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Posts posted by FragFrog

  1. I have only tested it under Windows by closing the Mangos window - not through a proper .server shutdown. The former seems more plausible in case of a servercrash though.

    JAVA's Connection class has special methods to detect closed, shutdown, unbound or unconnected connections - none of those seem to correctly detect when the server goes offline unfortunately. Might just be my implementation though :D

  2. This is the first time I even hear of EJB modules to be frank, I'm still fairly new to JAVA development, but it looks interesting :)

    As for the RA console: it is somewhat ambigous in my experience. Sometimes no response is send for some reason without closing the connection, if the server is shut down the connection is not properly closed and even if you do get a connection it sometimes accepts login commands while at other times it just ignores them.

    My solution so far has been to simply keep track of what is send back (when it is send back) and detect empty-lines (in which case the connection is dropped and reestablished), login failures (in which case the connection is merely dropped), succesfull connections without response (in which case several more login attempts are made before dropping and reconnecting) and finally the case where we get a succesfull user login response and non-empty lines from write operations, in which case the connection is kept.

    From this behaviour I would guess the RA connection is a non-blocking connection in the main thread of the server - if it has time, it'll reply, but if not, it simply won't, or later. Maybe a better way to handle it would be to create a non-blocking client which always listens and handles replies when it can, I am thinking of rewriting it to reflect this, will probably be neater.

  3. #1: a reliable host is good and fun, but in case you weren't here in the past few weeks: the mangos forums were down due to a DDoS attack. There is simply no way to guarrantee the realm server will not go down, and when that happens there will be thousands of users unable to connect. With a distributed model the risk is far smaller since there is not a single point of faillure.

    The problem with #3 is not registering the accounts - this is of course a trivial matter. The problem is Mangos itself, which is not build to handle GM levels based on realm. Untill the developers here take time out to implement it, there is no way to distinguish between GM's of different realms.

    As for #2: in your realmlist is stored what the server population is, uptime, timezone and a few more fields are listed there. I am not entirely sure if it still works without write-rights to the realm database - it just might. But that would mean any account related commands ingame will not work anymore (like banning, password change, etc). This issue I can actually see being worked around, though it will cost some usability for realm owners.

  4. That actually sounds like a fairly good idea, come to think of it :D

    I do see several problems with this though:

    1. Your realm can only connect to one realmserver, so everyone has to go through that central realm - what do you do when it goes down?

    2. The gameserver needs write-permissions on the database. This is in theory a very bad idea if you don't fully trust the other gameservers.

    3. GM level is per account, and accounts are shared between realms. It would mean any GM could administer any server.

    If you have several servers you can trust, it would be a good idea to add them (in fact, our own situation is two test / development realms and one main realm, all in different locations but connected to the same realmserver), but as it stands now security would be too great an issue to just let anyone register and add their own server.

  5. Really, what is stopping you? If you want to make funserver items, events, whatever, you're absolutely 100% free to do exactly that. The source is there, go with it!

    But if you can't do that yourself and expect Mangos developers to, in my opinion, waste their time working on funserver content, I suggest you go to another core. There are still a lot of things not working as they should, the reason I use Mangos is because the dev's prioritize that above "fun" elements.

    Besides, new spells with procrate and phases can be stored in the database, not in the server. Same with custom vendors and items (in fact, on the server I work for we have a special "banhammer" item) - this is fully suported by Mangos and has nothing to do with the core.

    Instances then are (usually) implemented through ScriptDev2 and those too you can customize as much as you want. For example, I have written a few custom scripts for Sunwell Plateau to get it working (to a point) for our TBC server. Again, this is ScriptDev2, not Mangos. Custom teleports too are stored in the database and fully supported by Mangos, those too you can add yourself.

    Long story short: everything I have heard you propose up till now is either SQL or SD2 based and has absolutely nothing to do with Mangos. And how exactly are you supporting the project anyway, I don't see a donator title under your username, nor do I see any patches proposed / comitted by you?

  6. You are right I am not a C++ specialist like many of you are, and I only recently created this profile, yet reading Patches section showed me that many users been trying to say the same thing I did above.

    Unfortunately neither am I, however I do work as a professional programmer and senior developer in two other languages and one of my main concerns is always code quality. As DasBlub already pointed out, there are usually good ways to fix something and a whole lot more bad ways. Often the good way is not even clear to you unless you see the whole picture, and in case of Mangos, this picture is huge. I can write patches for use in our server, but I know the quality of those patches is far below what is required because I do not know exactly how everything works and works together - as such I won't commit them either, there simply would be no point.

