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  1. I was searching into my PERSONAL profile and i recive this msg Error: Unable to connect to MySQL and select database. MySQL reported: Unknown MySQL server host 'internal-db.s42721.gridserver.com' (2). dont wanna spam just wanna let you know that this is some kind of Problem C ya
  2. darkstalker im not that skilled in php could you give me full .php code for arena 2vs2 / 3vs3 / 5vs5 same as i mentione few posts above also idea abbout achivments is VERY Cool i never had that idea but is cool on blizzlike Im gonna see what can i find C yA
  3. Horde Characters : 1. Hord 2. Horde they got Arena Team name " Horde Team " _______________________________________ Alliance Characters : 1. Gunner 2. Ally they got Arena Team name " Ally Team " Extra functions if its posible : im using Core Manager inside theres : Arena team emblems and Team Logos thouse tables will be : Emblem Style | Emblem Colour | Border Style | Border Colour will be cool if its showed .img right next to Arena team Example : Image | Team Name |Team Capiten | Characters inside team | Won-Lost | Total played | Rating or whatever you can mix just to work Thanks HERES SQL /*SQLyog Ultimate - MySQL GUI v8.2 MySQL - 5.1.47-community : Database - characters ********************************************************************* */ /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=''*/; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`characters` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; USE `characters`; /*Table structure for table `account_data` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `account_data`; CREATE TABLE `account_data` ( `account` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `time` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `data` longblob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`account`,`type`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `account_data` */ replace into `account_data`(`account`,`type`,`time`,`data`) values (5,0,1286988992,'SET scriptErrors \\"1\\"\\nSET displayFreeBagSlots \\"1\\"\\nSET autoQuestWatch \\"0\\"\\nSET autoQuestProgress \\"0\\"\\nSET watchFrameBaseAlpha \\"1\\"\\nSET watchFrameState \\"2\\"\\nSET flaggedTutorials \\"v##6##5##(##)##Y##\\\\##*##4##X##:##]##M##%###$##C##[##A##B##+##;##O##,##-##3##K##7##^##N##Z##1##9##I##D##0##J##V\\"\\nSET guildShowOffline \\"0\\"\\nSET guildMemberNotify \\"1\\"\\nSET UnitNameOwn \\"1\\"\\nSET CombatDamage \\"0\\"\\nSET CombatHealing \\"0\\"\\nSET enableCombatText \\"0\\"\\nSET fctComboPoints \\"1\\"\\nSET playerStatusText \\"1\\"\\nSET petStatusText \\"1\\"\\nSET partyStatusText \\"1\\"\\nSET targetStatusText \\"1\\"\\nSET cameraView \\"1\\"\\nSET cameraSmoothStyle \\"1\\"\\nSET cameraDistanceMaxFactor \\"1\\"\\nSET talentFrameShown \\"1\\"\\nSET timeMgrUseMilitaryTime \\"1\\"\\nSET timeMgrAlarmEnabled \\"1\\"\\nSET ShowAllSpellRanks \\"0\\"\\n'), (5,2,1286988942,'BINDINGMODE 0\\r\\nbind R CLICK BT4Button8:LeftButton\\r\\nbind F CLICK BT4Button5:LeftButton\\r\\nbind T CLICK BT4Button30:LeftButton\\r\\nbind ALT-M CARTOGRAPHER_OPENALTERNATEMAP\\r\\nmodifiedclick NONE AUTOLOOTTOGGLE\\r\\n'), (5,4,1286988943,'MACRO 3 \\"ada\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_02\\r\\n/dance\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 5 \\"Buffs\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_05\\r\\n/script AcceptBattlefieldPort(1,1) \\r\\n/script AcceptBattlefieldPort(2,1)\\r\\n/cast [nomounted] Ochre Skeletal Warhorse\\r\\n/targetfriendplayer [nodead]\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 4 \\"Cryo3\\" INV_Misc_QuestionMark\\r\\n#showtooltip\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 12 \\"DEAD\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_02\\r\\nhelp spike !!!\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 10 \\"Death\\" INV_Misc_QuestionMark\\r\\n.mod speed 6\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 11 \\"DEATH\\" Spell_Shadow_DemonicFortitude\\r\\n/cast Shadow Word: Death\\r\\n/use 10\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 6 \\"DeathWord\\" Ability_Creature_Disease_05\\r\\n.die\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 15 \\"GMON\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_01\\r\\n.gm on\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 19 \\"help spikes !!!\\" Ability_Ambush\\r\\nhelp spike !!\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 20 \\"mak\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_02\\r\\nhelp spikes !!\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 13 \\"MOD HP\\" Ability_Druid_LunarGuidance\\r\\n.MOD HP 999999999999999999\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 8 \\"Pain suspresion\\" Ability_Mage_IncantersAbsorbtion\\r\\n/cast Power Word: Shield\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 18 \\"PROFFESION\\" Ability_Creature_Disease_01\\r\\n.lookup skill alchemy\\r\\n.lookup skill blacksmithing\\r\\n.lookup skill enchanting\\r\\n.lookup skill engineering\\r\\n.lookup skill inscription\\r\\n.lookup skill jewelcrafting\\r\\n.lookup skill leatherworking\\r\\n.lookup skill mining\\r\\n.lookup skill tailoring\\r\\n.lookup skill skining\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 9 \\"SMITE\\" Spell_Holy_HolySmite\\r\\n/cast [target=target,help] flash heal; [target=target,harm] Smite\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 2 \\"TIME\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_01\\r\\n/target Cielstrasza\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 16 \\"TOP 3\\" Ability_Ambush\\r\\n/s .ann Top 3 Kills Statistics get Reward on Sunday 9 AM Server time...This week Winner was Zos\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 17 \\"VOTE\\" Ability_Creature_Cursed_04\\r\\n/s .ann Vote Shop comming soon ... Please VOTE for Us and get Vote points and Rewards\\r\\nEND\\r\\nMACRO 14 \\"Warr\\" Ability_Warrior_Charge\\r\\n.learn |cff71d5ff|Hspell:2457|h[battle Stance]|h|r\\r\\n.learn |cff71d5ff|Hspell:2458|h[berserker Stance]|h|r\\r\\n.learn |cff71d5ff|Hspell:71|h[Defensive Stance]|h|r\\r\\nEND\\r\\n'), (7,0,1286990029,'SET flaggedTutorials \\"v##M##%###$##:##C##Z##1##9##I##D##0##J##V##[##)\\"\\nSET cameraDistanceMaxFactor \\"1\\"\\n'); /*Table structure for table `arena_team` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arena_team`; CREATE TABLE `arena_team` ( `arenateamid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` char(255) NOT NULL, `captainguid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `BackgroundColor` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `EmblemStyle` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `EmblemColor` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `BorderStyle` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `BorderColor` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`arenateamid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `arena_team` */ replace into `arena_team`(`arenateamid`,`name`,`captainguid`,`type`,`BackgroundColor`,`EmblemStyle`,`EmblemColor`,`BorderStyle`,`BorderColor`) values (1,'Horde Team',1,2,4283291187,73,4280365285,3,4285420672), (2,'Ally Team',3,2,4288270167,31,4292893750,2,4294598348); /*Table structure for table `arena_team_member` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arena_team_member`; CREATE TABLE `arena_team_member` ( `arenateamid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `guid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `played_week` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `wons_week` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `played_season` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `wons_season` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `personal_rating` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`arenateamid`,`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `arena_team_member` */ replace into `arena_team_member`(`arenateamid`,`guid`,`played_week`,`wons_week`,`played_season`,`wons_season`,`personal_rating`) values (1,1,0,0,0,0,1500), (1,2,0,0,0,0,1500), (2,3,0,0,0,0,1500), (2,4,0,0,0,0,1500); /*Table structure for table `arena_team_stats` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `arena_team_stats`; CREATE TABLE `arena_team_stats` ( `arenateamid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rating` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `games` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `wins` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `played` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `wins2` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rank` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`arenateamid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `arena_team_stats` */ replace into `arena_team_stats`(`arenateamid`,`rating`,`games`,`wins`,`played`,`wins2`,`rank`) values (1,1500,0,0,0,0,0), (2,1500,0,0,0,0,0); /*Table structure for table `armory_character_stats` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `armory_character_stats`; CREATE TABLE `armory_character_stats` ( `guid` int(11) NOT NULL, `data` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='World of Warcraft Armory table'; /*Data for the table `armory_character_stats` */ replace into `armory_character_stats`(`guid`,`data`) values (1,'1 0 25 0 1065353216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66821 4215 7771 0 0 100 0 0 0 6684 8239 1000 0 100 0 0 1000 1113031942 0 0 0 0 0 0 1095971635 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 5 0 0 0 8 2048 0 1160781176 1156770523 1156770523 1053038739 1069547520 58 58 0 1091355804 1093452956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1064877911 0 0 0 38 44 322 385 390 0 0 1132658688 1131347968 1130823680 0 0 0 0 0 1516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2744 3644 256 28 0 0 34 0 0 1086025143 1088122295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1065353216 0 0 0 32 0 0 117508097 16777222 1 0 0 364 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31063 0 0 0 31069 0 53 0 31066 0 34527 0 31068 0 34562 0 34435 0 31060 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1191182336 0 0 19 1191182336 4 1191182336 18 1191182336 15 1191182336 14 1191182336 13 1191182336 17 1191182336 16 1191182336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1191182336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 1191182336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 521 1539600 54 23265281 0 56 65537 0 95 23265284 0 109 19661100 0 136 23265282 0 162 23265281 0 228 23265281 0 415 65537 0 673 19661100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1087027240 1087027240 1087027240 1087027240 1087027240 1087027240 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102406 0 0 417 417 417 417 417 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1065353216 1065353216 1065353216 1065353216 1065353216 1065353216 1065353216 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4294967295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 49 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 '); /*Table structure for table `armory_game_chart` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `armory_game_chart`; CREATE TABLE `armory_game_chart` ( `gameid` int(11) NOT NULL, `teamid` int(11) NOT NULL, `guid` int(11) NOT NULL, `changeType` int(11) NOT NULL, `ratingChange` int(11) NOT NULL, `teamRating` int(11) NOT NULL, `damageDone` int(11) NOT NULL, `deaths` int(11) NOT NULL, `healingDone` int(11) NOT NULL, `damageTaken` int(11) NOT NULL, `healingTaken` int(11) NOT NULL, `killingBlows` int(11) NOT NULL, `mapId` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` int(11) NOT NULL, `end` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`gameid`,`teamid`,`guid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='WoWArmory Game Chart'; /*Data for the table `armory_game_chart` */ /*Table structure for table `auction` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `auction`; CREATE TABLE `auction` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `houseid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `itemguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Item Identifier', `itemowner` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `buyoutprice` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `time` bigint(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `buyguid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lastbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `startbid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deposit` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `item_guid` (`itemguid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `auction` */ /*Table structure for table `auctionhousebot` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `auctionhousebot`; CREATE TABLE `auctionhousebot` ( `auctionhouse` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'mapID of the auctionhouse.', `name` char(25) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Text name of the auctionhouse.', `minitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'This is the minimum number of items you want to keep in the auction house. a 0 here will make it the same as the maximum.', `maxitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'This is the number of items you want to keep in the auction house.', `mintime` int(11) DEFAULT '8' COMMENT 'Sets the minimum number of hours for an auction.', `maxtime` int(11) DEFAULT '24' COMMENT 'Sets the maximum number of hours for an auction.', `percentgreytradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Grey Trade Goods auction items', `percentwhitetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '27' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the White Trade Goods auction items', `percentgreentradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '12' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Green Trade Goods auction items', `percentbluetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Blue Trade Goods auction items', `percentpurpletradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Purple Trade Goods auction items', `percentorangetradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Orange Trade Goods auction items', `percentyellowtradegoods` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the Yellow Trade Goods auction items', `percentgreyitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Grey auction items', `percentwhiteitems` int(11) DEFAULT '10' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade White auction items', `percentgreenitems` int(11) DEFAULT '30' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Green auction items', `percentblueitems` int(11) DEFAULT '8' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Blue auction items', `percentpurpleitems` int(11) DEFAULT '2' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Purple auction items', `percentorangeitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Orange auction items', `percentyellowitems` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Sets the percentage of the non trade Yellow auction items', `minpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Grey items (percentage).', `maxpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '150' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Grey items (percentage).', `minpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '150' COMMENT 'Minimum price of White items (percentage).', `maxpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '250' COMMENT 'Maximum price of White items (percentage).', `minpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '800' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Green items (percentage).', `maxpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '1400' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Green items (percentage).', `minpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '1250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Blue items (percentage).', `maxpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '1750' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Blue items (percentage).', `minpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '2250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Purple items (percentage).', `maxpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '4550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Purple items (percentage).', `minpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '3250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Orange items (percentage).', `maxpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '5550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Orange items (percentage).', `minpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '5250' COMMENT 'Minimum price of Yellow items (percentage).', `maxpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '6550' COMMENT 'Maximum price of Yellow items (percentage).', `minbidpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70', `maxbidpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Grey items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '70' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of White items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 70', `maxbidpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of White items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Green items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80', `maxbidpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Green items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '75' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Blue items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 75', `maxbidpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Blue items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Purple items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80', `maxbidpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Purple items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80', `maxbidpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Orange items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `minbidpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '80' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 80', `maxbidpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '100' COMMENT 'Starting bid price of Yellow items as a percentage of the randomly chosen buyout price. Default: 100', `maxstackgrey` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackwhite` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackgreen` int(11) DEFAULT '3' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackblue` int(11) DEFAULT '2' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackpurple` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackorange` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `maxstackyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Stack size limits for item qualities - a value of 0 will disable a maximum stack size for that quality, which will allow the bot to create items in stack as large as the item allows.', `buyerpricegrey` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying grey items from auctionhouse', `buyerpricewhite` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying white items from auctionhouse', `buyerpricegreen` int(11) DEFAULT '5' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying green items from auctionhouse', `buyerpriceblue` int(11) DEFAULT '12' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying blue items from auctionhouse', `buyerpricepurple` int(11) DEFAULT '15' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying purple items from auctionhouse', `buyerpriceorange` int(11) DEFAULT '20' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying orange items from auctionhouse', `buyerpriceyellow` int(11) DEFAULT '22' COMMENT 'Multiplier to vendorprice when buying yellow items from auctionhouse', `buyerbiddinginterval` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Interval how frequently AHB bids on each AH. Time in minutes', `buyerbidsperinterval` int(11) DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'number of bids to put in per bidding interval', PRIMARY KEY (`auctionhouse`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `auctionhousebot` */ replace into `auctionhousebot`(`auctionhouse`,`name`,`minitems`,`maxitems`,`mintime`,`maxtime`,`percentgreytradegoods`,`percentwhitetradegoods`,`percentgreentradegoods`,`percentbluetradegoods`,`percentpurpletradegoods`,`percentorangetradegoods`,`percentyellowtradegoods`,`percentgreyitems`,`percentwhiteitems`,`percentgreenitems`,`percentblueitems`,`percentpurpleitems`,`percentorangeitems`,`percentyellowitems`,`minpricegrey`,`maxpricegrey`,`minpricewhite`,`maxpricewhite`,`minpricegreen`,`maxpricegreen`,`minpriceblue`,`maxpriceblue`,`minpricepurple`,`maxpricepurple`,`minpriceorange`,`maxpriceorange`,`minpriceyellow`,`maxpriceyellow`,`minbidpricegrey`,`maxbidpricegrey`,`minbidpricewhite`,`maxbidpricewhite`,`minbidpricegreen`,`maxbidpricegreen`,`minbidpriceblue`,`maxbidpriceblue`,`minbidpricepurple`,`maxbidpricepurple`,`minbidpriceorange`,`maxbidpriceorange`,`minbidpriceyellow`,`maxbidpriceyellow`,`maxstackgrey`,`maxstackwhite`,`maxstackgreen`,`maxstackblue`,`maxstackpurple`,`maxstackorange`,`maxstackyellow`,`buyerpricegrey`,`buyerpricewhite`,`buyerpricegreen`,`buyerpriceblue`,`buyerpricepurple`,`buyerpriceorange`,`buyerpriceyellow`,`buyerbiddinginterval`,`buyerbidsperinterval`) values (2,'Alliance',600,800,8,24,0,27,12,10,1,0,0,0,10,30,8,2,0,0,100,150,150,250,800,1400,1250,1750,2250,4550,3250,5550,5250,6550,70,100,70,100,80,100,75,100,80,100,80,100,80,100,0,0,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,5,12,15,20,22,1,1), (6,'Horde',600,800,8,24,0,27,12,10,1,0,0,0,10,30,8,2,0,0,100,150,150,250,800,1400,1250,1750,2250,4550,3250,5550,5250,6550,70,100,70,100,80,100,75,100,80,100,80,100,80,100,0,0,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,5,12,15,20,22,1,1), (7,'Neutral',600,800,8,24,0,27,12,10,1,0,0,0,10,30,8,2,0,0,100,150,150,250,800,1400,1250,1750,2250,4550,3250,5550,5250,6550,70,100,70,100,80,100,75,100,80,100,80,100,80,100,0,0,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,5,12,15,20,22,1,1); /*Table structure for table `bugreport` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `bugreport`; CREATE TABLE `bugreport` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Identifier', `type` longtext NOT NULL, `content` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Debug System'; /*Data for the table `bugreport` */ /*Table structure for table `character_account_data` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_account_data`; CREATE TABLE `character_account_data` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `time` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `data` longblob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`type`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_account_data` */ replace into `character_account_data`(`guid`,`type`,`time`,`data`) values (1,1,1286989778,'SET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"15.000000\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"31.749995\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS\\"\\nSET playerStatRightDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_MELEE_COMBAT\\"\\n'), (1,7,1286989779,'VERSION 5\\n\\nADDEDVERSION 13\\n\\nOPTION_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_CHANNEL AUTO\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nCOLORS\\nSYSTEM 255 255 0 N\\nSAY 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY 170 170 255 N\\nRAID 255 127 0 N\\nGUILD 64 255 64 N\\nOFFICER 64 192 64 N\\nYELL 255 64 64 N\\nWHISPER 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_FOREIGN 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_INFORM 255 128 255 N\\nEMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nTEXT_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nMONSTER_SAY 255 255 159 N\\nMONSTER_PARTY 170 170 255 N\\nMONSTER_YELL 255 64 64 N\\nMONSTER_WHISPER 255 181 235 N\\nMONSTER_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nCHANNEL 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_JOIN 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LEAVE 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LIST 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE 192 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE_USER 192 192 192 N\\nAFK 255 128 255 