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  1. A screenshot would help us help you a whole lot
  2. Okay, this threads going to continue forever... just download a working server http://www.mediafire.com/?n00lhyvmm1kg5e0
  3. Yes, then after its done building, debug mangosd again
  4. If your using VS2008 its Build -> Rebuild Solution With VS2010, I have no clue.. just Build I guess
  5. I would just Rebuild the solution and debug again
  6. Hmm.. did you move the mangosd.exe file from its original folder?
  7. You jumped threads on me Anyways, start mangosd.exe the same way you did before (Debug -> Start New Instance) and when the error pops up again, click the button that says 'Break' and tell us where the magic arrow points
  8. Here is a simple solution to debug both your mangosd.exe and realmd.exe from Visual Studio simultaneously. * Open your MaNGOS solution in Visual Studio * Right-click either the 'mangosd' or 'realmd' project and select 'Properties' * Under 'Debugging' set the 'Working Directory' property to $(TargetDir) * Click Apply and repeat for the other project. * Right-click the project you want to debug, hover your cursor over 'Debug' then select 'Start new instance' and it should start debugging * (Optional) To enable exceptions hold Ctrl + Alt + E and make sure C++ Exceptions, Native Run-Time Checks, and Win32 Exceptions are checked. If you get an exception like 'Control + C' that's normal, you can ignore it and continue. If either crashes, just copy/paste the error from the debugger here.
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