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Everything posted by DJNefast

  1. How are the flags for stun and interrupt please ? because they are 12,13,14... in mangos but flag is very very big (more than 1 million). how works this flags please ? i can't let this flag to 0 for some bosses.
  2. thanks for your reply. Brundir on assembly of iron is stunable and interruptable
  3. Hello Mangos Community, since 2 day i search a mean to stop casting on bosses, because we can't interrupt spells on this type of mobs. For example, we can interrupt auriaya when she cast her shadow spell and we must interrupt it else we wipe. How can i force bosses to be interrupted by spells like earth shock for example ? Is there any flag ? Thank for advance.
  4. Hi guys, i've found a very very critical bug on Death Strike. Death Strike is considered as a Spell not a Skill. If u can't understand me, i want to say when u cast it, Death Strike hit like a fireball not a mortal strike like. Then this spell ignore armor and do Max Damage into anybody, and in pvp it's very very cheated, DK's can two shot anybody and one shoot some mages and warlocks. Any idea to force this spell to be a skill not a spell ? Example : Damage on war: 13k, Damage on Clothes : 13k. Thanks a lot
  5. The crash log is simple. my mob Reset() then call the CleanAdds() function (which see the boss's adds) in this function : if(add) add->ForcedDespawn(); then ForcedDespawn() => crash or setDeathState(JUST_DIED) => crash. this crash doesn't appear on all creatures... strange...
  6. Hi i've a question about crash on ForcedDespawn(); I've got a lot of crash when a boss die with justdied or use reset() function. It's the same crash. The function forcedDespawn(); crash. In fact my code war normally secure. if(tomb) if(tomb->isAlive()) tomb->ForcedDespawn(); it's an example with Keleseth but i've the same crash with auriaya's add (only white tiger no black tiger) Any idea ?
  7. perfect patch, i think it will be implemented. Post this patch in under rev section.
  8. thanks for your answer but i've conturned this by adding a counter witch leave the while when 2500 occurs are done. the freeze isn't in this function, and i need to search the freeze cause with GDB, any idea ? my server isn't in windows and i haven't got any freeze when i test the server on windows :;(
  9. Hi guys I have a little question, how can i get stack of the program when my program freeze ? because mangos freeze runable delete this stack when i'll try to see it with gdb. Thanks for advance.
  10. how can i make a mob use this table ?
  11. Hi guys i have a little question, some npcs casts AOEs in x,y coords but not in a real target, like player can. Can i cast a spell on spec coords with mangos and how ? Else any idea to can do this ?
  12. sorry for triple post but edit does'nt work anymore. Vehiclekit must be up to unit from creature. sorry for inconvenience Can u give ur createvehiclekit function please ?
  13. this is a trinity patch ? whe don't have vehiclekit in tassadar projet patch thoses patch please.
  14. on which vehicle can this patch beeing usefull ?
  15. that does'nt works there's a crash when load creatures it's all the function addtoworld with a little rewriting...
  16. i've tried to spawn a vehicle, not a creature where vehicleid > 0 but there's a crash. There is my 2 tried fixes : void Creature::AddToWorld() { if(GetCreatureAddon()->vehicle_id > 0) Vehicle::AddToWorld(); else { ///- Register the creature for guid lookup if(!IsInWorld() && GetGUIDHigh()==HIGHGUID_UNIT) GetMap()->GetObjectsStore().insert<Creature>(GetGUID(), (Creature*)this); Unit::AddToWorld(); } } That crash on GetCreatureAddon, vehicleid bugued, if i get my mouse on it with VS2008 debuguer
  17. search in item show where add the data << uint32(0); gl & HF
  18. i've implemented trinity system on mangos for damage it doesn't work anymore by i prefer it.
  19. good patch the bump of vehicles works with this patch. I have a little problem, WMO damage doesn't work. i 've implemented WMODamage call in spelleffects, the function and m_actualhealth, but it seems the strand doords dosen't receive any damage.
  20. bank guild its a packet probleme, there is a new uint32(0); i've resolved the problem
  21. it's a problem with field database or core packets ? EDIT: partially resolved with modify sources. Now only quest status is bugued.
  22. sometimes it crashes when it updates vehicles with new system pet action bar.
  23. there is a bug with quests, can you correct the pb ? My players doesn't have all quest, quest appears etc... it this a pb of database ?
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