N\\nDND 255 128 255 N\\nIGNORED 255 0 0 N\\nSKILL 85 85 255 N\\nLOOT 0 170 0 N\\nMONEY 255 255 0 N\\nOPENING 128 128 255 N\\nTRADESKILLS 255 255 255 N\\nPET_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN 111 111 255 N\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN 224 202 10 N\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE 128 128 255 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL 255 120 10 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE 0 174 239 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_HORDE 255 0 0 N\\nRAID_LEADER 255 72 9 N\\nRAID_WARNING 255 72 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_EMOTE 255 221 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_WHISPER 255 221 0 N\\nFILTERED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND 255 127 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER 255 219 183 N\\nRESTRICTED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLENET 255 255 255 N\\nACHIEVEMENT 255 255 0 N\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT 64 255 64 N\\nARENA_POINTS 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY_LEADER 118 200 255 N\\nTARGETICONS 255 255 0 N\\nBN_WHISPER 0 255 246 N\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM 0 255 246 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_NOTICE 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_LIST 0 177 240 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_CONVERSATION 130 197 255 N\\nCHANNEL1 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL2 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL3 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL4 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL5 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL6 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL7 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL8 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL9 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL10 255 192 192 N\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 1\\nNAME General\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 1\\nSHOWN 1\\nMESSAGES\\nSYSTEM\\nSYSTEM_NOMENU\\nSAY\\nEMOTE\\nYELL\\nWHISPER\\nPARTY\\nPARTY_LEADER\\nRAID\\nRAID_LEADER\\nRAID_WARNING\\nBATTLEGROUND\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER\\nGUILD\\nOFFICER\\nMONSTER_SAY\\nMONSTER_YELL\\nMONSTER_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_WHISPER\\nMONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_BOSS_WHISPER\\nERRORS\\nAFK\\nDND\\nIGNORED\\nBG_HORDE\\nBG_ALLIANCE\\nBG_NEUTRAL\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE\\nSKILL\\nLOOT\\nMONEY\\nCHANNEL\\nACHIEVEMENT\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT\\nTARGETICONS\\nBN_WHISPER\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM\\nBN_CONVERSATION\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nLookingForGroup\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 18874371\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 2\\nNAME Combat Log\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 2\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nOPENING\\nTRADESKILLS\\nPET_INFO\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 3\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 4\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 5\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 6\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 7\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 8\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 9\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 10\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\n'), (2,1,1286989788,'SET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"15.000000\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"11.800001\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS\\"\\nSET playerStatRightDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_MELEE_COMBAT\\"\\n'), (2,7,1286989789,'VERSION 5\\n\\nADDEDVERSION 13\\n\\nOPTION_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_CHANNEL AUTO\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nCOLORS\\nSYSTEM 255 255 0 N\\nSAY 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY 170 170 255 N\\nRAID 255 127 0 N\\nGUILD 64 255 64 N\\nOFFICER 64 192 64 N\\nYELL 255 64 64 N\\nWHISPER 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_FOREIGN 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_INFORM 255 128 255 N\\nEMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nTEXT_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nMONSTER_SAY 255 255 159 N\\nMONSTER_PARTY 170 170 255 N\\nMONSTER_YELL 255 64 64 N\\nMONSTER_WHISPER 255 181 235 N\\nMONSTER_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nCHANNEL 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_JOIN 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LEAVE 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LIST 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE 192 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE_USER 192 192 192 N\\nAFK 255 128 255 N\\nDND 255 128 255 N\\nIGNORED 255 0 0 N\\nSKILL 85 85 255 N\\nLOOT 0 170 0 N\\nMONEY 255 255 0 N\\nOPENING 128 128 255 N\\nTRADESKILLS 255 255 255 N\\nPET_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN 111 111 255 N\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN 224 202 10 N\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE 128 128 255 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL 255 120 10 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE 0 174 239 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_HORDE 255 0 0 N\\nRAID_LEADER 255 72 9 N\\nRAID_WARNING 255 72 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_EMOTE 255 221 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_WHISPER 255 221 0 N\\nFILTERED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND 255 127 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER 255 219 183 N\\nRESTRICTED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLENET 255 255 255 N\\nACHIEVEMENT 255 255 0 N\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT 64 255 64 N\\nARENA_POINTS 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY_LEADER 118 200 255 N\\nTARGETICONS 255 255 0 N\\nBN_WHISPER 0 255 246 N\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM 0 255 246 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_NOTICE 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_LIST 0 177 240 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_CONVERSATION 130 197 255 N\\nCHANNEL1 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL2 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL3 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL4 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL5 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL6 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL7 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL8 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL9 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL10 255 192 192 N\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 1\\nNAME General\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 1\\nSHOWN 1\\nMESSAGES\\nSYSTEM\\nSYSTEM_NOMENU\\nSAY\\nEMOTE\\nYELL\\nWHISPER\\nPARTY\\nPARTY_LEADER\\nRAID\\nRAID_LEADER\\nRAID_WARNING\\nBATTLEGROUND\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER\\nGUILD\\nOFFICER\\nMONSTER_SAY\\nMONSTER_YELL\\nMONSTER_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_WHISPER\\nMONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_BOSS_WHISPER\\nERRORS\\nAFK\\nDND\\nIGNORED\\nBG_HORDE\\nBG_ALLIANCE\\nBG_NEUTRAL\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE\\nSKILL\\nLOOT\\nMONEY\\nCHANNEL\\nACHIEVEMENT\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT\\nTARGETICONS\\nBN_WHISPER\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM\\nBN_CONVERSATION\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 2\\nNAME Combat Log\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 2\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nOPENING\\nTRADESKILLS\\nPET_INFO\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 