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  1. i can assure u, its upper user/pass, just look at mangos source its clear if u cant figure it out, in a couple of days when i check out forum again, i will provide a working example that u can easily get either from read source or any 3rd party project, from memory try something like SET sha_pass_hash=SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('$username'),':',UPPER('$pass'))), v=0, s=0 hint minimanager has got it right, same as dozens of other projects, i cant name now cos im drunk
  2. how hard is it to add some if conditions to as schomoozerd said exp-gains rate in mangos code?
  3. Joubarbe, klyxmaster, darkfr3ak and others its good to see interest on playerbot but honestly instead of complaining (bug report) all the time, u guys should try to learn and contribute a little bit most of items on Joubarbe list are actually easy to accomplish, blueboy is just one guys he has his TODO list, try to help him instead of add more to it b4 you start to bitch me, ive done my share to mangos community, too bad when blueboy started i was losing interest in wow, cos i could have helped way more than i did not being able to code isnt an excuse, start with small modifications and as you get more comfortable with code mangos/playerbot u will be able to what ever you want, belive me ive done that starting from zero coding skills and finished able to do almost anything i wanted related to core/db/script/webpage bluebot keep up with the outstanding work you´ve been doing, even thought i dont test it anymore, i regularly check source to see what u do i wish some mangos dev add playerbot to master as debug feature to reward all the effort u´ve put into it. i´ve seen ALL mangos 3rd party projects, as i was a member since 2005 and have to say that along with ahbot and mangchat you have brought playerbot to a level that exceed what blizzard have planned to this game, kudos to you
  4. he is asking for slash command /pass to set password for channel as example, not gm command .password its been long i dont work with mangos source and ive never have seen someone deal with with slash commands per acc access, so not sure and dont know if its possible, but my best guess would be channelhandler.cpp or chathandler.cpp, whatever file is named, good luck restricting client expected behavior
  5. no problems compiling with mandriva 64 and debian 64(mangos zero+sd2 zero), way too diferent distros, so its got to be something on your end dude
  6. there isnt such table spell_disabled in mangos db - https://github.com/mangos/mangos/blob/master/sql/mangos.sql therefore there wont be any wiki info about it that is a trinity feature i guess search around and you might find a patch to port it to mangos
  7. use common sense if sd2 updates and if is there sql files, update it if udb or any other db u use, update, apply it if acid updates, do the same mangos provide db structure and sql updates are mandatory everything else is just content, not really NEEDED to run server
  8. indeed buddy mistake on original conf file and laziness causing that file to be copied to other boxes as i have same same sql user on all boxes, so i wouldnt have to edit conf files multiple times, prevented me to see what was wrong i knew it had to be someting trivial i had overlooked, silly me after 5 years doing that and few months away i manage to do such noob mistake thanks a lot for your help
  9. following derex post i got output [bruno@localhost bin]$ ./gdb-mangosd terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::at warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >' value warning: found `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider' value warning: found `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >' value warning: found `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage' instead warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Alloc_hider' value warning: found `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_Rep::_S_empty_rep_storage' instead and complete backtrace on log http://pastebin.com/6QMMnQmx im not at home so i just tested with my notebook with mandriva 2010.2 32 bits atm
  10. after a short absence, tried mangos again with 3 different boxes dual core 32 with mandriva 2010.2 core 2 quad with debian 5.0.8 lenny i7 930 with debian 6.0 squeeze all with identical results despite diferent versions of ace, cmake, mysql, gcc, etc of each distro searched around and havent found any result like my prob, so i guess im doing something wrong tried with and with out sd2, built in and external ace, full updated udb and plain default mangos db, etc i get exactly same results on all boxes ./realmd runs ok mangosd.conf has default values besides db settings am i missing something? any clues? [bruno@localhost bin]$ ./mangosd MaNGOS/ (* * Revision 11213 - 9a43b5ec0f4c51e20917b4b9994cb3705240bd83) for Linux_x32 (little-endian) [world-daemon] <Ctrl-C> to stop. MM MM MM MM MMMMM MMMM MMMMM MM MM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM MMMM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM MMMMM MM MMMM MMM MM MM MMM MM M MM M MMM MM MMM MMMMMMM MM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMMM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MMM MMM MM MM MM MMM MM MM MMMMMM MMMM MMMMM MM MMM [url]http://getmangos.eu[/url] MMMMMM Using configuration file /home/bruno/wow/compiled/etc/mangosd.conf. OpenSSL 1.0.0a 1 Jun 2010 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.0a 1 Jun 2010) Using ACE: 5.7.2 World Database:;3306;***;***;mangos, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SELECT required_11205_01_mangos_spell_proc_event FROM db_version LIMIT 1 Character Database:;3306;***;***;characters, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [1 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SELECT required_11117_02_characters_world FROM character_db_version LIMIT 1 Login Database:;3306;***;***;realmd, total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` Connected to MySQL database at MySQL client library: 5.1.55 MySQL server ver: 5.1.55 AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 [0 ms] SQL: SET NAMES `utf8` [0 ms] SQL: SET CHARACTER SET `utf8` [1 ms] SQL: SELECT required_10008_01_realmd_realmd_db_version FROM realmd_db_version LIMIT 1 Realm running as realm ID 1 [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE account SET active_realm_id = 0 WHERE active_realm_id = '1' [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE online<>0 [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE character_battleground_data SET instance_id = 0 [0 ms] SQL: SELECT version, creature_ai_version, cache_id FROM db_version LIMIT 1mike Using World DB: UDB 0.12.1 (398) for MaNGOS 11156 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1976 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.8 - Full Release for Mangos (3.3.5a Client) [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET allowedSecurityLevel = '0' WHERE id = '1' terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::at Aborted
  11. playerbot uses its own config file nowadays http://github.com/blueboy/portal/blob/master/src/game/playerbot/playerbot.conf.dist.in
  12. set on mangosd.conf instead DB just display server option in this case
  13. take a look at smartymangos svn http://svn2.assembla.com/svn/smartymangos its an old abandoned project, but has phpbb integrated, with functions u guys are implementing and many more like forum acc syncing with existing game acc and vice versa, etc its possible that u can find some usefull info
  14. indeed what i said isnt true anymore, used to be, just tested to make sure, i havent been following mangos closely lately, but if nothing changed mangos (if i remember correctly thats how client send username) still expect usernames to be stored in uppercase
  15. Check your inbox RA isnt just slow, but allows just 1 conenction per time USERNAME must be UPPERCASE both in db and on your script
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