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Everything posted by DLeonHeart

  1. bump. any news? i have taken a look myself but no results so far
  2. bump, this patch is really nice dont let it get forgotten
  3. nice to know someone is finally taking a look, plz do not let this thread fall into oblivion or this problem may NEVER be solved.
  4. that makes sense beacuse when you run 41/5/25 you just go with double wound, maybe the bonus is only working with deadly ? and the pvp envenom spec is useless due to master poisiner being also bugged so. PD: someone pls show the location of the mutilate code in the source files so we can have a look at it and locate the failiure
  5. i run 41/5/25 , have two direbrew`s shankers 2.0 (2.0 speed daggers) all gemed for ap, mixed pve , pvp gear(a mix of deadly and heroics badge items) and the max ive gotten is 2.5k mainhand against low res cloth targets, against arms warriors in full hatefull a get 1.1k tops mainhand and like 500 offhand(and thats the higher ive ever gotten agaist a plate wearer). mangoscore: 9036 with current mutilate damage even a warlock cant tank me. ive had experience on retail to know this damage is really low.
  6. maybe bonus damage talents that are suposed to affect mutilate are not doing so ? maybe the formula mangos is using isnt correct? maybe bonus against poisoned targets isn applying? plz we need to find the problem with mut, because currently in mangos rogues are getting behind cause the best pvp(and now pve) tree, assasination, is not what it is supposed to be thanks to mutilate bug.
  7. mutilate dmg bug has been a problem for a long time and including my self many people have given suggestions on what the bug could be, but no one(that i know of) has been working on mutilate, and because this spell is the most important rogue attack, is really frustrating its current state. mut problem has been overlooked for a long time, we are just asking for someone with the knowledge to do something about it to do so and stop leaving rogues forgotten. best regards
  8. ok thats a bug we can live with, because cold blood is more often used with eviscerate or envenom. but the low damage mutilate is putting out, thats where it gets real ugly
  9. that bonus damage against poisoned targets is huge, if that part is fixed it would be enough to make mut viable again in mangos imo.
  10. plz mut rogues really need mutilate to be working properly , someone take a look into this. what i think is that bonus damage against poisoned targets is not working and offhand damage is kinda low somtimes
  11. could you post it as a fix in order to get this into the next revision? ty in advance. cheers
  12. please someone look itnto this, with mutilate damage bugged at least we need overkill working properly:(
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