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Everything posted by DaViper

  1. In Engineering we have 2 rules to go by and I think it should apply to programming as well... 1) Keep it Simple Stupid! (KISS) 2) If it isn't broken, DON'T Screw with it!
  2. Would somebody please put this into the CORE!...
  3. Thank You xeross, I'm waiting on you as well because I too refuse to run my server with out certain mods even when the Dev. don't think there worthy and your's happens to be one I can't live with out.
  4. Yes that would be great and since I have no clue as to where to start and really no energy to look at it with all I have in RL, I would be happy to just patch it in and sitdown and play again, but wouldn't it be nice to see wotja's repo show an update newer than May 30, 2010 so we could work with this toy again!
  5. The patch is working just like before so now I can start looking into the DB's to see what I can find.
  6. Thank You I'm testing it now....
  7. Thank you SilverIce for all the work!
  8. How about: MaNGOS 11k - Microsoft MaNGOS 12k - Apple MaNGOS 13k - Unix MaNGOS 15k - Linux MaNGOS 20k - We're the New Blizzard Developer Staff! LoL
  9. DaViper

    MMaps Redux

    as you can see from the minor change in your that your answer is yes on windows, it's basicly the same call just how you word it.
  10. It works again, Thank You!, You the Man!...Blue thing!...what ever....Thank You!
  11. Is it done yet? ....10 mins later...Is it Done yet?....5 mins later.... Is it done Yet?.....lol...I know you'll have it done when it's done .... But I'm so....you know what I meen...
  12. Sorry HSC, but this isn't the place really to continue this because it's really off subject and don't be ashamed because if you look at history what have Hackers always done...they broke it to give it away free example: Office 2003 they ripped out the anti Piracy security broke the program just so ppl could get it free and half the dam thing no longer worked so the then stole a bunch of CD Key's and got MS PO'ed at them.
  13. True as you know I do understand your point as we as the point of the nitwhit...but like I've found there are a lot of ... how do I put this in P.C.....JERKS! out there that want nothing more than just to PISS YOU OFF!...and those can be ignored or SHOT! if you can find them.
  14. Hey that looks like my core....What are you doing trying to copy me?.....I do have a problem with trying to compile with pretty much the same configuation.
  15. If my opinion counts, The mod forums here is for all mods not just Offi-Like, BUT people do need to learn when and where and why to post on a mod and also learn how to bo the basics like make a patch or edit a bad pull... Yes this is the place to ask questions and give Ideas(I have a few) but not to complain when you don't know the basics, for that read the 50 million post telling you how and what to do( DO YOUR HOMEWORK! DAMMIT!). I admit I'm an IDIOT with most of this but I do try to keep my questions down to what I do need and can't find somewhere else and because of this I usually can get the answer I need just by eather reading or waiting a day or two and if that fails you see my shinning face asking a question. Now on the other end the ones that do know I understand you get upset with all the questions but do you really have to act like an ass? or ignore the person...NO! YOU DON'T!...remember when you were there too? it wasn't that long ago for most of you. Food for the Empty Hole behind your Eyes.....
  16. Thank You Blueboy for getting back, no I have not changed any code and like you I don't understand the error because I can see it's declared. When I hard reset back to just the core it compiled fine so the error is in something with in the pull from your repo. I've tried with a clean source repo and one full of mods and recive this same error when ever playerbot is there only. There is a minor error in vehicle but fixed easly.
  17. I just ran acrossed a new Playerbot error and I'm at a loss on it and don't know where to fix it: 1
  18. I guess I'm one of the silent minority here...But blueboy you have gotten a great mod going here I use it a lot and thank you for it!
  19. Your kinda right HSC...it's not a brain transplant...IT'S a SEX CHANGE! thats even worse!....
  20. Plus you have another problem using this for retail...YOU WILL BE BANNED! it violates the LUA agreement you clicked yes to when you started playing and everytime you logged in after an update...just like buying gold or Power leveling, Bots, or claiming ot be a god!....lol
  21. I can't commit about the harder errors and fails but I did just like ansko suggested and had no problems, my cores have been up for 12 hours now with this mod plus playerbot, cameras, ahbot, mangchat and vmaps.
  22. Ok, try this, Your source folder... Dump into the trash...now for the good stuff in order and it worked for me... 1) git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git (Enter) 2) git pull git://github.com/Xeross/mangos.git ahbot (Enter) 3) compile 4) Delete DB's 5) Re-install DB's from the bottom up with SQLYog 6) make folder at c: (md c:/mangos) 7) copy files from /src/bin/ to /mangos 8) copy /src/game/mangos(and)realmd/*.conf.dist.in 9) Delete the .dist.in and save 10) edit the .conf's with your info 11) Have fun!
  23. Don't feel bad I've compiled a new core and then couldn't understand why my scripts wasn't working till I realized I had compiled SD2 from my main repo and not the modified repo I was using....I felt like that old saying "We're sorry to inform you your Son is dead because he was STUPID!".....
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