    I am not saying all user created patches are of too low quality, far from it, but even when they are not one of the core devs needs to take time out from his normal activities to go over all the modifications proposed, modify them where necesary and submit them to the repository, and all that takes a lot of time.

    If you agree/disagree with this post, please drop a comment :)

    There you go :lol:

  7. Thanks crashuncle, the assert "fix" mentioned there was already in the list but I've added the database cleanup suggestion. I got the same feeling, there are fixes and patches out there, and while they may break functionality (like removing a spell) I think that's worth it if you can get a more stable server through it.

  8. Hmm, useful, but more useful would be actual fixes for the spells.

    The problem is not just spells. There are a great many possible causes for crashes, some related to the core, others to the DB, and some to simple configuration settings. That said, I much rather know which spells potentially crash the server so I can disable them and have a stable server than something buggy working and uptimes of half an hour max.

    I only found out about Reflective Shield a few weeks ago, I think there are quite a few simple changes that could make servers stay up for weeks instead of hours - if only people share them. So please stay ontopic, I'll keep the startpost up to date if there are more suggestions :)

  9. With right OS/Hardware/Rev/Patches you can get days of uptime below 1k clients.

    No offense, but no, you can't, unless you also include custom patches designed to fix / remove crashing abilities.

    I have tried several times with a completely clean DB, latest matching revisions of SD2, UDB and Mangos (for TBC) and could barely get an hour or two uptime with ~150 users on. This is on a completely dedicated server with latest OS updates. Might be different for linux (we run our servers on windows server 2003), but I very much doubt it.

    Are these crashes due to the OS or compile then? Not likely: once our testserver ran the same version for around 140 days without crash (mostly as test to see how long we could keep it up - at that point I had to take it down to replace server hardware). Of course, since it was a testserver, it never had more than 5 users online at the same time.

    Certain things players do simply crash the server. In my experience almost all of this is due to aura's / spellcasting / custom objects in the realm, like a Paladins Retribution Aura around revision 8200 crashing the server when he attacks a mob in netherstorm, or a priests reflective shield which somehow also crashes the server in PvP combat, or an attacking mob when you leave an instance or even a corpse in a cleaned up instance. Made a few bugreports about it, but nobody seems to care or is able to find a solution - and I'll admit we are still unsure ourself about what exactly causes crashes sometimes.

    A kind of "Stable Revision" thread is really missing here, all other forums have such a thread and I even saw similar things on the Russian Mangos forum. I'm quite curios how the latest 0.12 (2.4.3) revisions are, and I didn't heard anything about that Reflective Shield issue yet. The old 2.4.3 revisions from Nov08 are at least very stable (3-4 day uptime, 1k online) but I cant tell you anything about the new ones.

    There is actually a discussion going on here about a different release style, with marked milestones and asociated feature-freezes. I would very much like to see something like that, but dev's disagree unfortunately. As it is, we usually compile, put a version up on the testserver, keep a very close eye on the bug report section and if after a week there are no new crash reports for that revision (like these). we update Generally works out :)

  10. Revision: * * 8569 dc6df3f5caa9022b9502281829b80a13ddbd1780
    Date 26:10:2009. Time 15:58 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         E8400  @ 3.00GHz
    Number Of Processors: 2
    Physical Memory: 4181744 KB (Available: 2724124 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (Version 5.2, Build 3790)
    Exception code: C00000FD STACK_OVERFLOW
    Fault address:  0042EE37 01:0002DE37 C:\\MaNGOS\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:0EAAA5AC  EBP:0EAAA5C0
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0042EE37  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+17A47
    00496EE9  00000000  ?GetGrid@Map@@AAEPAVGridMap@@MM@Z+59
    0049712F  00000000  ?GetAreaFlag@Map@@QBEGMMM@Z+1F
    0043669F  00000000  ?GetZoneAndAreaId@WorldObject@@QBEXAAI0@Z+5F
    00694F9E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+31FE
    0068FF5E  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2706E
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AED6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+21FE6
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    0069005A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2716A
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AED6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+21FE6
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    0069005A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2716A
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AED6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+21FE6
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    0069005A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2716A
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AED6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+21FE6
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    0069005A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2716A
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AED6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+21FE6
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    0069005A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2716A
    004565F5  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+1B5
    00456438  00000000  ?CastSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@I_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+118
    004672B7  00000000  ?HandleProcTriggerSpell@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4WeaponAttackType@@I@Z+1997
    004740DF  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+3AF
    004626EB  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+22B
    00457CC3  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+313
    007AE7B8  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0069433E  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+259E
    0068B725  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+22835
    0068AF0A  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2201A
    00690B1B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27C2B
    00690996  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+27AA6
    00691390  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+284A0
    0069B69D  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+98FD
    0083734C  00000000  ?at_exit@MaNGOS@@YAXP6AXXZ@Z+20C
    004538F8  00000000  ?Update@Unit@@UAEXI@Z+28
    004B41AF  00000000  ?Update@Player@@UAEXI@Z+DF
    00494289  00000000  ?Update@Map@@UAEXABI@Z+D9
    005E5B38  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+20288
    005CBE1B  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+656B
    0042ECBE  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+178CE
    007FFDC9  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+DC9
    00A01B84  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    77E6482F  00000000  GetModuleHandleA+DF

