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Everything posted by Fyurie

  1. Necro much? On topic: If this was in the master branch, it wouldn't be sitting in Under Review.
  2. Easiest thing I do to stop that is change my set patchlist in realmlist.wtf to: set patchlist Works most of the time.
  3. That's the impression I got from it. I'm on the understanding that this change means that git will now, by default, ignore the SD2 folder, without having to apply the patch. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.
  4. Well, you could start by showing us the errors you're getting in MySQL. We can't help if we don't know what's up.
  5. For the benefit of anyone else with the same problem, I'll put an answer here. The config files, from my experiences, won't accept a blank password. I don't know the technicalities behind it, so I won't begin to try and explain. Basically, just be sure to set yourself a password when setting up MySQL.
  6. I edited my post just now, give it a re-read, that should be enough info.
  7. That error message would mean that you haven't applied all the updates from your SQL folder, but I thought that would be obvious as it says it right there in the error message. For me, this would be C:\\wherever-you-downloaded-your-mangos-core-stuff-to\\sql\\updates then, you find all the updates, starting from the update AFTER the currently listed on your mangosd.dbversion (assuming you followed this guide when naming your databases) table on the database (in your case hagro, start updating from **8749_01_mangos_mail_loot_template**. You'll find this in the 0.15 folder) that have the word mangos in them somewhere, leading all the way up to the latest available one in the folder. Hope this helps. edit: Judging from the rest of the topic thus far, this should help a lot of you.
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