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Everything posted by Milk13

  1. Mangos 0.12 : http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/7edbb87adb29a84b83ca4f9022aa72845fa922e7 Debian Lenny x64 http://pastebin.com/0WpaGkUY
  2. Mangos 0.12 : http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/c16722d347a25ab3dca845f3d0972d242573ce3e Debian Lenny x64
  3. It's a good job, but there is a visual bug. When we use spell with stacked auras like lifebloom, the number of stack begin by 1, then we have 3, then 4 stacks. It must be 1 then 2 and 3. But after many tests, I concluded that is only a visual bug. I didn't find the packet that send this data. I looked the RefreshAuraDuration, but it seems to be in another place.
  4. https://gist.github.com/89a05d89e5b472aed6cb for bb1184b607577096e52976f1aaca16700cdde2cc
  5. https://gist.github.com/8920f7b78df842e7c5ad for e0615bccc46c6063c0bf993f950a0166cf075602
  6. My patch is not a real backport, it's the original patch from DiSlord wich was adapted to the last rev of mangos-0.12. I think that the procflags of WoTLK are very differents of BC and it's not necessary to make a real backport. I've no problem with this patch for 2 years.
  7. And these spells wich are in WoTLK and not in TBC : 5952 7434 11095 12281 12812 12813 12814 12815 12872 12873 13163 15337 15338 16180 16196 16198 20182 20335 20784 21084 29593 29594 31871 31872 31876 31877 31878 32409 33151 33297 33953 34074 34506 34584 34598 36541 37379 37536 38299 42770 44404 44442 44443 44445 44446 44448 44449 44469 44470 44471 44472 44546 44548 44549 45355 46854 46855 46867 46913 46916 46951 46952 46953 47195 47196 47197 47201 47202 47203 47204 47205 47245 47246 47247 47258 47259 47260 47263 47264 47265 47509 47511 47515 47516 47517 47569 47580 47581 47582 48110 48111 48483 48484 48485 48496 48499 48500 48506 48510 48511 48516 48521 48525 48539 48833 48835 48837 48988 49018 49188 49208 49222 49503 49504 49529 49530 49622 50781 50880 51123 51127 51128 51129 51130 51346 51349 51352 51359 51414 51470 51474 51478 51479 51483 51485 51486 51521 51528 51556 51557 51558 51562 51563 51564 51565 51566 51625 51626 51627 51628 51629 51634 51635 51636 51664 51665 51667 51668 51669 51672 51674 51679 51692 51696 51698 51700 51701 51940 51989 52004 52005 52007 52008 52020 52127 52420 52423 52795 52797 52798 52799 52800 52898 53215 53216 53217 53221 53222 53224 53228 53232 53234 53237 53238 53256 53259 53260 53290 53380 53397 53486 53501 53502 53503 53527 53551 53552 53553 53569 53576 53601 53646 53671 53673 53709 53817 54149 54151 54154 54155 54278 54486 54488 54489 54490 54646 54695 54707 54738 54747 54749 54754 54808 54838 54841 54937 54939 55166 55380 55440 55640 55666 55677 55680 55689 55747 55768 55776 56218 56342 56343 56344 56355 56364 56372 56375 56451 56611 56612 56613 56614 56636 56816 56821 56834 56835 57345 57352 57470 57472 57499 57870 57878 57880 57881 57989 58357 58364 58372 58386 58442 58444 58597 58616 58620 58626 58644 58647 58677 58872 58874 58901 59176 59327 59345 59630 59725 60061 60063 60066 60132 60170 60172 60221 60301 60306 60317 60436 60442 60473 60482 60487 60490 60493 60503 60519 60529 60537 60564 60571 60572 60573 60574 60575 60617 60710 60717 60719 60722 60724 60726 60770 60818 60826 61062 61188 61257 61324 61345 61346 61356 61618 61846 62600 63108 63156 63245 63280 63320 63373 63534 63611 63625 63730 64127 64928 64976 65661 67228 67353 67361 67667 67672 67702 67771 70664 70748
  8. I made some checks on database between TBC and WoTLK I found these spells wich are in TBC and not WoTLK. 325 905 945 2565 2818 3408 3409 8134 8494 8495 10191 10192 10193 10431 10432 11103 12284 12357 12358 12359 12360 12701 12702 12703 12704 12800 14318 14319 14320 14321 14322 15268 15323 15324 15325 15326 15603 17794 17797 17798 17799 17800 18121 18122 18123 18137 19228 19232 19233 19308 19309 19310 19311 19312 19387 19388 19407 19412 19413 19414 19415 20058 20059 20133 20134 20347 20348 20349 20356 20357 20912 20913 20914 20915 20918 20919 20920 20927 20928 24398 25296 25469 25472 25477 25899 26021 27044 27131 27160 27166 27168 27169 27170 27179 27181 28594 28595 29062 29064 29065 29445 29446 29447 29801 30030 30033 30482 30680 30681 30802 30808 30809 30810 30811 31233 31239 31240 31241 31242 31245 31895 32387 32392 32393 32394 32593 32594 33194 33195 33736 33776 34916 34917 35102 35103 37705 43045 43046 43983
  9. Update for 2a985c6bf0e58ac430a4e28c1ea418d7b29fe69c : http://pastebin.com/R32j5Z95
  10. Milk13