3\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 4\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 5\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 6\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 7\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 8\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 9\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 10\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\n'), (3,1,1286989596,'SET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"5.550000\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"9.999999\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS\\"\\nSET playerStatRightDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_MELEE_COMBAT\\"\\n'), (3,7,1286990049,'VERSION 5\\n\\nADDEDVERSION 13\\n\\nOPTION_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_CHANNEL AUTO\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nCOLORS\\nSYSTEM 255 255 0 N\\nSAY 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY 170 170 255 N\\nRAID 255 127 0 N\\nGUILD 64 255 64 N\\nOFFICER 64 192 64 N\\nYELL 255 64 64 N\\nWHISPER 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_FOREIGN 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_INFORM 255 128 255 N\\nEMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nTEXT_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nMONSTER_SAY 255 255 159 N\\nMONSTER_PARTY 170 170 255 N\\nMONSTER_YELL 255 64 64 N\\nMONSTER_WHISPER 255 181 235 N\\nMONSTER_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nCHANNEL 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_JOIN 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LEAVE 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LIST 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE 192 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE_USER 192 192 192 N\\nAFK 255 128 255 N\\nDND 255 128 255 N\\nIGNORED 255 0 0 N\\nSKILL 85 85 255 N\\nLOOT 0 170 0 N\\nMONEY 255 255 0 N\\nOPENING 128 128 255 N\\nTRADESKILLS 255 255 255 N\\nPET_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN 111 111 255 N\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN 224 202 10 N\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE 128 128 255 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL 255 120 10 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE 0 174 239 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_HORDE 255 0 0 N\\nRAID_LEADER 255 72 9 N\\nRAID_WARNING 255 72 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_EMOTE 255 221 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_WHISPER 255 221 0 N\\nFILTERED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND 255 127 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER 255 219 183 N\\nRESTRICTED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLENET 255 255 255 N\\nACHIEVEMENT 255 255 0 N\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT 64 255 64 N\\nARENA_POINTS 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY_LEADER 118 200 255 N\\nTARGETICONS 255 255 0 N\\nBN_WHISPER 0 255 246 N\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM 0 255 246 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_NOTICE 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_LIST 0 177 240 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_CONVERSATION 130 197 255 N\\nCHANNEL1 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL2 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL3 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL4 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL5 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL6 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL7 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL8 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL9 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL10 255 192 192 N\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 1\\nNAME General\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 1\\nSHOWN 1\\nMESSAGES\\nSYSTEM\\nSYSTEM_NOMENU\\nSAY\\nEMOTE\\nYELL\\nWHISPER\\nPARTY\\nPARTY_LEADER\\nRAID\\nRAID_LEADER\\nRAID_WARNING\\nBATTLEGROUND\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER\\nGUILD\\nOFFICER\\nMONSTER_SAY\\nMONSTER_YELL\\nMONSTER_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_WHISPER\\nMONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_BOSS_WHISPER\\nERRORS\\nAFK\\nDND\\nIGNORED\\nBG_HORDE\\nBG_ALLIANCE\\nBG_NEUTRAL\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE\\nSKILL\\nLOOT\\nMONEY\\nCHANNEL\\nACHIEVEMENT\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT\\nTARGETICONS\\nBN_WHISPER\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM\\nBN_CONVERSATION\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nLookingForGroup\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 18874371\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 2\\nNAME Combat Log\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 2\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nOPENING\\nTRADESKILLS\\nPET_INFO\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 3\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 4\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 5\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 6\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 7\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 8\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 9\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 10\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\n'), (4,1,1286990030,'SET minimapInsideZoom \\"0\\"\\nSET questLogCollapseFilter \\"-1\\"\\nSET trackedQuests \\"v\\"\\nSET trackedAchievements \\"v\\"\\nSET cameraSavedDistance \\"15.000000\\"\\nSET cameraSavedPitch \\"11.350000\\"\\nSET playerStatLeftDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_BASE_STATS\\"\\nSET playerStatRightDropdown \\"PLAYERSTAT_RANGED_COMBAT\\"\\n'), (4,7,1286989601,'VERSION 5\\n\\nADDEDVERSION 13\\n\\nOPTION_GUILD_RECRUITMENT_CHANNEL AUTO\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nCOLORS\\nSYSTEM 255 255 0 N\\nSAY 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY 170 170 255 N\\nRAID 255 127 0 N\\nGUILD 64 255 64 N\\nOFFICER 64 192 64 N\\nYELL 255 64 64 N\\nWHISPER 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_FOREIGN 255 128 255 N\\nWHISPER_INFORM 255 128 255 N\\nEMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nTEXT_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nMONSTER_SAY 255 255 159 N\\nMONSTER_PARTY 170 170 255 N\\nMONSTER_YELL 255 64 64 N\\nMONSTER_WHISPER 255 181 235 N\\nMONSTER_EMOTE 255 128 64 N\\nCHANNEL 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_JOIN 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LEAVE 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_LIST 192 128 128 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE 192 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL_NOTICE_USER 192 192 192 N\\nAFK 255 128 255 N\\nDND 255 128 255 N\\nIGNORED 255 0 0 N\\nSKILL 85 85 255 N\\nLOOT 0 170 0 N\\nMONEY 255 255 0 N\\nOPENING 128 128 255 N\\nTRADESKILLS 255 255 255 N\\nPET_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO 128 128 255 N\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN 111 111 255 N\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN 224 202 10 N\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE 128 128 255 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL 255 120 10 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE 0 174 239 N\\nBG_SYSTEM_HORDE 255 0 0 N\\nRAID_LEADER 255 72 9 N\\nRAID_WARNING 255 72 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_EMOTE 255 221 0 N\\nRAID_BOSS_WHISPER 255 221 0 N\\nFILTERED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND 255 127 0 N\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER 255 219 183 N\\nRESTRICTED 255 0 0 N\\nBATTLENET 255 255 255 N\\nACHIEVEMENT 255 255 0 N\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT 64 255 64 N\\nARENA_POINTS 255 255 255 N\\nPARTY_LEADER 118 200 255 N\\nTARGETICONS 255 255 0 N\\nBN_WHISPER 0 255 246 