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Everything posted by hunuza

  1. Actually, it's been Vladimir
  2. #3 0x083cfdd4 in Bag::StoreItem (this=0x116e4760, slot=49 '1', pItem=0x9d9d3a20) at ../../../src/game/Bag.cpp:150 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void Bag::StoreItem(uint8, Item*, bool)" #4 0x082ea145 in Player::_StoreItem (this=0x116cc6c0, pos=<value optimized out>, pItem=0x9d9d3a20, count=1, clone=false, update=false) at ../../../src/game/Player.cpp:10212 bag = 21 '\\025' slot = 49 '1' pItem2 = <value optimized out> #5 0x082ea3c4 in Player::StoreItem (this=0x116cc6c0, dest=@0xb3cea17c, pItem=0x9d9d3a20, update=true) at ../../../src/game/Player.cpp:10150 pos = 0 count = <value optimized out> lastItem = (class Item *) 0x1 entry = 35101 #6 0x082f59a9 in Player::BuyItemFromVendor (this=0x116cc6c0, vendorguid=17379391384406025879, item=35101, count=1 '\\001', bagguid=4611686018447127033, slot=49 '1') at ../../../src/game/Player.cpp:17216 it = <value optimized out> dest = {<std::_Vector_base<ItemPosCount,std::allocator<ItemPosCount> >> = { _M_impl = {<std::allocator<ItemPosCount>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<ItemPosCount>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_start = 0x9ff063c8, _M_finish = 0x9ff063d0, _M_end_of_storage = 0x9ff063d0}}, <No data fields>} pCreature = (class Creature *) 0xaccda260 vItems = <value optimized out> vendor_slot = 129 crItem = (const VendorItem *) 0xcde0230 price = <value optimized out> #7 0x081cb781 in WorldSession::HandleBuyItemInSlotOpcode (this=0xa0250518, recv_data=@0xa61431f8) at ../../../src/game/ItemHandler.cpp:675 vendorguid = 17379391384406025879 Those Bag::StoreItem crashes are already fixed in [8048]. #0 0x08139795 in BattleGround::EndBattleGround (this=0x151445d8, winner=469) at ../../../src/game/BattleGround.cpp:702 702 plr->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_WIN_RATED_ARENA, winner_arena_team->GetMember(plr->GetGUID())->personal_rating); Fixed in [8006].
  3. Applied in [8059]. Thank you.
  4. Every patch needs to be reviewed by a MaNGOS developer. Since their time is limited, the amount of patches that can be reviewed in a certain time is also limited. Some patches are hacky and would need a lot of maintenance by the developers in the future (for example hard-coded spell ids etc.) or they do not fix the cause of the problem but just the effect of it. Although the patch might be considered quite helpful from a user's point-of-view, it would just hide problems and the maintenance would probably need a lot more time than finding a better solution. This is why reviews are necessary. So whether a patch makes it into the official repository does not only depend on whether they fix certain game aspects but although whether they are well designed and are not considered hacky etc.
  5. Should it be possible to leave a arena team while your team is currently fighting? If not, we should prevent it in HandleArenaTeamLeaveOpcode (we already prevent Disbanding while fighting, but not leaving)) If it is allowed to leave the team while fighting, we should add some null-pointer check in EndBattleGround.
  6. Maybe we should allow to pass a null-pointer as pVictim to SpellHealingBonus and SpellDamageBonus (would probably just need some null-pointer checks). This would make HandleSchoolAbsorb and HandleManaShield much cleaner, because we just had to call SpellHealing/SpellDamageBonus or?
  7. As far as I can remember I already removed similar checks years ago. I just probably forgot that one.
  8. Committed in [7943]. Thank you.
  9. Committed in [7942]. Thank you.
  10. Anybody knows whether http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=53478 is auto-castable? If so that flag probably fits. That flag might also be used by mobs that mind control players whether to use that spell or not. I don't think that SpellFamily checks are necessary though.
  11. hunuza


    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.bitconverter.aspx BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(1086660280),0) Should work...
  12. hunuza


    Hmm... I don't know what you want to know... freghar and my answer should have already answered your question or? We interpret the data field as an array of int, uints and floats (32 bits each so no problem here).
  13. hunuza


    union { int32 *m_int32Values; uint32 *m_uint32Values; float *m_floatValues; }; union makes them refer to the same memory.
  14. He was suggested as a new team member when trinity has just forked. As far as I can remember he wanted to wait until all this confusion in the community at this time has settled. Last time I asked him about that it was on Nov 28. Quote from #mangos:
  15. Patch applied in [6561]. Thank you.
  16. Patch applied in [6505]. Thank you.
  17. Hmm... if this can happen with normal client we shouldn't write this to the error log or?
  18. Patch applied in [6334]. Thank you.
  19. Passing the cast item to the area aura constructor was done in [6333]. Thank you. I don't think we need to call ApplyAura() though...
  20. Bit modified version of this patch applied in [6279]. Thank you.
  21. Could you maybe upload the patch to pastebin.ca or similar? The board sometimes destroys some white space...
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