    Snake Trap

    /*#### ## npc_snake_trap_serpents - Summonned snake id are 19921 and 19833 ####*/ #define SPELL_MIND_NUMBING_POISON 25810 //Viper #define SPELL_CRIPPLING_POISON 30981 //Viper #define SPELL_DEADLY_POISON 34655 //Venomous Snake #define MOB_VIPER 19921 #define VENOMOUS_SNAKE_TIMER 1500 #define VIPER_TIMER 3000 struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL npc_snake_trap_serpentsAI : public ScriptedAI { npc_snake_trap_serpentsAI(Creature *c) : ScriptedAI(c) {} uint32 SpellTimer; bool IsViper; void EnterCombat(Unit *who) {} void Reset() { SpellTimer = 0; Unit *Owner = m_creature->GetOwner(); if (!m_creature->isPet() || !Owner) return; CreatureInfo const *Info = m_creature->GetCreatureInfo(); if (Info->Entry == MOB_VIPER) IsViper = true; else IsViper = false; } //Redefined for random target selection: void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit *who) { if (!m_creature->getVictim() && who->isTargetableForAttack() && (m_creature->IsHostileTo(who)) && who->isInAccessablePlaceFor(m_creature)) { if (m_creature->GetDistanceZ(who) > CREATURE_Z_ATTACK_RANGE) return; float attackRadius = m_creature->GetAttackDistance(who); if (m_creature->IsWithinDistInMap(who, attackRadius) && m_creature->IsWithinLOSInMap(who)) { if (!(rand() % 5)) { m_creature->setAttackTimer(BASE_ATTACK, (rand() % 10) * 100); SpellTimer = (rand() % 10) * 100; AttackStart(who); } } } } void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { Unit *Owner = m_creature->GetOwner(); if (!m_creature->isPet() || !Owner) return; if (!m_creature->getVictim()) { if (m_creature->isInCombat()) DoStopAttack(); if (Owner->getAttackerForHelper()) AttackStart(Owner->getAttackerForHelper()); return; } if (SpellTimer <= diff) { if (IsViper) //Viper - 19921 { if (urand(0,2) == 0) //33% chance to cast { uint32 spell; if (urand(0,1) == 0) spell = SPELL_MIND_NUMBING_POISON; else spell = SPELL_CRIPPLING_POISON; m_creature->CastSpell(m_creature->getVictim(), spell, true); } SpellTimer = VIPER_TIMER; } else //Venomous Snake - 19833 { if (urand(0,2) == 0) //80% chance to cast m_creature->CastSpell(m_creature->getVictim(), SPELL_DEADLY_POISON, true); SpellTimer = VENOMOUS_SNAKE_TIMER + (rand() %5)*100; } } else SpellTimer -= diff; DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); } }; CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_snake_trap_serpents(Creature* pCreature) { return new npc_snake_trap_serpentsAI(pCreature); }
  11. Update for 07c392d29c00c51e3158af0b200588e8b522fb88 : http://pastebin.com/DPBt1VzA
  12. Milk13

    Snake Trap

    It's work on my serv with mangos-0.12
  13. Milk13

    Snake Trap

    For the faction, I think you need SD2 patch, you can take the code from TC : http://code.google.com/p/trinitycore/source/browse/src/scripts/world/npcs_special.cpp
  14. Milk13