N\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM 0 255 246 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_NOTICE 0 177 240 N\\nBN_CONVERSATION_LIST 0 177 240 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_BROADCAST_INFORM 130 197 255 N\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_CONVERSATION 130 197 255 N\\nCHANNEL1 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL2 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL3 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL4 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL5 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL6 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL7 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL8 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL9 255 192 192 N\\nCHANNEL10 255 192 192 N\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 1\\nNAME General\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 1\\nSHOWN 1\\nMESSAGES\\nSYSTEM\\nSYSTEM_NOMENU\\nSAY\\nEMOTE\\nYELL\\nWHISPER\\nPARTY\\nPARTY_LEADER\\nRAID\\nRAID_LEADER\\nRAID_WARNING\\nBATTLEGROUND\\nBATTLEGROUND_LEADER\\nGUILD\\nOFFICER\\nMONSTER_SAY\\nMONSTER_YELL\\nMONSTER_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_WHISPER\\nMONSTER_BOSS_EMOTE\\nMONSTER_BOSS_WHISPER\\nERRORS\\nAFK\\nDND\\nIGNORED\\nBG_HORDE\\nBG_ALLIANCE\\nBG_NEUTRAL\\nCOMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE\\nSKILL\\nLOOT\\nMONEY\\nCHANNEL\\nACHIEVEMENT\\nGUILD_ACHIEVEMENT\\nTARGETICONS\\nBN_WHISPER\\nBN_WHISPER_INFORM\\nBN_CONVERSATION\\nBN_INLINE_TOAST_ALERT\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 52428803\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 2\\nNAME Combat Log\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 2\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nOPENING\\nTRADESKILLS\\nPET_INFO\\nCOMBAT_XP_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_HONOR_GAIN\\nCOMBAT_MISC_INFO\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 3\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 4\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 5\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 6\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 7\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 8\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 9\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\nWINDOW 10\\nSIZE 0\\nCOLOR 0 0 0 40\\nLOCKED 1\\nUNINTERACTABLE 0\\nDOCKED 0\\nSHOWN 0\\nMESSAGES\\nEND\\n\\nCHANNELS\\nEND\\n\\nZONECHANNELS 0\\n\\nEND\\n\\n'); /*Table structure for table `character_achievement` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_achievement`; CREATE TABLE `character_achievement` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `achievement` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `date` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`achievement`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_achievement` */ replace into `character_achievement`(`guid`,`achievement`,`date`) values (2,6,1286989478), (2,7,1286989478), (2,8,1286989478), (2,9,1286989478), (2,10,1286989478), (2,11,1286989478), (2,12,1286989478), (2,13,1286989478), (2,16,1286989787), (2,457,1286989478), (2,459,1286989478), (2,705,1286989787), (2,1413,1286989478), (4,6,1286989704), (4,7,1286989704), (4,8,1286989704), (4,9,1286989704), (4,10,1286989704), (4,11,1286989704), (4,12,1286989704), (4,13,1286989704), (4,16,1286990029), (4,462,1286989704), (4,705,1286990029), (4,1407,1286989704); /*Table structure for table `character_achievement_progress` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_achievement_progress`; CREATE TABLE `character_achievement_progress` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `criteria` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `counter` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `date` bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`criteria`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_achievement_progress` */ replace into `character_achievement_progress`(`guid`,`criteria`,`counter`,`date`) values (2,34,10,1286989326), (2,35,20,1286989326), (2,36,30,1286989326), (2,37,40,1286989326), (2,38,50,1286989326), (2,39,60,1286989326), (2,40,70,1286989326), (2,41,80,1286989326), (2,167,400,1286989326), (2,653,400,1286989326), (2,753,400,1286989326), (2,755,400,1286989326), (2,756,400,1286989326), (2,992,500,1286989326), (2,993,500,1286989326), (2,994,4000,1286989326), (2,995,500,1286989326), (2,996,3100,1286989326), (2,1037,1,1286989331), (2,2020,200,1286989326), (2,5212,80,1286989326), (2,5220,80,1286989326), (2,5238,80,1286989326), (2,5293,1,1286989467), (2,5301,6,1286989326), (2,5313,500,1286989326), (2,5314,500,1286989326), (2,5315,500,1286989326), (2,5316,4000,1286989326), (2,5317,3100,1286989326), (2,5576,400,1286989326), (2,5577,400,1286989326), (2,5585,400,1286989326), (2,5589,400,1286989326), (2,8819,500,1286989326), (2,8820,500,1286989326), (2,8821,500,1286989326), (2,8822,500,1286989326), (2,9598,40,1286989326), (2,9683,500,1286989326), (2,9684,500,1286989326), (2,9685,3100,1286989326), (2,9686,500,1286989326), (2,9687,4000,1286989326), (4,34,10,1286989599), (4,35,20,1286989599), (4,36,30,1286989599), (4,37,40,1286989599), (4,38,50,1286989599), (4,39,60,1286989599), (4,40,70,1286989599), (4,41,80,1286989599), (4,167,400,1286989599), (4,514,1,1286989603), (4,641,400,1286989599), (4,654,400,1286989599), (4,754,400,1286989599), (4,756,400,1286989599), (4,2020,200,1286989599), (4,2030,3100,1286989599), (4,2031,4000,1286989599), (4,2032,3100,1286989599), (4,2033,3100,1286989599), (4,2034,3000,1286989599), (4,5212,80,1286989599), (4,5218,80,1286989599), (4,5232,80,1286989599), (4,5293,1,1286990047), (4,5301,6,1286989599), (4,5328,3100,1286989599), (4,5329,3100,1286989599), (4,5330,4000,1286989599), (4,5331,3100,1286989599), (4,5332,3000,1286989599), (4,5578,400,1286989599), (4,5579,400,1286989599), (4,5583,400,1286989599), (4,5589,400,1286989599), (4,8819,500,1286989599), (4,8820,500,1286989599), (4,8821,500,1286989599), (4,8822,500,1286989599), (4,9598,40,1286989599), (4,9678,3100,1286989599), (4,9679,3000,1286989599), (4,9680,3100,1286989599), (4,9681,4000,1286989599), (4,9682,3100,1286989599); /*Table structure for table `character_action` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_action`; CREATE TABLE `character_action` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `spec` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `button` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `action` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `type` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`spec`,`button`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_action` */ replace into `character_action`(`guid`,`spec`,`button`,`action`,`type`) values (1,0,0,6603,0), (1,0,1,48638,0), (1,0,2,48668,0), (1,0,3,2764,0), (1,0,4,26297,0), (1,0,76,26297,0), (2,0,0,6603,0), (2,0,1,78,0), (2,0,2,20577,0), (2,0,72,6603,0), (2,0,73,78,0), (2,0,74,20577,0), (2,0,83,4604,128), (2,0,84,6603,0), (2,0,96,6603,0), (2,0,108,6603,0), (3,0,0,6603,0), (3,0,1,49576,0), (3,0,2,45477,0), (3,0,3,45462,0), (3,0,4,45902,0), (3,0,5,47541,0), (3,0,11,59752,0), (4,0,0,6603,0), (4,0,1,2973,0), (4,0,2,75,0), (4,0,3,20594,0), (4,0,4,2481,0), (4,0,75,20594,0), (4,0,76,2481,0); /*Table structure for table `character_aura` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_aura`; CREATE TABLE `character_aura` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `caster_guid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Full Global Unique Identifier', `item_guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `spell` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `stackcount` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `remaincharges` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `basepoints0` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `basepoints1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `basepoints2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `maxduration0` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `maxduration1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `maxduration2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `remaintime0` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `remaintime1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `remaintime2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `effIndexMask` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`caster_guid`,`item_guid`,`spell`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_aura` */ replace into `character_aura`(`guid`,`caster_guid`,`item_guid`,`spell`,`stackcount`,`remaincharges`,`basepoints0`,`basepoints1`,`basepoints2`,`maxduration0`,`maxduration1`,`maxduration2`,`remaintime0`,`remaintime1`,`remaintime2`,`effIndexMask`) values (2,2,0,2457,0,0,0,10,0,-1,-1,0,-1,-1,0,3), (4,4,0,2481,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,1); /*Table structure for table `character_battleground_data` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_battleground_data`; CREATE TABLE `character_battleground_data` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `instance_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `team` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `join_x` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `join_y` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `join_z` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `join_o` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `join_map` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `taxi_start` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `taxi_end` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mount_spell` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_battleground_data` */ /*Table structure for table `character_battleground_random` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_battleground_random`; CREATE TABLE `character_battleground_random` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_battleground_random` */ /*Table structure for table `character_battleground_status` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_battleground_status`; CREATE TABLE `character_battleground_status` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `daily_bg` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_battleground_status` */ /*Table structure for table `character_db_version` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_db_version`; CREATE TABLE `character_db_version` ( `required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Last applied sql update to DB'; /*Data for the table `character_db_version` */ replace into `character_db_version`(`required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial`) values (NULL); /*Table structure for table `character_declinedname` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_declinedname`; CREATE TABLE `character_declinedname` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `genitive` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `dative` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `accusative` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `instrumental` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `prepositional` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; /*Data for the table `character_declinedname` */ /*Table structure for table `character_equipmentsets` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_equipmentsets`; CREATE TABLE `character_equipmentsets` ( `guid` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `setguid` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `setindex` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `iconname` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `item0` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item1` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item2` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item3` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item4` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item5` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item6` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item7` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item8` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item9` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item10` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item11` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item12` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item13` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item14` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item15` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item16` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item17` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item18` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`setguid`), UNIQUE KEY `idx_set` (`guid`,`setguid`,`setindex`), KEY `Idx_setindex` (`setindex`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_equipmentsets` */ /*Table structure for table `character_feed_log` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_feed_log`; CREATE TABLE `character_feed_log` ( `guid` int(11) NOT NULL, `type` smallint(1) NOT NULL, `data` int(11) NOT NULL, `date` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `counter` int(11) NOT NULL, `difficulty` smallint(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`type`,`data`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_feed_log` */ /*Table structure for table `character_gifts` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_gifts`; CREATE TABLE `character_gifts` ( `guid` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item_guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `entry` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `flags` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`item_guid`), KEY `idx_guid` (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_gifts` */ /*Table structure for table `character_glyphs` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_glyphs`; CREATE TABLE `character_glyphs` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `spec` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `slot` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `glyph` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`spec`,`slot`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_glyphs` */ /*Table structure for table `character_homebind` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_homebind`; CREATE TABLE `character_homebind` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `map` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Map Identifier', `zone` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Zone Identifier', `position_x` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `position_y` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `position_z` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_homebind` */ replace into `character_homebind`(`guid`,`map`,`zone`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`) values (1,1,14,-618,-4251,39), (2,0,85,1676,1677,122), (3,609,4298,2355.84,-5664.77,426.028), (4,0,1,-6240,331,383); /*Table structure for table `character_instance` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_instance`; CREATE TABLE `character_instance` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `instance` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `permanent` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`instance`), KEY `instance` (`instance`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Data for the table `character_instance` */ /*Table structure for table `character_inventory` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_inventory`; CREATE TABLE `character_inventory` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `bag` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `slot` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `item` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Item Global Unique Identifier', `item_template` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Item Identifier', PRIMARY KEY (`item`), KEY `idx_guid` (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_inventory` */ replace into `character_inventory`(`guid`,`bag`,`slot`,`item`,`item_template`) values (1,0,15,2,2092), (1,0,3,4,6136), (1,0,6,6,6137), (1,0,7,8,6138), (1,0,16,10,50055), (1,0,17,12,25861), (1,0,23,14,6948), (2,0,3,17,6125), (2,0,6,19,139), (2,0,7,21,140), (2,0,15,23,49778), (2,0,23,25,6948), (3,0,0,28,34652), (3,0,2,30,34655), (3,0,14,32,34659), (3,0,4,34,34650), (3,0,8,36,34653), (3,0,9,38,34649), (3,0,5,40,34651), (3,0,6,42,34656), (3,0,7,44,34648), (3,0,1,46,34657), (3,0,10,48,34658), (3,0,19,50,38145), (3,0,20,52,38145), (3,0,21,54,38145), (3,0,22,56,38145), (3,0,11,58,38147), (3,0,23,60,41751), (4,0,3,64,148), (4,0,6,66,147), (4,0,7,68,129), (4,0,15,70,12282), (4,0,19,72,2102), (4,0,17,74,2508), (4,72,0,76,2516), (4,0,23,78,6948); /*Table structure for table `character_pet` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_pet`; CREATE TABLE `character_pet` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `entry` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `owner` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `modelid` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `CreatedBySpell` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `PetType` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `level` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `exp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `Reactstate` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'Pet', `renamed` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `slot` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `curhealth` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `curmana` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `curhappiness` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `savetime` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `resettalents_cost` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `resettalents_time` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `abdata` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `owner` (`owner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Pet System'; /*Data for the table `character_pet` */ /*Table structure for table `character_pet_declinedname` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_pet_declinedname`; CREATE TABLE `character_pet_declinedname` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `owner` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `genitive` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `dative` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `accusative` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `instrumental` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `prepositional` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `owner_key` (`owner`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; /*Data for the table `character_pet_declinedname` */ /*Table structure for table `character_queststatus` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_queststatus`; CREATE TABLE `character_queststatus` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier', `status` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `rewarded` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `explored` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `timer` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mobcount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mobcount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mobcount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `mobcount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `itemcount1` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `itemcount2` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `itemcount3` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `itemcount4` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`quest`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_queststatus` */ /*Table structure for table `character_queststatus_daily` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_queststatus_daily`; CREATE TABLE `character_queststatus_daily` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`quest`), KEY `idx_guid` (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_queststatus_daily` */ /*Table structure for table `character_queststatus_weekly` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_queststatus_weekly`; CREATE TABLE `character_queststatus_weekly` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `quest` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Quest Identifier', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`quest`), KEY `idx_guid` (`guid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_queststatus_weekly` */ /*Table structure for table `character_reputation` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `character_reputation`; CREATE TABLE `character_reputation` ( `guid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Global Unique Identifier', `faction` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `standing` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `flags` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`guid`,`faction`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC COMMENT='Player System'; /*Data for the table `character_reputation` */ replace into `character_reputation`(`guid`,`faction`,`standing`,`flags`) values (1,21,0,64), (1,46,0,4), (1,47,0,6), (1,54,0,6), (1,59,0,16), (1,67,0,25), (1,68,0,273), (1,69,0,6), (1,70,0,2), (1,72,0,6), (1,76,0,273), (1,81,0,273), (1,83,0,4), (1,86,0,4), (1,87,0,2), (1,92,0,2), (1,93,0,2), (1,169,0,12), (1,270,0,16), (1,289,0,4), 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  4. atm im at work, later im gonna send you thanks for trying question to Darkruler: Darkruler are you Darkrulerz from github?
  5. im sure that all people can afford for N95 and i think is cooler symbian but thanks anyway
  6. arena top 5-10 doest work for me probably out dated. can anyone confirm?
  7. hey bro can you make symbian app? symbian is way smarter
  8. anyone can make some intresting for auction house? i think should be very similar to online players table border ,item template item owner, buy out price, and time mysql query SELECT item template,owner,buyoutprice,time FROM characters WHERE idk:D Anyone can please make Auction house? im still learning so i cant figureout the $result
  9. Hello i wanna use some merge commands but i cant understand git im still learning EXAMPLE : i wanna download insider42 repo mangos and scriptdev2 Insider42 said get branch 335 and merge it into 335_mmaps then 335_mmaps merge it to master or w/e also same thing goes with Script dev2 335 merge with master can anyone tell me how to merge it sucessfully coz i really dont know how would be nice if you help from bigining THANKS
  10. thanks im gonna try this later it still confuzes me but i`ll try or i`ll send you PM thanks anyway
  11. Hello guys i cant understand abbout git merge ive found some git users Repositories lets make example: Repositorie Script Dev 2 : im using command : "git clone" for cloning to my PC (downloading) now inside theres 3 branches 1. Master 2. Scriptdev2 3. Test owner announced that we need to Merge Master to SD2 Can anyone tell me how to make it ?? EXAMPLE im using git clone git://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2.git ( This should be MASTER ) and git pull scriptdev2 ( Secound branch ) and i get error " Fatal:scriptdev does not appear to be a git ripostery fatal : The remote end hung up unexpectedly can anyone tell me How to clone Master and then merge it to other branch ??? just like in example Master to ScriptDev2 branches Thanks
  12. i got the same problem bro and i hope that someone can fix it Thanks
  13. Hello I really need Help ive searching googles and lots of places and i couldnt find any GM Addon for 3.3.5 or any working addon i would ask all of you guys if you could Share some Releases or anything wich can help me Thanks
  14. hello to all ive downloaded some git mangos and i get erorrs when compile with VC90 a guy told me that i need to include files mapupdater.h and .cpp, and executiondelay.h and .cpp, and those files needed to be in prooper places. . . can anyone tell me small info where should i put this files and how to include them when compile. . .thanks
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