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  1. Ah thanks when I checked 2 days ago (with the release of 0.14) it wasn't there. Guess I was too early Thanks again
  2. Hm is there a way to get a tarball of a specific revision through Lighthouse? I've been downloading a master tarball up to now to prevent having to use Git, but now which the switch to 3.2.2 I'd like to get the 0.14 release revision as a tarball. Thanks in advance
  3. Congrats So if i got it right, the 0.14 release will be rev 8587 so someone who wants to use that, should get that revision and not checkout master. In the future, when additional fixes get in the 0.14 release, how will we check it out then?
  4. rilex: Using Win 7 RC. I had consulted the instructions but no help for my probs there I might provide some simple search queries when i get some time (do you happen to have the mangos database schema? That would make it this much easier for me ) By the way, greek translation is done! File: http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0e257d/n/Resource_el_rar Some notes: -Found an error in the actual english string (missing 'send' I guess ): <data name="GenerateRandomPassword" xml:space="preserve"> <value>Generate a random password and it to the account's email address...</value> -A suggestion: <data name="UnlockedNotFound" xml:space="preserve"> Your account cannot be found. Please contact the site administrator or you have not created one.</value> Please contact the site administrator if you haven't created one. Use this instead: Your account cannot be found. If you have created one, please contact the site administrator -Translation notes: We use ; instead of ? in Greek, so not sure if that could cause problems in the code (don't think so) -Left attributes and other game mechanics to their original english names, should be easier for the users plus there is no WoW translated in Greek -Translation made with editplus, not sure if you need it saved in UTF-8 but if it's needed I can do it
  5. Yeah the user account is a PC admin and has all priviledges on the whole path (I even checked the files individually) . Yes I'm running the web server from the same machine mangos runs, launching μmanager in localhost. Would be nice, but I'd want it to update dynamically as it is done on the console. Someone could even take it as far as filtering for example battle messages from area updates/battleground resets etc to have an even better overview of what's going on. Another great feature would be a simple search function in both items list and game objects I could give you a hand with the SQLs if you want (ok I'll stop asking for more features now hehe). Great program though
  6. OK my path does have spaces, but this: 'C:\\WoW Server\\mangos\\realmd.conf' didn't work either (tried " " as well) Gah stupid me, somehow I was somehow mistaking service with application. So to get that data I'll have to add em as services huh? Wouldn't that hide the console logs from me? Cause I want to see what's going on and that wouldn't work for me
  7. Thanks, I was using the default 1M, changed to 32M and executed fine. It works pretty nicely now, but I can't control the services: Mangosd Service: Access is Denied or Unknown Realmd Service: Access is Denied or Unknown I've set the path to the config files in the setup screen. Also Tools->Mangos Config has the correct paths too but the contents of the config files don't show in the edit boxes. Using Mangos rev 8541
  8. Thanks for the new SQL rilex Unfortunately I can't apply it (even dropped my old DB manually). Here's the log: [Err] 1153 - Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes [Err] replace into `lookup_spellfilename`(`spell_id`,`filename`) values (1,'trade_engineering'), (3,'trade_engineering'), (4,'trade_engineering'), (5,'inv_misc_bone_humanskull_01'), (7,'spell_shadow_lifedrain'), (10,'spell_frost_icestorm'), (11,'spell_frost_frostbolt02'), (12,'trade_engineering'), (13,'trade_engineering'), (14,'trade_engineering'), (15,'trade_engineering'), (17,'spell_holy_powerwordshield'), (18,'trade_engineering'), (22,'trade_engineering'), (24,'trade_engineering'), (25,'spell_frost_stun'), (26,'trade_engineering'), (27,'trade_engineering'), (31,'trade_engineering'), (33,'trade_engineering'), (34,'trade_engineering'), (35,'trade_engineering'), (43,'ability_racial_bloodrage'), (45,'ability_bullrush'), (47,'trade_engineering'), (49,'spell_holy_layonhands'), (50,'spell_shadow_mindbomb'), (53,'ability_backstab'), (56,'inv_mace_02'), (58,'trade_engineering'), (59,'trade_engineering'), (60,'trade_engineering'), (61,'trade_engineering'), (65,'spell_nature_invisibilty'), (66,'ability_mage_invisibility'), (67,'spell_holy_vindication'), (68,'trade_engineering'), (71,'ability_warrior_defensivestance'), (72,'ability_warrior_shieldbash'), (75,'ability_whirlwind'), (77,'trade_engineering'), (78,'ability_rogue_ambush'), (81,'spell_nature_invisibilty'), (87,'spell_holy_fanaticism'), (89,'spell_shadow_cripple'), (91,'ability_shockwave'), (96,'ability_backstab'), (99,'ability_druid_demoralizingroar'), (100,'ability_warrior_charge'), (101,'ability_rogue_trip'), (107,'ability_defend'), (108,'trade_engineering'), (110,'trade_engineering'), (111,'trade_engineering'), (112,'trade_engineering'), (113,'spell_frost_chainsofice'), (116,'spell_frost_frostbolt02'), (118,'spell_nature_polymorph'), (120,'spell_frost_glacier'), (122,'spell_frost_frostnova'), (124,'trade_engineering'), (126,'spell_shadow_evileye'), (128,'inv_misc_gem_sapphire_01'), (130,'spell_magic_featherfall'), (131,'spell_shadow_demonbreath'), (132,'spell_shadow_detectlesserinvisibility'), (133,'spell_fire_flamebolt'), (134,'spell_fire_immolation'), (136,'ability_hunter_mendpet'), (139,'spell_holy_renew'), (142,'trade_engineering'), (143,'spell_fire_flamebolt'), (145,'spell_fire_flamebolt'), (168,'spell_frost_frostarmor02'), (172,'spell_shadow_abominationexplosion'), (184,'spell_fire_immolation'), (196,'inv_axe_01'), (197,'inv_axe_04'), (198,'inv_mace_01'), (199,'inv_mace_04'), (200,'inv_spear_06'), (201,'ability_meleedamage'), (202,'ability_meleedamage'), (203,'ability_golemthunderclap'), (204,'ability_racial_shadowmeld'), (205,'spell_frost_frostbolt02'), (227,'inv_staff_08'), (228,'spell_magic_polymorphchicken'), (246,'spell_nature_slow'), (260,'trade_engineering'), (261,'trade_engineering'), (264,'inv_weapon_bow_05'), (265,'spell_shadow_shadetruesight'), (266,'inv_weapon_rifle_01'), (269,'trade_engineering'), (271,'spell_shadow_deathcoil'), (284,'ability_rogue_ambush'), (285,'ability_rogue_ambush'), (324,'spell_nature_lightningshield'), (325,'spell_nature_lightningshield'), (331,'spell_nature_magicimmunity'), (332,'spell_nature_magicimmunity'), (339,'spell_nature_stranglevines'), (348,'spell_fire_immolation'), (355,'spell_nature_reincarnation'), (370,'spell_nature_purge'), (379,'spell_nature_skinofearth'), (403,'spell_nature_lightning'), (408,'ability_rogue_kidneyshot'), (421,'spell_nature_chainlightning'), (427,'trade_engineering'), (428,'trade_engineering'), (430,'inv_drink_07'), (431,'inv_drink_07'), (432,'inv_drink_07'), (436,'trade_engineering'), (437,'trade_engineering'), (438,'trade_engineering'), (439,'trade_engineering'), (440,'trade_engineering'), (441,'trade_engineering'), (442,'trade_engineering'), (443,'trade_engineering'), (444,'trade_engineering'), (445,'trade_engineering'), (446,'trade_engineering'), (447,'trade_engineering'), (448,'trade_engineering'), (453,'spell_holy_mindsooth'), (454,'temp'), (456,'spell_nature_nullward'), (457,'spell_shadow_mindsteal'), (458,'ability_mount_ridinghorse'), (459,'ability_mount_whitedirewolf'), (461,'spell_holy_innerfire'), (463,'spell_holy_resurrection'), (464,'trade_engineering'), (465,'spell_holy_devotionaura'), (467,'spell_nature_thorns'), (468,'ability_mount_ridinghorse'), (469,'ability_warrior_rallyingcry'), (470,'ability_mount_nightmarehorse' [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully What kind of encoding does the DB need? I recall reading somewhere it needs some specific encoding, maybe that's why I'm having trouble. Greek translation will be ready tomorrow
  9. I was getting that too. Google the error and you'll find a page that guides you through some changes you need to make to a config file of ISS to get around that
  10. That would be most welcome I could check out the error myself since I do know SQL but I've lost so much time making ISS work on Win 7 for this that I've given up I'll be glad to make a Greek translation if you point me to the right direction
  11. Hm then something seems wrong... I create a new micromanager database, execute the full 0.7.5 SQL and after that the first chronological update is: Global updates-> 2009-01-03_configuration.sql Which gives me an error: [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Err] INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('MangosLogs', NULL); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
  12. My feedback: Visually it's very nice. Content wise it is also very complete. But I had much trouble finding what is where to tell you the truth and I'm not the usual net noob I would much prefer a more straight forward approach like: What is it,Who make it,Discussions/Forums/Community,Dev stuff,Guides/Wikis all separated properly for the new user to discern easily. The current format of Pitch In, Contribute( whats the difference between those 2? :huh: ),Feedback makes it unclear to the user of what content is in each link Just my 2 cents, keep it up
  13. Thanks for the hard work, it's a great program Maybe with the new release you could add more detailed installation instructions. I've been having problems with the database, mainly don't know if I have to apply the global updates first or the en_gb updates (an up to date sql with all updates included would be even better )
  14. Impressive Do the huge spikes mean a release? What program did you use to make it?
  15. Of course it does (if it's using the Mangos source). It's also very illegal either way.
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