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Everything posted by charlie2025

  1. Hm, it is simillar question as like player-saving in battlegrounds, but this is world pvp and any pvp doesn't run more that once.. (there aren't "instances" like in bgs.) I will look at it.
  2. Yes, big difference - 61.5304 and 0.0012 s .. can't belive
  3. charlie2025


    I would add array_pop for extracting from characters.data (f.e. crit chances) .. so it would be $float = array_pop(unpack("f", pack("L",$char_data[$i]))); becose unpack returns array
  4. Hmm, I handled 80users with 1GB ram, vmaps on, green lat.
  5. In my case it is Arena, Outdoor, Alterac, Simple Jail, Anticheat, Procflag, ObjectPosFreeze fix and aslo not problems.
  6. So you mean that DMCA letters are fake ?
  7. Quite interesting, but they want to close all private server on the whole world ? Or just bigger ones ? Or they are acting only at USA now ?
  8. Keine man sagt nicht, am 13.11. wotlk wird unterstutzen. es ist vollschreiben in vielen topics. Sry for my German, I'm from czech..
  9. Hey, people, 3.0.3 isn't supported, and if you think it is important to run 3.0.3 with functionality of 2.4.3 or worse, then ok, but fix conflict by self. Anyway this isn't topic about support of git branches..
  10. There is also topic about this, just use search..
  11. It doesn't crash for me if .go object 11011 and use this obj.
  12. To branch added some fixes, done by w12x in Trinity. Also branch updated.
  13. I think everybody will say you how good it is when it will be in git
  14. I have same crash, one about two hours.. Revision: * * 6835 b21069890dcbcf7e9675a1d9ebf4ba631e54ed1d Date 17:11:2008. Time 21:0 //===================================================== *** Hardware *** Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13GHz Number Of Processors: 2 Physical Memory: 3137004 KB (Available: 1001096 KB) Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB *** Operation System *** Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Version 5.1, Build 2600) //===================================================== Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Fault address: 005642F3 01:001632F3 c:\\mangos\\mangosd.exe Registers: EAX:00000001 EBX:2B9E02A8 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000 ESI:00000000 EDI:FFFFFFFF CS:EIP:001B:005642F3 SS:ESP:0023:03D1FBE8 EBP:00000000 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:003B GS:0000 Flags:00010246 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12 00422E51 00000000 ??4Group@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+7AA1 FF006AEC FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 71A357C9 00000000 0001:000047C9 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll 71A94379 00000000 WSARecv+61 71AB2EA3 00000000 recv+33 00803A53 00000000 strxmov+6C3 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12 00422E51 00000000 ??4Group@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+7AA1 FF006AEC FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 03D1EC40 00000000 0000:00000000 548DD5FF 00000000 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 7C8715C1 00000000 GetConsoleInputWaitHandle+318 7C871708 00000000 ReadConsoleA+3B 7C8018B3 00000000 ReadFile+A5 7C3634DD 00000000 _putch+BF 7C36368F 00000000 _read+57 7C369BA1 00000000 _filbuf+4F 00406339 00000000 ??4Config@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+6E9 E87C3809 FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 71A35FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll 71A92E67 00000000 select+A7 006C23B9 00000000 ?HandleDuelAcceptedOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+152C9 006BE79B 00000000 ?HandleDuelAcceptedOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+116AB Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 7C802542 00000000 WaitForSingleObject+12 00422E51 00000000 ??4Group@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z+7AA1 FF006AEC FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 71A35FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll 71A92E67 00000000 select+A7 10012AC1 00000000 ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+D1 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 Call stack: Address Frame Function SourceFile 7C90EB94 00000000 KiFastSystemCallRet+0 71A35FA7 00000000 0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll 71A92E67 00000000 select+A7 10012AC1 00000000 ?wait_for_multiple_events@?$ACE_Select_Reactor_T@V?$ACE_Reactor_Token_T@VACE_Token@@@@@@MAEHAAVACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set@@PAVACE_Time_Value@@@Z+D1 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF 0000:00000000 ======================== Local Variables And Parameters 2008-11-17 20:58:46 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 2) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:58:53 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_MOVE_NOT_ACTIVE_MOVER (0x02D1) 2008-11-17 20:58:53 ERROR:SD2: Creature 3256 using Event 3501414 (Type = 0) has InitialMax < InitialMin. Event disabled. 