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Everything posted by Dythzer

  1. Nope, you're right. Anyway, fixed that now. Shouldn't be any more mistakes. EDIT. btw: maybe better to use PARTY_RESULT_INVITE_RESTRICTED for error than unfriendly I used that but the message was something with "trial account cant use invite", must be wrong opcode or whatever it is.
  2. m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ACCOUNTS] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Accounts", false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_CHAT] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_CHANNEL] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_GROUP] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_GUILD] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_MAIL] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail",false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.WhoList", false); m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND] = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.AddFriend", false); I don't know which one of these you want to change but just copy one, CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ACCOUNTS for example, and use grep in linux or Ctrl + shift + F in Visual Studio to search for it in all files. You would find this at HandleCharCreateOpCode() in CharacterHandler.cpp: bool AllowTwoSideAccounts = !sWorld.IsPvPRealm() || sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ACCOUNTS) || GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER; Change the last part to GetSecurity() > SEC_MODERATOR
  3. It was updated 10 hours ago here http://github.com/dythzer/mangos/commit/70ca08eeb89a04e51303c97cdb4e0bfac76becf9 do git pull git://github.com/dythzer/mangos.git simple_jail to update to latest, or just click the download button.
  4. Ah.. I thought the check at summoning was enough but I never started 3 clients to test it ;p Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely fix that.
  5. Yes you can do that, but if you want to use it with latest mangos, download mangos first (git clone) and then do git pull git://github.com:Dythzer/mangos.git simple_jail But remember, this is just a simple jail patch. The commands are .jail, .unjail and .listjail, it will only put the players in jail and disable all their spells/items. No auto-unjailer or anything like that as I don't want to use SQL for this.
  6. There is a pretty interesting video from googletalk about an open source MMORPG called planeshift. You should check it out if you're interesting in creating an own MMORPG. As posted above, it sounds really hard, probably requires hundreds of developers and it will still take years
  7. Use git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git
  8. I vote for 2) but a bit shorter git hash.
  9. Is it possible to clone a branch from a remote repository into an already created repository without pulling/merging? For example if I do this: git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git git remote add fork [email protected]: Dythzer/mangos.git git checkout -b testbranch git pull fork testbranch It will create a commit with message: Merge branch 'testbranch'' of [email][email protected][/email]:Dythzer/mangos into testbranch Instead I want it to copy all commits from a branch on my fork without merging them into one commit on the current branch, is it possible without having two repos, one for mangos and one for mangos fork? So when I want to update mangos I just do git pull in master branch and when I have changed something in my fork and want to push it I just do git push fork testbranch. I had like that before I deleted the branch, now I want it back but if I pull it will just merge it, I want to have it back in the same state as before. I hope you understand what I mean.
  10. I think that will make the CPU run 100% for a few seconds and probably make the whole server lag I'm sure there are better ways to do it.
  11. I have made one (called simple jail) but I havent pushed it to my mangos fork at github yet. I don't know if custom stuff is allowed on the network graph or just patches that is useful for the main repo. I can push it and see if the developers want me to take it away and then make a patch for it instead. Anyway, it's just a simple jail patch, no advanced stuff like auto-unjail etc, so no SQL is needed. If you want one with auto-unjail you can try to update the old jail patch. This one just has two simple commands (.jail and .unjail). I started on it a bit this morning and have only made two commits but I'll continue and complete it now and then push it to github. Try it if you want.
  12. Oh thats the reason. Yeah that's pretty logically then..
  13. I was expecting someone to say that and of course I can't prove that I wont use it but I can still say that I haven't been ingame for more than 10 minutes the last 2 years. I just login to test core modifications, sometimes new features and then I logout, I usually don't use SD2 or a DB either (only some parts of UDB ), so I would definitely not play on it. I'm interesting in the development, that's it. You're probably right about that. But I still don't think people would post bug reports for it when it has not been announced yet and if there's a sticky about its not supported yet. I think most people who just download mangos to play or host an illegal public server only knows how to download and update it using git, not look for other branches on github than the ones in the guide they used.
  14. Ah, okay. In the guide I read somewhere they said 5, but 7 is probably better. Anyway, I usually copy the whole 40-hexdigit, it doesn't take much longer I don't really see the reason to shorten it, but I guess it's better when you have to memorize it.
  15. You will see them here http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commits/master to the right of every commit. Or if you use the "git log" command you will see the commit id on the top of every commit Instead of copying the whole 40-hexdigit id you can copy only the first 5 digits too if you want so instead of doing this: git checkout 964f7bc31fcade7e42a419c34e91dba2fb005e0c you can do git checkout 964f7
  16. A git branch for 3.0.2 would be awesome so we can see the progress. It doesn't have to be officially supported yet, but when it's ready you just merge it to the master branch or something. I think it would be very interesting to see how the developers work when updating for a new client.
  17. git checkout commit-id example: git checkout 639a811b8182e39ff1f0b38157d740b7329a2489 and then to create a new branch for that commit, do git checkout -b branchname
  18. When I saw the title "Holy crap GIT" I thought "Oh noes, not another whine post about git". This was very unexpected. ;p You're not the only one who are excited about git. I looked forward from the beginning to learn more about it. Now when I have some basic knowledge about git I can say it's fantastic. Using cygwin + git with a better console and it's awesome People are complaining too much and should try to learn it instead. It's not that hard and there are some really good guides and videos for it. I love changes and i'm happy mangos switched to git. (ofc I can understand people who say it will be harder to update their servers with UDB and SD2 now when there are no revision numbers (I use clean mangos.sql just with creature_template and some other stuff from UDB just for testing core modifications so doesn't really matter here, I just apply the sql updates (and I use no SD2 (only sometimes)))) but there shouldn't be a problem when the devs have added some kind of revision number script (or whatever) to the git that TheLuda mentioned in some thread.
  19. Delete "&& GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR" from this line: else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND) && GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR) Patch (git) --- a/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp +++ b/src/game/MiscHandler.cpp @@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ void WorldSession::HandleAddFriendOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) pFriend = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(friendGuid); if(pFriend==GetPlayer()) friendResult = FRIEND_SELF; - else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND) && GetSecurity() < SEC_MODERATOR) + else if(GetPlayer()->GetTeam()!=objmgr.GetPlayerTeamByGUID(friendGuid) && !sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND)) friendResult = FRIEND_ENEMY; else if(GetPlayer()->GetSocial()->HasFriend(GUID_LOPART(friendGuid))) friendResult = FRIEND_ALREADY;
  20. I don't get it. It's same commands and stuff in linux, isnt it? Why are people complaining that "git is unfriendly in windows"? Or is there a better GUI for git in linux or what?
  21. You don't need cygwin to use git on windows. Download Msysgit: http://msysgit.googlecode.com/files/Git-
  22. Why do you keep creating new topics about this in different sections. You will just get yourself banned.
  23. if(m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT] < 1 || m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT] > 50 && [CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_REALM] >= [CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT]) should be: if(m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT] < 1 || m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT] > 50 || m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_REALM] > m_configs[CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT]) and this: if (acctcharcount >= sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_CHARACTERS_PER_ACCOUNT)) should be changed to a > instead of >= to allow having 50 and not only 49 (for example) And if the patch gets added to svn, imo also rename CharactersPerAccount and CharactersPerRealm to MaxCharactersPerAccount and MaxCharactersPerRealm
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