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Posts posted by erazare

  1. hey all I was just wondering, what would it take to merge the announce feature with a twitter account?

    what I was thinking was, whenever there is an in-game announcement it could be posted to a twitter acct (via a conf I imagine) I was also thinking via the conf file there should be options for tweeting other things etc

    lemmie know if this sounds like a feasible or even interesting idea


  2. one note, for those who wish to merge AHBOT with the shinzon mangchat, you will encounter a merge error, dont worry, just open the affected file ( World.cpp ) and place the line " #include "mangchat/IRCClient.h" " BEFORE the line " #include "AuctionHouseBot.h"" then delete the line entries " <<<<<<< HEAD:src/game/World.cpp " , " ======= " , AND " >>>>>>> 9ac68c2253098d1b29cf97f5fac033c1d9587793:src/game/World.cpp "

    save the file, then in git : git add src/game/world.cpp

    then : git commit -m " master "

    and you are good to go.

  3. I just wanted to clearly let everyone know that the latest rev of MangChat as poer the SHINZON GIT successfully merges and compiles with the new 0.14.0 revision of mangos for 3.1.3 been dev testing it for the past week or so via the 310 branch and it works flawlesssly*

    ( * denotes that there is STILL a but in .sysmsg ADD <message> )

  4. BTW just for the record.. i know this isnt an important thing since no one is supposed to be trying to hard with 3.1.x but i would like to point out in case you are interested, that Gigelf's Mangchat will merge during the gir process with the latest 310 build while rueflos will not.. ruf, yours seems to have a conflict in world... I am not sure wehre I am not running the normal git that has the git-UI interface I am running the FULL version (that apparently isnt full because it doesnt have the GUI option... ) that said, i am not sure how to track down the merge failure... if you know the command please post

  5. Change the I64FMTD to UI64FMTD. It took me a while to figure that one out.

    Do you want me to add you to my repository as a collaborator?

    sure i suppose.. i mean i guess i have been in this thread long enough LMAO... I added you as requested and left you my email and AIM contact as well.. I have ICQ, MSN, and YAHOO but dont usually run them if you want send me one of those and i will fire it up to add

    I am just going to merge your repository in... i am letting this current one build to see what happens but yeah

  6. no i didnt i will check that now, i often overlook that section...

    I just ran int tohe oddest error in compile and cant for the life of me see anything wrong with it... i tried to fix the problem myself and am recompiling but if it fails again (which it should as I really only guessed the fix) I will try yours next.

    the compile error just in case you are curious is


    ..\\..\\src\\game\\mangchat\\IRCCmde.cpp(633) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'I64FMTD'

    ..\\..\\src\\game\\mangchat\\IRCCmde.cpp(633) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

    ..\\..\\src\\game\\mangchat\\IRCCmde.cpp(1421) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'I64FMTD'

    ..\\..\\src\\game\\mangchat\\IRCCmde.cpp(1421) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

    when i went into the code i couldnt find any missing ' ) ' however i noticed that the mentioned identifier was written:

    " 'I64FMT' " or something to that extent (i forget atm ) and i took the quotes out and am trying to recompile... I know that in SQL " can cause errors and thats the only thing i could see that might be out of place... its prolly not that but god knows what it is if it isnt..

  7. I agree in that i would love to see some form of communication develop where smaller pop servers could intermingle with larger pop servers and work together to create a cell-like playing field. For instance, the server I am hosting is WAY OVERPOWERED for teh virtually non existance population of my server and try as i might I can seem to attract new users.. being able to share my resources to help not only my own server grow but an already powerful server offload would be extremely beneficial to both parties as well as a bigger playing field to all involved.

    just for the record:

    AMD OPteron 2.6ghz

    8GB Memory

    60gb 10,000rpm OS drive

    (4) 320Gb 7,200rpm HDs in RAID overlay for failsafe

    1-gigabit Optical backbone

    running windows 2003 Professional

    Mangos 3.1.3

    Latest UDB, ACID, and SD2

    thats **ALL** thats running on my server and we have maybe 1 or two people at any given time right now, best so far was about 10ppl

    so umm Collinsp... if you need a devrealm for testing interconnected realms.. FEEL FREE TO ASK I cant Code much but I am sure more than happy to assist in whatever way i can to make this type of system come to life

  8. Onkela I just did the following and it worked peachy

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    cd mangos

    git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git 310

    git pull git://github.com/Gigelf/mangos.git auctionhouse

    git pull git://github.com/Gigelf/mangos.git mangchat

    it all merged and compiled fine about an hour ago...

    now, maybe its a linux problem i did this all on Windows 7 compiled with VisualStudio 2008 Professional

    Ruaflo -

    Does your new branch by any chance fix the error that gets displayed during game when it uses the Announce ( .sysmsg a <text> ) feature? Thats the only flaw i have been seeing in mangchat and it has been doing it for quite some time now.

  9. yeah just wanted to let you know that i have now compiled it and it DOES work.. I added all the SQLs from the build, SD2 , UDB380 and ACID 0.1.0 fired the sucker up and it runs just peachy... so if you wanted to branh that out i can attest that it DOES work.

    as for things that dont work its the same old usual crud, Scouirge Gryphons, certain DK quests, etc.. but in the rest of the game it looks better than ever.