  11. Depends greatly on what stability patches you add, amount of players, and the way they play.

    With ~200 users we generally get around 2 ~ 3 days uptime on our TBC server. We removed Reflective Shield from priests though, as it crashes the server in PvP just about every half hour and Mangos dev's seem unwilling to fix it. Spell damage caused by aura's (in PvP mostly) is still our #1 crash cause, other than that it's fairly stable.

  12. No need to reboot if you change the hosts file.

    Many virusscanners these days and even Vista / windows 7 themselfs will however popup a warning if an application attempts to change the contents of the host file (since it can also be used to spoof other websites, like banking websites). With this in mind I too think editing the host file is not a viable option.

    What we need is a way to change the news location encoded in the client itself, and for that we need to edit the client files - which if I understand the rules correctly, is forbidden to discuss on this forum. That being said, I do not think this is the right place for this discussion since we cannot discuss the real solution here ^_^

  13. Revision: * * 8569 267beff6dcf06a59ca98c0560cf08f0aaa3b5930
    Date 21:10:2009. Time 21:4 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: AMD Sempron(tm) 
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Physical Memory: 2095892 KB (Available: 1253676 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 3994440 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (Version 5.2, Build 3790)
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  0083839B 01:0043739B D:\\Servers\\Mangos\\New\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:0EA17898  EBP:0EA178AC
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0083839B  00000000  std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned __int64,BasicEvent *,std::less<unsigned __int64>,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned __int64 const ,BasicEvent *> >,1> >::const_iterator::_Inc+2B
    00837184  00000000  EventProcessor::KillAllEvents+64
    00472CBC  00000000  Unit::CleanupsBeforeDelete+2C
    006DC209  00000000  ObjectGridUnloader::Visit<Creature>+69
    006DCE3F  00000000  VisitorHelper<ObjectGridUnloader,Creature>+F
    006DCCF0  00000000  VisitorHelper<ObjectGridUnloader,Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > >+10
    006DCBB3  00000000  VisitorHelper<ObjectGridUnloader,GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > >+23
    006DCAD0  00000000  VisitorHelper<ObjectGridUnloader,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >+10
    006DC18C  00000000  ObjectGridUnloader::Unload+1C
    00495912  00000000  ObjectGridUnloader::UnloadN+72
    00495686  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+86
    006DB7B2  00000000  RemovalState::Update+82
    0049465B  00000000  Map::Update+7EB
    005E5628  00000000  MapManager::Update+128
    005CB90B  00000000  World::Update+77B
    0042ECCE  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    007FFB19  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    00A01B84  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCCB4C
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    77E6482F  00000000  GetModuleHandleA+DF
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C82860C  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    77E61C8D  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
    009B9C04  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF84BCC
    00A264AA  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF1472
    00A2266F  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFED637
    005E237A  00000000  WorldSocketMgr::Wait+4A
    0B1C5714  00000000  0000:00000000 
    0B1C5714  00000000  0000:00000000 
    6C696146  00000000  

