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Posts posted by erazare

  1. I patch it against mangos on that branch, when building tiamat I usually try basing with valhalla first but if it wont compile to my taste I use mangos first.

    the tiamat repo is very much up in the air until we get the playerbot issue cleared up. as of now thanks to your contributions you CAN build playerbot,vehicles,mangchat,and ahbot into 9183, however playerbot is rather damaged as mentioned in that thread in core modifications.

  2. i just tried merging bizkut's getting the same error in player.h

           bool canSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const* creature) const;
    <<<<<<< HEAD
           uint32 GetActionButtonSpell(uint8 button) const
               ActionButtonList::const_iterator ab = m_actionButtons.find(button);
               return ab != m_actionButtons.end() && ab->second.uState != ACTIONBUTTON_DELETED && ab->second.GetType() == ACTION_BUTTON_SPELL ? ab->second.GetAction() : 0;
           // Playerbot mod:
           // A Player can either have a playerbotMgr (to manage its bots), or have playerbotAI (if it is a bot), or
           // neither. Code that enables bots must create the playerbotMgr and set it using SetPlayerbotMgr.
           void SetPlayerbotAI(PlayerbotAI* ai) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotAI=ai; }
           PlayerbotAI* GetPlayerbotAI() { return m_playerbotAI; }
           void SetPlayerbotMgr(PlayerbotMgr* mgr) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotMgr=mgr; }
           PlayerbotMgr* GetPlayerbotMgr() { return m_playerbotMgr; }
           void SetBotDeathTimer() { m_deathTimer = 0; }
    >>>>>>> bizkut/playerbot

    any ideas? if you clear it up this way :

           bool canSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const* creature) const;
           uint32 GetActionButtonSpell(uint8 button) const
               ActionButtonList::const_iterator ab = m_actionButtons.find(button);
               return ab != m_actionButtons.end() && ab->second.uState != ACTIONBUTTON_DELETED && ab->second.GetType() == ACTION_BUTTON_SPELL ? ab->second.GetAction() : 0;
           // Playerbot mod:
           // A Player can either have a playerbotMgr (to manage its bots), or have playerbotAI (if it is a bot), or
           // neither. Code that enables bots must create the playerbotMgr and set it using SetPlayerbotMgr.
           void SetPlayerbotAI(PlayerbotAI* ai) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotAI=ai; }
           PlayerbotAI* GetPlayerbotAI() { return m_playerbotAI; }
           void SetPlayerbotMgr(PlayerbotMgr* mgr) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotMgr=mgr; }
           PlayerbotMgr* GetPlayerbotMgr() { return m_playerbotMgr; }
           void SetBotDeathTimer() { m_deathTimer = 0; }

    the server will build but the packet error mentioned in previous reply occurs...

    if you clean it up the other way :

           bool canSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const* creature) const;
           // Playerbot mod:
           // A Player can either have a playerbotMgr (to manage its bots), or have playerbotAI (if it is a bot), or
           // neither. Code that enables bots must create the playerbotMgr and set it using SetPlayerbotMgr.
           void SetPlayerbotAI(PlayerbotAI* ai) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotAI=ai; }
           PlayerbotAI* GetPlayerbotAI() { return m_playerbotAI; }
           void SetPlayerbotMgr(PlayerbotMgr* mgr) { assert(!m_playerbotAI && !m_playerbotMgr); m_playerbotMgr=mgr; }
           PlayerbotMgr* GetPlayerbotMgr() { return m_playerbotMgr; }
           void SetBotDeathTimer() { m_deathTimer = 0; }

    the server wont build.

    any ideas?

  3. hey blue boy I just wanted to point out some findings that have occured in game when i tried to merge your repo up to 9183 and use it...

    first of all during the git-merge a strange merge error occurs in Player.h to the effect of a button-call if you clean it up and leave that in the server will build, if you take it out, the server wont.

    with the built server everything seems to be all well and fine til you try to group your bot.

    at this point the server CLI flags the following error:

    2010-01-15 13:21:42 ERROR:ERROR: Attempted to get in ByteBuffer (pos: 0 size: 0) value with size: 4
    2010-01-15 13:21:42 ERROR:WorldSession::Update ByteBufferException occured while parsing a packet (opcode: 110) from client 192.168.xxx.xxx, accountid=135. Skipped packet.

    in-game the bot doesnt have any characteristics of being grouped but if you try to group the bot again it says that its already in your group.

    this of course means you cant loot its kills and other group related needs... I noticed that bizkut patched his repo I am going to try and pull that and see if it fixes it.

  4. I have created a repo on github which is a fork of mangos at [9173], I then cloned that to my local machine, branched at [9162] where I am trying to apply the patch. I am getting gossip enums declared in 2 places and missing declarations in headers when I try to compile.

    I am following your instructions on page 16 of this thread to generate the playerbot patch, but there are loads of compile errors.

    When done I want to apply a number of patched, including AHbot, but I am starting with playerbot as I get the feeling this might be the hardest to intergrate.

