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Everything posted by HSC_Dev3

  1. heh i just put the config directory back in... not overwriting the newer files but replacing all the ones they decided to take out... works like a charm..
  2. thanks bruno much appreciated... heck maybe we can revive the project I cant get smartymangos to load... looks like there is SQL missing from the installer or something
  3. Verified and working with 3.0.6... I will soon be re-releasing a version of Bruno's Minimanager with integrated phpbb3 and centralized config.. just want to work on making the minimanager skin look more like a CMS first.
  4. you have this functional XeroSS? if so, would definitely love a gist or something to get this working. hell i'd even host an archive of it..lol
  5. I will see if i can make you a patch tomorrow when i am in the repo, we use a lot of different modifications in Project DarkiCE.. just need to figure out where our latest code changes are... its almost 2am here so i am crashing out 4 the nite.
  6. congratulations silverice, it is definitely worthy of Master status! good work! and if you include hacks eternal, the eye flies quite nicely... it just doesnt seem to like to update the questracker, which is hardly a big deal.
  7. you both know that isnt going to happen right? I mean. you are being sarcastic right?
  8. yeah i know it isnt, i have been watching it since he pushed a couple days ago... i am in no hurry... vehicles is working fine in current release
  9. i am holding off for a bit on vehicle upgrades to see what zergtmn produces in the new vehicle branch..
  10. hey all.. I am looking for a login bridge that works preferrably for a free forum software like phpbb or smf... or even better some form of portal that connects all three.. ofc it needs to support 333a not 332 if anyone has any clues let me know, i have searched the site and i have spent countless hours scouring the net.. the only thing i have found so far is mangoswebenhanced and it doesnt support 333a. (also the forum software included with it is so basic its retarded..
  11. Incorrect topic area for this post...
  12. I have one, however you will more than likely want to edit the displays since i changed all the output code to reflect our server name rather than the standards (such as MangChat has started >> DarkIce Chat has started) will push a patch on pastebin shortly
  13. just wanted to report i have playerbot working better than ever with ahbot, vehicle, anticheat, and dozens of other modifications compiled under visual studio 2008 and 2010 without making any changes to the playerbot system personally as of rev 10049! excellent work as always blue!
  14. i dont personally find this to be a valid excuse ... if you keep changing the core's fundamental properties every time the mdoficiation *IS* stable to a given core so that the modification is no longer stable, then it isnt the mod thats unstable its the core's changes. for instance, I have the last revision of vehicles running without any errors that were not present in the modification the last time it was updated (around 10019 i believe) my core is now 10049 btw.. however when building my core i intentionally skipped over 10030 because at that commit mangos decided they would change the m_target/Spellproto system radically causing vehicles to no longer function. If you look at the commit comments you will see that this change was intentional for a security reason, the old method was actually easier to debug which vlad openly agreed with, but it was said that they did so because they felt that in the future it could lead to better security.. THATS ALL. Personally, call me a conspiracy theorist if you like but I think that it was a direct attempt to thwart other modifications from working with the core and nothing else, but thats me. the point is... the modification will never be stable with mangos if mangos intentionally changes the properties of the core to disrupt the modification, and thus they will always have the excuse not to implement it. If they implemented it @ a time in which its functionality matched the core at the same revision then THEY would be undeniably responsible for the errors generated when they changed the core's properties to break the mod and they would in turn fix the problem themselves internally. One might argue that vehicles isnt 100% complete so they refuse to implement it until it is.. if that were the case however then mangos wouldnt produce commits at all since it is not 100% compatible with the current revision of the game itself.
  15. no its a bad call in the scriptdev2... thats why we have that section disabled (commented out) in the darkice/darkrulerz scriptdev system
  16. ofc if they were to incorporate it into the actual core then it wouldnt fall on tasssadar's repo to keep it updated...
  17. lol we're all impatient, but it will be ready whenever he figures it out... i have tried to tackle it several times myself but it just wont go for me (even considered commenting it out but that would kill trading among the bots.. sigh anyway... I am sure that when he does get it it will work just as great as his repo has shown to do since he picked it up...
  18. no i suppose not viper... its just very irksome when you make an earnest comment and some nitwit tries to downplay said comment by quoting something out of context to look like the last hundred nitwits like him/her who have done it before...
  19. thank you very much traponinet I will see if that will work.... currently have taken a different tack altogether Curious... playerbot isnt offilike in that you cannot have bots.. true.. what you seem to be missing here is that I only suggested that vehicles had its own forum section LIKE they are doing now for playerbot. They are doing it to avoid a post with 50+ responses that people have to weed through in order to get answers. So yes, I *do* think that vehicles should have its own subforum somewhere, where it can be discussed and developed in a more rational enviroment. THUS, no, I wasnt off topic at all.. my comment was about furthering the development of vehicles, THIS topic is about furthering the development of vehicles.. LEARN TO READ
  20. playerbot currently does not support mangos past revision 10045... 10046 changes the way tradeslots are handled.. back down to 10045 and it will merge/compile just fine
  21. you are not going to easily get vehicles to merge with cameras... the rest shouldnt produce any errors though vladex
  22. massive thank you zert!!! might i ask... which file this edits ? nvm found it... object.cpp
  23. you are obviously better at voicing your mind than reading.. read eevrything i wrote before saying "wrong topic" I merely referred to what is being done for the playerbot modification should be done for the vehicles modification.. that is a forum devoted to it.. READ before you POST
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