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Posts posted by DasBlub

  1. i am currently rewriting no_char_delete: http://github.com/DasBlub/mangos/commits/no_char_delete

    the base functionality (everything which existed in the old patch) is done, i'm now implementing commands (for the console & ingame).

    i'm doing the rewrite on the master branch and will then backport the changes to 0.12 (which should then also be usable on mangoszero).

    the following commands will be supported:

    .character deleted list {$name | $guid}

    .character deleted restore {$name | $guid}

    .character deleted delete {$name | $guid}

    the list command is already implemented (but only with $name as search possibility, not with $guid), the others will be implemented *soon*.

  2. anyone got working openmp with gcc 4.4+ ? with gcc 4.4 all threads are on ~100% CPU

    and maybe anyone know how to downgrade gcc to 4.2 ubuntu

    you can do this, to get gcc 4.2:

    apt-get install gcc-4.2

    and then to compile with gcc 4.2 you have to set the variable CC:

    export CC=gcc-4.2
    make -j4

    i'm not sure if you already have to set the variable before configure... you'll need to test it.

    -- DasBlub

  3. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    This patch modifies the .gitignore file to exclude all script libraries from the git repo except the 'universal' library. that way, you'll never have the problem, that you could accidentally add a scriptlib with 'git add .'

    Note: This will affect the mangos-patch from SD2, as this patch already adds the SD2 dir to this .gitignore file (this part of the SD2 patch will no longer be needed after applying this patch here).

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.




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