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Everything posted by Mordaunt

  1. What is 'Kill Streak System' anyway?
  2. Is this Flag even available after re-login of the character? I thought I read somewhere that the flag was resetting after relog.
  3. This is a nice addition/feature. What is the status of this patch? Is this working on the latest revisions and is the FLAG being saved correctly?
  4. Perfect! That did the trick! A thanks for you!
  5. Is this hack fix still needed? Do I need to change: // not apply/remove mods for broken item if(item->IsBroken()) to // not apply/remove mods for broken item if(item->IsBroken() && proto->Socket[0].Color) //This need to remove bonuses from meta if item broken { CorrectMetaGemEnchants(slot, apply); return; } Or is this wrong? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the workaround. I think it is best to open a thread on UDB forum too with this issue. So it can be fixed in next update or a speed-fix-release.
  7. You need to change MAX_TOTEM to MAX_TOTEM_SLOT if I remembered correctly. Give it a try
  8. I have no experience with GDB debugging and scripts, I am glad if someone can help me out. The problem is that the crashlog is empty with every crash. I Use this script above and did all the steps which are commented in the script. I configured with the --with-debug-info flag and the loglevel in mangosd.conf is 3(full debug). I've installed gdb and placed the restarter in the directory where the bin/lib/etc directories are. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong... Thanx in advance for any help! edit1: I am using Ubuntu server. No GUI. edit2: Is it maybe I have to do some changes for ulimit?
  9. I have a lot of these errors too. Thats why I was specifically searching the forum and found this. I checked the up-to-date code of Mangos and saw no changes like this patch suggested. Because the patch is here for quite some months now, is this patch still valid? Is this the good approach for fixing this issue?
  10. Yes, I have exactly the same issue. For an immediate workaround I removed the scriptname from Salanar and changed the quest to autocomplete. If we can fix this issue it would be great.
  11. That's pretty awesome netsky! I did try to implement your patch and the compiler didn't like the IsSpoofSamePlayerFaction function and another one which I guess was ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex. Are you sure your patch is complete? Probbaly I need some declaration in some header files...(?)
  12. Completely agree with you. Thats why your patch is very handy for many people. Just because the ease of it. Many people will still use your patch Shin, that's why I think it is better to post a seperate thread so people don't get confused about the different patches for the mixed group patch
  13. This patch seems a better way of handling the interaction between ally/horde groups. Nice I don't want to hijack this thread...but maybe Netsky you can start a new thread with title 'Advanced Ally/Horde Group patch'? If you are willing ofcourse to update the code from time to time. Quick question though, you mentioned Blueflags. Does this mean that it is not possible anymore that you can kill a player from own faction outside of the group when you join a group with opposite faction?
  14. Hello Netsky, The Diff does not apply. I tried do to change everuthing manually but unfortunately got much..much..compile errros Quest ion is can you upload a compiled version of ad.exe somewhere? That would be awesome
  15. So you want to change the entry of al 75000 items to 1313? Is that correct?
  16. Very nice job guys!! Specially for TOM_RUS! Well done mate!
  17. Thanks MrLama! Nice job. one note: The the diff isn't complete. Are all the changes for unit.cpp? TY:) edit: Got everything in unit.cpp. Lets do some testing
  18. Very nice upgrade The Luda! And for everybody: Happy new year!
  19. Nice catch! I just started building a new site/template in joomla. This overview is coming very handy! You saved me a lot time. Thanks for that!
  20. Hehe you misunderstood me. Or I was not clear I meant that the vehicle repo from Tasssadar did not have that function But nevermind That's true! Thanks Anti for you work so far! Good job!
  21. Yes, but he probably did a fetch from Wojta and he did not include this DealSiegeDamage function in his vehicles repo.
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