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Posts posted by DasBlub

  1. not for a WOW server

    basically, mangos *could* be used for something different than wow. but the truth is, that throughout the code many wow things are hardcoded. you'd have to do a major rewrite in order to create another game. also, you'd have to write another client which is using the same protocol (-> see pseuwow). i'm not sure if it'd not be easier to write a new server from scratch and maybe just get some ideas from mangos.

  2. i just looked it up in the book again. there are several possible tools described in there:

    - LeakDiag (by MS): ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/PSS/Tools/Developer%20Support%20Tools/LeakDiag/leakdiag125.msi

    - Debugging Tools For Windows (set of many tools for different stuff, by MS): http://microsoft.com/whdc/ddk/debugging

    - DebugDiag from the IIS Diagnostics Toolkit (by MS): http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=7e42b310-b2d1-496b-8005-9d91782b9995&pf=true (x64) / http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9bfa49bc-376b-4a54-95aa-73c9156706e7&pf=true (x86)

    i hope this helps

  3. uh, i wasn't able to target myself o_O

    o.O just click at character icon in top left screen? Or press ESC

    obvious solution was obvious.

    i think it's bad to test that kind of stuff if you're almost falling asleep... i simply tried to click on my own character ingame instead of selecting my portrait :D

  4. as a note to the ".gm setview" command: when i changed to the view of another unit i couldn't get back my own view. i didn't digg deep into it, but at a first look it seems like the only option is to log off and on again ("Have you tried turning it off and on again?", anyone?).

    did i miss something or should this command be enhanced a bit?

  5. I plan to drop the VLD from our repository. I prepared the commit here: https://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commit/b316c4af7c9737be5fd25437f3fad87bbe196ad9

    This is the last call to anyone out there who is still using it. Please tell me now (with a reply in this thread please). If nobody is using it, I will push this commit by the end of this week.

    VLD has been disabled back in 2008 and never since been used again in our source code, thus I think it's fairly save to drop it. As noted in the commit message, our VLD version is outdated (a newer version is also linked there) and there are other (better?) alternatives like Valgrind.

    This is done in order to clean up and reduce our dependencies on other libraries.

    - DasBlub

  6. some time ago i did a commit on my own repo as a preparation for the master repo but forgot to ask about it here.

    i added the copyright statement to some more files, which were missing it.

    can you tell me if those files are really all under mangos copyright or if any of them are from a 3rd party?

    commit: https://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commit/3568d845c052e515c8f949c7f1ce59e378b8572e

    i don't want to add our copyright to a file where we don't hold the copyright ;)


  7. another important question to me is: should that organization even be called "MaNGOS Foundation"? Maybe we should leave the name "MaNGOS" out, as the goal/mission/purpose of that foundation is more, than what MaNGOS stands for. MaNGOS is "only" about writing an MMO(RPG) server software, while the foundation is about promoting a new human right.

    maybe you should also have a look at this: http://www.right-to-education.org/ (it's what i found after searching for 'human right education' on google)

  8. i'm no law expert, but maybe you should consider creating that foundation in switzerland. from what i know, "stiftungen" and "sitzgesellschaften" and other organizations like that have a pretty secure system here. but you should definitely ask a lawyer, which is familiar with the swiss law, first.

    the other place which you might consider would be cayman islands. normally those countries which are considered very good to hide your money are also those which can be considered very good when you want to create a bullet-proof organization (which doesn't mean any illegal organization, just an organization which has to fear getting put before a judge).

  9. from what i remember, ciphercom told me that he currently doesn't have that much time (until summer if i'm not wrong - better ask him again!). but i think he might be a good addition, he has some good ideas.

    as for faramir118, i'd like to see him in #mangos

    about qsa i'm not sure... if i remember right, he does sometimes some weird posts at github (what was his github user again??)

  10. note: I am working with Oracle databases all day and i'm used to write huge queries (>= 10 tables in the select, many WHERE statements, etc.)

    i'm used to break up SQL queries into several rows, so a query would look like this:

    UPDATE creature_template ct
    SET    ct.unit_flags = 1 /* UNIT_FLAG_UNKNOWN7  */
    WHERE  ct.entry      = 1 /* Hogger */

    1. i align the values (if possible i always align the operators ("=", ">", "<", "LIKE", "IN", etc.)

    2. i break it up, one line for every table (here we only have one), one line for every SET (here we only have one), one for every WHERE (again, only one here).

    3. i added an alias ("ct") for the table. i always do that, because i never know whether i'll have to add other tables to the query later on. of course this does not have to be done when you have finished the query, but while building it up (and you don't know yet whether it'll be enough to go only on that table or not) it's pretty useful. i just did it here too, to show how a bigger sql would (should) look like.

    for a simple query like this one this looks a bit like an overkill, but it's more consistent if you do it for all queries (and you never know whether you'll have to expand it once or not). and to make an example, i just used NF's query. if you want, you can also throw a bigger query at me and i can format it too.

    btw, my formating is similar to the formatting from the Toad Formatter (part of the very cool sql editor Toad which i'm using both, at home (MySQL) and at work (Oracle); i can only talk about the formatter from "Toad for Oracle", i never used it in MySQL)

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