  14. Revision: * * 8348 *
    Date 20:10:2009. Time 10:25 
    *** Hardware ***
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         E8400  @ 3.00GHz
    Number Of Processors: 2
    Physical Memory: 4181744 KB (Available: 2294544 KB)
    Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB
    *** Operation System ***
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (Version 5.2, Build 3790)
    Exception code: C00000FD STACK_OVERFLOW
    Fault address:  0042D8A7 01:0002C8A7 C:\\MaNGOS\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:0EA83B84  EBP:0EA83B8C
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    0042D8A7  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+16997
    0067F746  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+20226
    004526E4  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+B4
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004537C2  00000000  ?DealFlatDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@PA_N_N@Z+CC2
    00453A03  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+E3
    007A2578  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0068A380  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+2580
    00681E4C  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2292C
    00681606  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+220E6
    00686B7B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2765B
    006869F6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+274D6
    006860BA  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+26B9A
    0045279D  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+16D
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004537C2  00000000  ?DealFlatDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@PA_N_N@Z+CC2
    00453A03  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+E3
    007A2578  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0068A380  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+2580
    00681E4C  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2292C
    00681606  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+220E6
    00686B7B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2765B
    006869F6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+274D6
    006860BA  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+26B9A
    0045279D  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+16D
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004537C2  00000000  ?DealFlatDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@PA_N_N@Z+CC2
    00453A03  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+E3
    007A2578  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0068A380  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+2580
    00681E4C  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2292C
    00681606  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+220E6
    00686B7B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2765B
    006869F6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+274D6
    006860BA  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+26B9A
    0045279D  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+16D
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004537C2  00000000  ?DealFlatDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@PA_N_N@Z+CC2
    00453A03  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+E3
    007A2578  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0068A380  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+2580
    00681E4C  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2292C
    00681606  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+220E6
    00686B7B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2765B
    006869F6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+274D6
    006860BA  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+26B9A
    0045279D  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+16D
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004537C2  00000000  ?DealFlatDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@PA_N_N@Z+CC2
    00453A03  00000000  ?SpellNonMeleeDamageLog@Unit@@QAEIPAV1@II_N1@Z+E3
    007A2578  00000000  ?HandleRepairItemOpcode@WorldSession@@QAEXAAVWorldPacket@@@Z+22B8
    0068A380  00000000  ?SendCastResult@Spell@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PBUSpellEntry@@EW4SpellCastResult@@@Z+2580
    00681E4C  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2292C
    00681606  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+220E6
    00686B7B  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+2765B
    006869F6  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+274D6
    006860BA  00000000  ?Update@?$ConfusedMovementGenerator@VPlayer@@@@QAE_NAAVPlayer@@ABI@Z+26B9A
    0045279D  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PBUSpellEntry@@PBH22_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+16D
    00452622  00000000  ?CastCustomSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IPBH11_NPAVItem@@PAVAura@@_K@Z+82
    004605A4  00000000  ?HandleDummyAuraProc@Unit@@AAE_NPAV1@IPAVAura@@PBUSpellEntry@@II@Z+1C14
    0046FF11  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpellFor@Unit@@AAEX_NPAV1@IABV?$set@W4AuraType@@U?$less@W4AuraType@@@std@@V?$allocator@W4AuraType@@@3@@std@@W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@@Z+4D1
    0045E50B  00000000  ?ProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IIIW4SpellSchoolMask@@PBUSpellEntry@@_NW4WeaponAttackType@@@Z+1BB
    0045E724  00000000  ?CastMeleeProcDamageAndSpell@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@IW4SpellSchoolMask@@W4WeaponAttackType@@W4MeleeHitOutcome@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+194
    004564EB  00000000  ?DoAttackDamage@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@PAIPAUCleanDamage@@1W4SpellSchoolMask@@1PAW4VictimState@@11W4WeaponAttackType@@PBUSpellEntry@@_N@Z+154B
    004569D1  00000000  ?AttackerStateUpdate@Unit@@QAEXPAV1@W4WeaponAttackType@@_N@Z+251
    004AE72B  00000000  ?Update@Player@@UAEXI@Z+52B
    0048F676  00000000  ?Update@Map@@UAEXABI@Z+D6
    005E1448  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+20018
    005C777B  00000000  ??0CreatureEventAI@@QAE@ABV0@@Z+634B
    0042D72E  00000000  ?getSource@?$Reference@V?$GridRefManager@VCorpse@@@@VCorpse@@@@QBEPAVCorpse@@XZ+1681E
    007F3769  00000000  ?GetFloatDefault@Config@@QAEMPBDM@Z+D99
    009F1B84  00000000  ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    77E6482F  00000000  GetModuleHandleA+DF
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile

  15. It's an interesting idea, definately. There are some obstacles with your proposal (for example, as far as I know are waypoints and quests stored in the database, not in the maps, so these you would not be able to adjust with just maps either) and you'd definately need to work closely together with the client team, but that's a solveable issue. It would be even better if those maps could be served directly by the server, so people could adjust their own server and have users directly get the maps they needed, when they need them. Would definately increase the variation of servers out there.

    I am somewhat sceptical about its actual attainability though; adding a few items to an existing client is only so much trouble, but if you really intend to use it to move away from Blizzard content you'd need more than just maps - you'd need items, NPC's, skills, spells, towns, etc etc. While not impossible, that does constitute a huge amount of work if you want to do it right and make it attractive enough for people to play. There are a LOT of MMORPG's out there, the main reason people accept a Mangos server is because their gaming experience so much resembles something popular. Take that away and I fear that interest goes with it - leaving you with a lot of work done and hardly any result from it.

