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Everything posted by DJNefast

  1. Chain crash on my server.Revision 8950+ My own ScriptDev + Dual Spec
  2. same error on my server infinity.
  3. yes one of my dev had tried it. Works perfectly but not a clear code for mangos structure but a little hack which works.
  4. it"'s the same patch i haven't see any difference
  5. sorry for to be out of the subject but how can i get crash dumps on mangos with Debian ? my server crashes and i haven't understand how to get it ? Can you help me please ?
  6. maybe its strange. The problem is simple, the emu launch the zones but they aren't lanched, they've their old world states like if i haven't implemented the patch but they are there... i don't understand why. When i go to a pvp capturable zone the emu don't enter un the function handleplayerenterzone => getoutdoorpvp is null but why ? the emu have launched the zone... Any idea?
  7. sorry for my bad explanation. The pointer is NOT null but it appears null... strange thing
  8. i've got a little problem on the balrok mangos update with this, i've get all the method and objects, function on my core all which is in used bug outdoorpvp but the core init the outdoor area (it said that) but where i'm IG he does'nt pop any gameobject and i can't capture anythink... any idea ? after many tests, i've got where does come the error : In the update zone, GetOutdoorPvP() return false as i've said, but it was initialized true.... i dont understand
  9. hello i've got a load error from my core there : ObjectMgr::ConvertCreatureAddonAuras+59 005547D9 00000000 ObjectMgr::LoadCreatureAddons+1D9 There is in this part of code : void ObjectMgr::ConvertCreatureAddonAuras(CreatureDataAddon* addon, char const* table, char const* guidEntryStr) { // Now add the auras, format "spellid effectindex spellid effectindex..." char *p,*s; std::vector<int> val; s=p=(char*)reinterpret_cast<char const*>(addon->auras); if(p) { while (p[0]!=0) // Crash there while loading { ++p; Any idea to resolve this problème ? NetSky Ur SQL patch does'nt finish correctly. The Problem is on the SQL patch there : All those queries make a crash, it crash where vehicle_id != 0 Error found : uint32 vehicle_id; CreatureDataAddonPassengers const* passengers; // loaded as char* "entry1 seatid1 entry2 seatid2 ... are not in the same order as the patch => crash.
  10. my base is a 320 branch. After i create a new repository with the rastikzzz branch, i use winmerge to compare all my sources and update 320 branch with vehicules functions (all of these) next i update 320 branch manualy to last revision then i create my own alterac patch on these project (but my sources don't touch neither the vehicle's function nor the vehicle implementation. Either i have a bad patch or i have forget some lines in my code but i don't think because actualy the differences are between raztikk rev of mangos and mine. i think the spell packet is wrong now for vehicles in 3.2.0x . But vehicle i think the spawn bug is normal, i look after the code when i go back home and i'll try to find the error.
  11. personnaly i use it on my 3.2.0a core and it works but not fully there is some details which not works : spell are not effective, when u enter vehicle it spawn another for u and destroy where u clicked and respawn it.
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