  10. hey gigelf.. i was just curious...

    have you tried taking say the latest 310 branch, then pulling your auctionhouse branch, then pulling your mangchat branch?

    just wanted to ask.. i know the 310 branch is not supported but I like experiemtning with disaster.. just wanted to let you know that they all merge together fine.. will be compiling it as soon as i DL the SD2 SVN will let you know how it turns out if you are interested


  11. hello

    im not really familiar to this project and i've no programming skills, but i'd like to ask a question.

    somewhere i read something about an irc- "chat"-patch which was planned to spawn a kind of a playerbot in the world for everey user joining or chatting in the appropriate channel.

    do you have similar plans or is this at least the project im talking about?

    sincerely =)

    yeah, check the thread for playerbot its not for that chat..

  12. how did you do that erezar?

    git clone git://github.com/mangos.git

    and resets it to 7720

    and git pull git://github.com/brunogcar/mangos.git master? or ?

    thx :)

    Edit: ups sorry found a way to get it to work whit, lol not less that 72 patches + fixes :P if any wanner try it out you´ll find it on git://github.com/gimli/mangos.git and check out patch.list for full list of patches & fixes

    how did you compile scriptdev with Gimli's git? the one included doesnt build has 9 errors all of which are missing files. and you cant use a new scriptdev directory to replace it else it has tons of errors in relation to the build. specifically PLAYER.

    I would love if someone had a straight updated mangchat git, as I am itching to try and compile 310 for testing with the chat... anyone working on that?

    I mean.. if someone knows a basic info on what i would need to edit to put say bruno's git into the 310 build I would happily do that I am learning Vist Studio pretty quick lately, but I could still use some pointers

  13. I am still using brunogcar's PULL attached to 7720 clone and i havent found any real reason why an upgrade is need except i have HEARD (not witnessed keep forgetting to check it myself) from my GMs that when " .sysmsg a " is used it displays an error. otherwise everything works perfectly fine...

  14. in the interest of the infinite wisdom of mangos (sometimes i question that) the recent builds 7491 and 7492 have changed the nameing / structure of the internal chat system.

    I am curious if this is going to affect the integration of the mangchat system... I am currently getting the 7494 build and then will go through my usual sourcing to see if I can get everything to merge as usual, if not i will report back here later today about this.


    confirmed: thanks to the new chat changes in the recent commits to Mangos, it is no longer possible to merge

    at least, its no longer possible to merge brunogcar's git into the main which worked fine prior to these changes... I will try merging just shinzon's but i doubt highly there will be any change as it occurs to me that the renaming of commands in chat.cpp are the cause of this error

    Odd Confirmation:

    Shinzon's didnt fail on chat.cpp (it failed on world chat.cpp merged fine) so here is the qurestion... if not mangchat thats messing up.... what could it be? auctionhouse bot?

    will try Furt's pull next... if it still fails then I will try pulling auctionhouse into this instead and see if it fails in the same place as Brunos does... at which point perhaps its AHBot that isnt working... of course... they may have fixed their error since bruno's build in which case if it works, i will try pulling bruno's on top of that and see if it clears the issue..

    will post another EDIT if no one has replied in between


    It isnt Mangchat in particular.. upon checking to see if there was a new Repo from paradox in his ah thread i found that people attempting to apply his new repo are encountering the EXACT error I receive in Brunogcar's repo... that being the case, it isnt mangchat (at least not yet) that is causing the errors its AHBot... but still... the ultimate cause is those two changes they made in the aforementioned commits.

  15. actually the above isnt entirely accurate...

    If you were to say, use the MangChat system you could force players to join a specified channel... however as to making them join by the defines of what they ARE well that is not yet implemented but in theory could be.

    point is, yes there is a way to make players join channel but only through the use of the mangchat that I know of.

  16. you know what *I* would like to see... and this is a thought from the top of my head so idk how it could possibly be implemented unless maybe a LUA addon was developed... But I would like a way to see who is in the IRC room while you are in game.

    This might not be widely accepted or used by the players but I know my GMs have commented often that it would be nice to see who is in the chatroom from the game without having to alt-tab out. I mean... All it really needs to do is SHOW the IRC-names of the people.. you really wouldnt need to have the ability to talk to them from the app since you can always just /# <message> or use .ircpm to contact them but as an admin there are plenty of times I will be devving on world and new potentials will come into the chat and not say anything so I dont catch that they are there and that lowers our server's potential to have more players.

    What do you guys think?


  17. your git is perfect bruno, since you committed it to master i went ahead and tried an experiment and it worked flawless ly:

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    cd mangos

    git clone git://github.com/brunogcar/mangios.git master

    not i have the most recent mangos with your fixes

    runs like a dream

  18. Thanks for the info bruno... like i said i didnt know if it was possible and i know its a longstanding complaint so i figured i would at least ask... what if it was a core channel like LOOKINGFORGROUP?

    also thanks for your git... grabbing it now

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