    Snake Trap

    src/game/Pet.cpp @@ -1219,6 +1219,17 @@ bool Pet::InitStatsForLevel(uint32 petlevel, Unit* owner) SetModifierValue(UnitMods(UNIT_MOD_RESISTANCE_START + i), BASE_VALUE, float(createResistance[i])); UpdateAllStats(); + + if(getPetType() == GUARDIAN_PET) + switch (GetEntry()) + { + case 19833: //Snake Trap - Venomous Snake + SetMaxHealth(94); + break; + case 19921: //Snake Trap - Viper + SetMaxHealth(96); + break; + } SetHealth(GetMaxHealth()); SetPower(POWER_MANA, GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)); The function UpdateAllStats() modify maxhealth with the different stats, you must define the maxhealth after that.
  15. MaNGOS/0.12.0 (2008-12-22 00:00:21 Revision 6928 - 159) for Unix (little-endian) Revision [812] 2008-12-22 11:01:28 (Unix) UDB 0.10.5 (365) for MaNGOS 6928 with SD2 SQL for rev. 812
  16. MaNGOS/0.12.0 (2008-12-22 00:00:21 Revision 6928 - 159) for Unix (little-endian) Revision [812] 2008-12-22 11:01:28 (Unix) UDB 0.10.5 (365) for MaNGOS 6928 with SD2 SQL for rev. 812
  17. MaNGOS/0.12.0 (2008-12-22 00:00:21 Revision 6928 - 159) for Unix (little-endian) Revision [812] 2008-12-22 11:01:28 (Unix) UDB 0.10.5 (365) for MaNGOS 6928 with SD2 SQL for rev. 812
  18. MaNGOS/0.12.0 (2008-12-22 00:00:21 Revision 6928 - 159) for Unix (little-endian) Revision [812] 2008-12-22 11:01:28 (Unix) UDB 0.10.5 (365) for MaNGOS 6928 with SD2 SQL for rev. 812 (gdb) thread 8 [switching to thread 8 (process 24854)]#0 0x081cc89e in MaNGOS::Remove<Player> (obj=0x91097c08) at ../../../src/game/../framework/Utilities/LinkedReference/Reference.h:60 60 inline void unlink() { targetObjectDestroyLink(); delink(); iRefTo = NULL; iRefFrom = NULL; } (gdb) thread apply 8 bt full Thread 8 (process 24854): #0 0x081cc89e in MaNGOS::Remove<Player> (obj=0x91097c08) at ../../../src/game/../framework/Utilities/LinkedReference/Reference.h:60 No locals. #1 0x081cccd2 in MaNGOS::Remove<Player, TypeList<Creature, TypeList<Corpse, TypeNull> >, Player> (elements=@0xaddc0450, obj=0x91097c08, hdl=20213) at ../../../src/game/../framework/GameSystem/TypeContainerFunctions.h:167 t = <value optimized out> #2 0x081c8219 in Map::PlayerRelocation (this=0xadea0628, player=0x91097c08, x=9484.70703, y=-6799.27393, z=16.4922771, orientation=0.998583555) at ../../../src/game/Map.cpp:749 oldGrid = (NGridType *) 0xaddbe210 old_cell = {data = {Part = {grid_x = 49, grid_y = 19, cell_x = 6, cell_y = 1, nocreate = 0, reserved = 1}, All = 2188529}} new_cell = {data = {Part = {grid_x = 49, grid_y = 19, cell_x = 6, cell_y = 2, nocreate = 0, reserved = 2}, All = 4351217}} newGrid = <value optimized out> __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void Map::PlayerRelocation(Player*, float, float, float, float)" #3 0x082a2e88 in Player::SetPosition (this=0x91097c08, x=9484.70703, y=-6799.27393, z=16.4922771, orientation=0.998583555, teleport=false) at ../../../src/game/Player.cpp:5352 m = (class Map *) 0xadea0628 old_x = 9484.30469 old_y = -6800.23779 old_z = 154.010895 old_r = 0 #4 0x083de520 in WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes (this=0xab6c980, recv_data=@0x96f03a18) at ../../../src/game/MovementHandler.cpp:595 data = {<ByteBuffer> = {static DEFAULT_SIZE = 4096, _rpos = 0, _wpos = 32, _storage = {<std::_Vector_base<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> >> = { _M_impl = {<std::allocator<unsigned char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<unsigned char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_start = 0x61deab78 "\\003õN\\001", _M_finish = 0x61deab98 "(", _M_end_of_storage = 0x61deab98 "("}}, <No data fields>}}, m_opcode = 190} check_passed = true curDest = <value optimized out> #5 0x08361d48 in WorldSession::Update (this=0xab6c980) at ../../../src/game/WorldSession.cpp:208 opHandle = (OpcodeHandler &) @0x2100: Cannot access memory at address 0x2100
  19. MaNGOS/0.12.0 (2008-12-22 00:00:21 Revision 6928 - 159) for Unix (little-endian) Revision [812] 2008-12-22 11:01:28 (Unix) UDB 0.10.5 (365) for MaNGOS 6928 with SD2 SQL for rev. 812
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