    Thanks for your help.

    what would you like to patch into it when you are all completed? Just curious because I have a functioning 9178 with playerbot, mangchat (yep it fixed), vehicles, and ahbot which I am going to push to my repo later today... firest I want to experiment just a tad further... i intend to branch add branches to my repo for all the seperate mods I use to build it so that each mod in my repo will have its seperate branch on the repo so if anyone wants to know exactly which mod i am using for it they can get the individual branch updates... (also helps me for future rebuilds)

  5. yeah actually after i wrote that last post i noticed in my dashboard that you forked my repo so i followed that back to your repo of mangchat and pulled it. I am buildtesting it now and then I am going to push it to my repo with credits to you for fixing it

    I am not positive how to add you to that branch as dsev, but tomorrow when I am not quite as stoned I will work it out and promote you :)

  6. how are you applying? git apply mangchat.patch

    or a different method?

    what are you using for git? I am using 1.6.5

    I am just going to pass on this I cant seem to figure out how to do it (should prolly put the bong away)

    maybe Xeross can implement it... if you know how to push to a git I will happily add you as a developer on the branch there if you like (at the 3raZar3/MangChat repo)

  7. rebase your repo into mangos 9178

    git apply mangchat.patch

    git commit into your repo

    Your existing mangchat repo already messed up. You need to rebase and apply the patch I made, and I think you need to review it first because I am not a good coder.

    i know my repo is shot, but i followed your steps and that patch wouldnt apply... so i hunted through it to find the edit you quoted earlier, located the properfile and then manually edited that file.. am going to try and build, if it succeeds i will push the repo

  8. hmm I am having alot of trouble applying the patch... it keeps failing at line 92

    ok so what do i do to use this patch?

    git clone mangos master repo

    git checkout c62c2f

    git pull git://github.com/3raZar3/MangChat.git mangchat

    git apply mangchat.patch


    bc that doesnt work.

  9. I just pulled your mangchat repo into mangos 9178 and see the git diff. I filtered out a few redefined declarations and few unnecessary diff. I don't know much c++ but I wish I can learn from this. Few defines bothered my such as

    -#ifndef _ACCMGR_H
    -#define _ACCMGR_H
    +#ifndef _sAccountMgr_H
    +#define _sAccountMgr_H

    It just look suspicious. I just left as it is. I don't even know what it means lol.

    I tested the patch works fine so far. entering/leaving channel announcement works, chat irc<->world works, levelup works. but the level prefix for characters doesn't work and I think it's an old bug. I am always getting [bugTracker] which is for level 3 gm even I am a level 5 gm which supposed to get [sysOP] prefix.

    The patch will fix your mangchat repo.

    hmm I am having alot of trouble applying the patch... it keeps failing at line 92

  10. Hi klunk,

    Sorry I do not understand what you are trying to do.

    Are you trying to create your own online repo ?


    Are you just trying to merge MaNGOS with Playerbot on your local hardrive?

    I will help you if I can, but I need to know clearly what you are trying to achieve.

    Please get back to me

    @erazare Good to hear the code on blueboy is behaving itself. I'm trying out a few ideas that I hope will improve the AI. Keep on trucking ;)

    good to hear always interested in new AI esp. concerning talents and spells.

    also good to see your repo surviving the storm... my mangchat repo is now an epic fail thanks to whatever they are doing to the main branch as of late.. i cant make heads or tails of it.

  11. I refined this patch and successfully ran it against mangos rev 9178. http://pastebin.com/f4f44efc3

    The thing I'd changed are

     std::string pinfo2 = "\\x2 Race:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + (std::string)prace->name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] + "\\xF |\\x2 Class:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + (std::string)pclass->name[sWorld.GetDefaultDbcLocale()] + "\\xF |\\x2 Level:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + plevel + "\\xF |\\x2 Money:\\x2 " + tempgold + "\\xF |\\x2 Guild Info:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 "+guildinfo+"\\xF |\\x2 Status:\\x2 " + ponline;


     std::string pinfo2 = "\\x2 Race:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + praceid + "\\xF |\\x2 Class:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + pclassid+ "\\xF |\\x2 Level:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 " + plevel + "\\xF |\\x2 Money:\\x2 " + tempgold + "\\xF |\\x2 Guild Info:\\x2\\x3\\x31\\x30 "+guildinfo+"\\xF |\\x2 Status:\\x2 " + ponline;

    to make it compile and work correctly. Please someone fix the variables.

    so wait... this will fix the mangchat? to compile with 9178?? I am not going to even ask how you figured this out i have been bashing my head against it for a couple days now.

    does this fix my repo or Xeross's?

  12. You redefined twice

    src\\game\\ObjectMgr.h(932) : error C2086: 'QuestPOIMap ObjectMgr::mQuestPOIMap' : redefinition


    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Group.cpp(901) : error C2039: 'totalDisenchant' : is not a member of 'Roll'


    ..\\..\\src\\game\\ChatHandler.cpp(71) : error C2065: 'MAX_CHAT_MSG_TYPE' : undeclared identifier

    redefined more

    ..\\..\\src\\game\\CharacterHandler.cpp(53) : error C2011: 'CinematicsSkipMode' : 'enum' type redefinition

    that's all the compile error.

    yep ran into it.. tried to rebase it again no good... tried rebasing xeross's repo and it wont compile either... for now I am going to take a break and just assume that mangchat is broken...

    xeross if you can find a way to merge your repo with 9173+ let us know...

  13. Hi WOLFMAN,

    I do not wish to get angry with users, but I am forever telling people that the version of MaNGOS I say the code is compatible with, is the ONLY version that it is guaranteed to work with. Occasionally, the code will work with a future release of MaNGOS, but this is not guaranteed.

    In my post #539, I stated that the latest code is compatible with MaNGOS[9162],and not MaNGOS[9173]. If you look at the

    MaNGOS changelog, you will see that there has been a change to CharacterHandler.cpp in MaNGOS[9164]. I will address this issue when I update blueboy next.

    EDIT: I just pulled MaNGOS [9173], and applied the 'playerbot.patch' create from the MaNGOS[9162] merge. I had no conflicts?

    Have you got any other core mods in the code, that may be conflicting with the merge? Look inside CharacterHandler.cpp, the system will mark where the conflict occurs, when a merge fails.


    note: this repo works perfectly fine with 9173.... *I* did have to make some merges due to my repo, but nothing serious. still working fine blue... wish i could say the same about mangchat... thats what seems to be screwing my repos...

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