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Posts posted by macks

  1. I would really prefer to build MaNGOS on Cygwin rather than downloading the massive (and only "free trial") Visual Studio Express. When attempting to do so, I am running into errors that I do not know how to fix.

    For example, at the beginning of the build of TBB make begins to attempt to call "cl" the Microsoft C compiler, even though $(CC) in the makefiles should be referencing gcc, not cl. It calls gcc when I type it into bash, for example.

    When running cmake, I get a notification explicitly stating that the makefile is being made as if I were running a Unix-like operating system, so I am uncertain why it is trying to use anything other than the installed gcc.

    While I can probably learn a bit of C by going through the files as errors occur, doing research to find out what I need to do to fix them, and repeating. However, all I'd really be doing is porting the application and that isn't something I want to do unless there's no other way (might be fun, but only if it's required.)

    Could anyone assist me in either case?

  2. blueboy: I wasn't aware of the "craft" command. Oops. I've read the docs, but missed it. I keep logging into the character to do crafting /sillyme

    Today's update to playerbot includes something that breaks the merge in win/VC100/game.vcxproj.filters, but since I'm not using VS, it doesn't affect me.

    Hello Fellow Playerbot Enthusiasts!

    Well A long time ago I had a complaint about playerbot, and i complained in the thread here. Then attempted to solve the problem. I couldnt. Since then I have worked a fair amount more at c++, So here I give you my fixes for the Priest Mage and Warlock bots.

    This may NOT be how everyone else would want their bots to be BUT I cannot see why you would not want them this way.

    What this fixes. Is Priests, Mages, and Warlocks will now no longer run in and melee mobs whatsoever ( I cannot think of a single case where a priest mage or warlock in close range combat is a good idea.)

    Where exactly do these files go? I don't have anything called priest.h (or Priest.h) to modify or replace with your code. Would love to test it out though.

    EDIT: It looks like the file is named PlayerbotPriestAI.h.

  3. I would like to see a modification that provides a crafting interface as well.

    In addition, it gets rather annoying when the bot's items break and I get back to a armor/weaponsmith to repair items and find multiple missing. If a notification could be given as armor and weapons reach critical levels, that would be nice.

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