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  1. Required Packages: git (i use svn (i use 1.4.4) automake (i use 1.10) make (i use GNU make 3.81) libtool (i useGNU libtool 1.5.24) Cuz I dunno which versions are required to compile, i posted my versions of these tools. If there are more packages needed, please reply and I'll add them here. #!/bin/bash #This is for a complete fresh install of mangos + sd2 # #Don't forget to have a database ready set checkoutdir=/opt/mangossrc set installdir=/opt/mangos #Don't change beyond this line, unless you know, what you're doing mkdir $checkoutdir/logs echo "Checking out source from git..." git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git $checkoutdir>>logs/git.log cd $checkoutdir echo "Checking out ScriptDev2..." svn co [url]https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/[/url] src/bindings/ScriptDev2>>logs/svnsd2.log echo "Applying Patch..." git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-2008-12-22-ScriptDev2.patch>>logs/sd2patch.log echo "Creating configure and dependencies..." autoreconf -f -i>>logs/autoconf.log mkdir objdir cd objdir echo "Configuring..." ../configure --prefix=$installdir --sysconfdir=$installdir/etc --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=$installdir>>logs/configure.log echo "Compiling..." make>>logs/make.log echo "Installing..." make install>>logs/makeinstall.log echo "All done! If your compiled mangos is not in `$installdir` please check the logfiles for errors. Otherwise it is now safe to remove them." echo "You will need Client Build `more $checkoutdir/src/realmd/AuthCodes.h|grep EXPECTED_MANGOS_CLIENT_BUILD|awk '{print $3}'|sed 's/,//'|sed 's/{//'` to connect to this server."
  2. echo "Expected Client Build: `more src/realmd/AuthCodes.h|grep EXPECTED_MANGOS_CLIENT_BUILD|awk '{print $3}'|sed 's/,//'|sed 's/{//'`" simply execute this shell line in your mangos checkout dir. i hate those cryptical lines, so i explain, what these do. more src/realmd/AuthCodes.h prints the output directly to the console. |grep EXPECTED... sends this output as a stream to grep which outputs just the wanted line. |awk '{print $3}' sends this stream to awk and awk only outputs the third item (which is in this case {9506,) those two sed's are needed to remove those "symbols". Have fun with it.
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