  16. From the lack of reactions here I suppose there is no interest then, but since I created the basic version anyway you can find it at the following SVN address:


    Mostly contains a few more improvements security-wise (for instance, not allow GM's to give a higher GM level than their own) and a status notice upon account updates. There's a short installation guide as well, if anyone still wants to give it a try :)

  17. Our testserver once had an uptime of 140 days (not kidding, got a screenie of it even - almost no users on though). Memory useage stayed very much the same - even with full vmaps. So for option 1, it might be, but I would guess it's related to player interaction. Perhaps grid unloading is of some influence?

    Points 2 and 3 are confirmed here as well. For point 2, I notice a lot of SQL errors for the instance primary key constraint. I guess changing the update into a replace would fix it, but since I have no idea how this will affect game mechanics I have so far not bothered to do so.

  18. GaME: Gamemasters Mangos Editor

    GaME is a set of two programs: a client and a server. The server connects to your Mangos realm and database servers, while the client connects to that server to obtain up-to-date status information, account lookups, creature updates etc. It allows GM's to make small manipulations to the server without needing database access, and gives them near-realtime information on server stats through an easy to use GUI application.

    Trac project page can be found at http://game-trac.fragfrog.nl/.

    Latest update: 0.1.198, 17/04/10

    - Chat panel updates.

    Operations Layout

    GaME consists of two parts: a client and server. The server runs continously and connects to both the database as well as a world server. It handles incoming commands from clients, allowing them to search for and modify characters, creatures and accounts, as well as view current server status information (uptime, amount of players, memory usage) and view & edit (account) bans. It's quite small, requires about 10~20Mb of ram to run, and very little in the way of processing power.

    The client only requires a GM account (and the address of the server-part, though that is set in a config file). GM's can use it to login directly from their own PC's, which means they can edit creature templates for instance without access to the database and without the need to run a webserver that does. This too is written in JAVA. It closes to the system tray so GM's can easily keep track of server status, and when they need to edit anything they can simply bring it up by doubleclicking it. An access control panel allows admins to configure exactly which sections a GM can see, and which sections they can update - for example, you can set it such that GM1's cannot view creature details, GM2's can view them, and GM3s can also update creatures.

    Main goal is to provide additional information to GM's and the ability for them to perform small changes - like change a creature's faction, edit the message for a ban, change the password for an account, kick or mute a troublemaker, handle a ticket or simply see a quick list of someone's characters. Members of your staff can use it to fix small problems themselfs, without giving them actual access to your database and without them needing to log in on a GM account. A logfile keeps track of all changes made by a GM, as well as a lot of server information and commands used depending on loglevel.


    Login screen - Accounts panel -Characters panel - Creatures panel - Ban list - Server status - Access panel - Ticket handling - Chat panel - System Tray.


    - View & edit characters (level, exp, gold, account, etc).

    - Send characters ingame mail, alerts.

    - Mute / kick ingame characters.

    - View & edit accounts (password, IP, lock, GM level, expansion, e-mail, characters).

    - View & edit creatures (stats, scripts, faction, etc).

    - View & edit account bans (bandate, banned by, reason).

    - View & handle ingame tickets (close / reply & close / reply).

    - View server status (uptime, players online / max, OS, memory usage).

    - Chat with other connected GM's.


    Mangos-wise, this should work with any version above ~ 6000, both TBC as well as WotLK. The client is tested to work on all major windows versions (XP, 2003, Vista, 7) and at least works on Ubuntu and OS-X (though with a few graphical glitches), server works on all major windows versions and probably also on linux (though untested - please let me know if it works for you!). Of course, an up-to-date JAVA virtual machine is required, which can be downloaded here.

    Some functions (like kick / mute online player, logged in users) also require the Mangos SOAP library, introduced in 9466.


    Latest versions can be found in the SVN repository.

    Releases: http://mangos.fragfrog.nl/GaME/release/

    JAVA Source: http://mangos.fragfrog.nl/GaME/source/

    Documentation: http://mangos.fragfrog.nl/GaME/documentation/

    Plans for the future

    Trac tickets - incomplete, but the most accurate list to date. Includes plans for new tabs for items, quests and bans, as well as more direct server functionality - like restart the server, make announcements, reload templates, etc.

    Purpose of this topic

    Basicly, feedback. I would like to know if there are any good suggestions for new functionality, or changes to existing functionality. Bugs can occur since this is still very much an alpha release, but anything major is good to know as well.

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