2008-11-17 20:58:54 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 0) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:58:54 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 1) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:58:54 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 2) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:58:55 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 23719 (TypeId=3, guid=10200) could not find text entry -330321. 2008-11-17 20:58:59 Added aura spellid 5118, effect 0 2008-11-17 20:58:59 Added aura spellid 5118, effect 1 2008-11-17 20:58:59 Added aura spellid 43308, effect 0 2008-11-17 20:59:02 Added aura spellid 32245, effect 0 2008-11-17 20:59:02 Added aura spellid 32245, effect 1 2008-11-17 20:59:02 Added aura spellid 32245, effect 2 2008-11-17 20:59:24 ERROR:SD2: Creature 5855 using Event 3501761 (Type = 0) has InitialMax < InitialMin. Event disabled. 2008-11-17 20:59:28 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 0) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:28 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 1) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:28 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 2) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:31 Added aura spellid 2479, effect 0 2008-11-17 20:59:32 ERROR:EffectTriggerSpell of spell 2641: triggering unknown spell id 47531 2008-11-17 20:59:39 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_MOVE_NOT_ACTIVE_MOVER (0x02D1) 2008-11-17 20:59:40 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 5676 (TypeId=3, guid=3851275) could not find text entry -330384. 2008-11-17 20:59:43 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 5676 (TypeId=3, guid=3851275) could not find text entry -330385. 2008-11-17 20:59:49 ERROR:Creature (GUIDLow: 3851428 Entry: 10440 ) has duplicate aura (spell 17467 effect 0) in `auras` field. 2008-11-17 20:59:49 ERROR:SD2: Creature 3256 using Event 3501414 (Type = 0) has InitialMax < InitialMin. Event disabled. 2008-11-17 20:59:51 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 0) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:51 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 1) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:51 ERROR:Aura (Spell 2458 Effect 0) is in process but attempt removed at aura (Spell 7381 Effect 2) adding, need add stack rule for Unit::RemoveNoStackAurasDueToAura 2008-11-17 20:59:51 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 25138 (TypeId=3, guid=96619) could not find text entry -330346. 2008-11-17 20:59:51 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 25138 (TypeId=3, guid=96619) could not find text entry -330347. 2008-11-17 20:59:55 ERROR:SD2: Creature 16950 using Event 3501577 (Type = 0) has InitialMax < InitialMin. Event disabled. 2008-11-17 20:59:55 ERROR:SD2: Creature 16950 using Event 3501577 (Type = 0) has InitialMax < InitialMin. Event disabled. 2008-11-17 20:59:59 ERROR:WaypointMovementGenerator::LoadPath: creature Julie Honeywell(3851614) doesn't have waypoint path 2008-11-17 20:59:59 ERROR:WaypointMovementGenerator::LoadPath: creature Phil(3851617) doesn't have waypoint path 2008-11-17 21:00:01 GameEvent 16 "Gurubashi Arena Booty Run" started. 2008-11-17 21:00:01 Next game event check in 7200 seconds. 2008-11-17 21:00:04 ERROR:SD2: DoScriptText with source entry 23079 (TypeId=3, guid=81641) could not find text entry -330322.
  15. uint64 guid = charFields[0].GetUInt64();; uint64 accountId = charFields[1].GetUInt32(); Player::DeleteFromDB(charFields[0].GetUInt64(),accountId,true,true); why not use in DeleteFromDB variable guid defined above ?
  16. Hey, you are alive Nice to see you again.. Sorry for OT.
  17. Added, for New commands maybe, someone have it ? would be bad to lost it, there were some good commands
  18. If there is some record in table wih some primary key .. lets say 1 and you do REPLACE INTO `table1` (`primary_key`,`some_other_column`) VALUES ('1','blabla'); this command replace existing record by this new, if you use INSERT IGNORE INTO `table1` (`primary_key`,`some_other_column`) VALUES ('1','blabla'); this command does nothing, doesn't replace existing record.. only doesn't return error message "Duplicate entry".. if you would use INSERT INTO, this message would appear.
  19. Go to http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commits/303-willcrashforsure and click "Download"
  20. Player::LoadValuesArrayFromDB(Tokens data, playerguid); uint32 level = Player::GetUInt32ValueFromArray(data, UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL);
  21. Corrected, don't know how it happened :rolleyes:
  22. Error fixed in last commit. Sorry, forgot edit one think on one place ..
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