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Everything posted by divisorxx

  1. I see that patch getmangos.ru using a translator but i read that it can crash with mtmaps, it's that true?
  2. I think that it's a connection flood (one of my friend are ready probe that on mangos with a simply script) meaby a solution would be make mangos to close idle connections (but they can sed gargabe to avoid this) or make mangos to setup a max connections per ip and refuse-close any more connections from that ip... like apache (i think) does (mod_limitipconn.c I think is the module).
  3. please remove your server name from all post. And I think that your server can be under attack, i don't describe how it can be done but looking into the code and it seems that it can be. Also you can use a firewall to try to block it.
  4. Well tested with rev 8277 with MAX_NUMBER_OF_CELLS 8 CPU ussage reduce like a 7% with 600 testers, all Visibility.Distance... in 90... later i will put more data. Thanks+ Edit: No crash reported due to this.
  5. Hi thanks but i have one questions....that i don't understand very well....It shouldn't be if(isSpellBreakStealth(m_spellinfo)) instead if(!isSpellBreakStealth(m_spellinfo))
  6. I assume that it's an interfaction patch to allow something
  7. Sorry , in this weekend i'm going to test it. Thanks Ambal!
  8. Thanks for that news!! I hope there will be one mtmaps patch with more important scalability :rolleyes: but if not , thanks anyway dude 4 your work on MaNGOS performance!
  9. Vladimir add it in rev [8182]. So congratulations Ambal and again thanks 4 your work on performance!
  10. I'm using it with sd2 and there isn't any problem. Thanks again Ambal, hope a dev when he have a little time can review it, mangos need performance.
  11. It's only a personal opinion but why delete it? I mean if it's working why i has to be deleted even if any use it, nobody knows if in future are going to use it and I think that iis not causing any damage have it. Like you said I never use it but, it's still working like it sopouse I don't see a reason to deleted. It's only an opinion
  12. I'm still testing and don't see any crash related to this patch. Tested with ~700 characters ON. I believe that it's ready to master branch but only a developer can decide. One more time Thanks Ambal for all your hard work into mangos performance!
  13. Well I try it with ~600 characters ON... no problems related , no crash related... so GJ Ambal! One step more to multithread :rolleyes:
  14. Well compare to others version of this patch yes , i have very few crashes but are not related to this, remember that it's a server with small population , like a said ~150. But like a said seems working realy fine. This weekend I'm going to try to put it into my other server with more population. Thanks for you great work!
  15. Well I'm testing in a small servers with 150~ characters on (big server has old 0.12 branch) but i don't see any problemos related to this patch. So Great Job Ambal! One step more for Multithread :rolleyes: P.S. If i have time a try to put it on big server.
  16. This shouldn't be the end... just update it to work with this changes .
  17. I think that with 1500 characters online, definitely is without LoS
  18. 100 % agree most users have 1 machine with powerfull cpu and without multithread MaNGOS just only a little peace. Thanks Ambal for your work... I test it as soon as possible
  19. I'm glad to hear that you still working on this
  20. Thanks.. i'm waiting for your results and how is compare to Derek's mtmaps. I would like to test my self... but i update to gcc 4.4.0 and seems not compile right now
  21. I'm right now using MaNGOS but I try your patch raczman with TC2, it works... I see in other projects like infinitycore by XTZGZoReX , that they use you patch not only for maps, they used in other parts (revs 287,291,292,293) like MapManager:: DoDelayedMovesAndRemoves Instance saves Battleground updates Outdoor PvP updates Game events Do you think that those changes are good?, I mean should improve performance?. Thanks! PS: I don't know if is allow to post links from other projects, so I don't do it
  22. From the beginning we are see how MaNGOS are grow up... and become one of the most bl1zzl1k3 server . But ... Mangos is low optimized it only use a little part of news cpu's. I think that all dev should focus a little more on that instaed of other bl1zzl1k3 . There are realy a little few people who cares, like i believe Derek and ralf (mtmaps and netcode). I know that this changes (like Multithread or Multiprocess or whatever who makes difference) are huge changes who bring back , great crashes, maybe leaks and a lot of bugs , but I think that are time to you guys join your self on this without ego's or such things, because further will be more code to rewrite. Right now , are very powerful cpu's on the market.. but MaNGOS are only can use 20% of those cpu, this is a nasty bug , more than a Spell who doesn't work like it suppose to. I'm a beginner c++ programer , I can't help you to much, but the only that I and many people can offer es test your stuff and post results and post patches for little bugs like spells bugs and such kind of things. My Intention is no offense any body... just is a point o view....and sorry for my crapy english. I many thanks for your great work
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