueling. @kaxias Can you give me some details? Cheers
  22. What measures have you taken to tackle this lag; since you first notified the thread of this issue. Are you still running server and client on the same box? Please let us know
  23. Hi, I agree. Playerbot at present is only supported on VC90. I am not sure how stable MaNGOS is with VC100. We cannot ignore VC100, just because it's an easier option to stay where we are. I have not got a 64bit box to work with, so it is nigh impossible for me to tackle this But, if you (All members) have and your up to the challenge.... Cheers
  24. Hi, this is a community project and I want to encourage everyone to contribute. If you feel there is are aspects of playerbot that can be improved (There are load :lol:) please post a patch and we'll test it out. Your expertise would be appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers
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