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Posts posted by nanounico

  1. // Try for mangosd.conf

    PlayerSaveInterval = 200000

    TargetPosRecalculateRange = 5

    vmap.enableLOS = 1

    vmap.enableHeight = 1

    MaxCoreStuckTime = 60

    Compression = 1

    ProcessPriority = 1

    DBErrorLogFile = ""

    CharLogFile = ""

    LogFile = ""

    UpdateUptimeInterval = 20

    Network.Threads = 2

    Network.OutKBuff = -1

    Network.OutUBuff = 115536

    Network.TcpNodelay = 1

    Also You could try with this:

    GridUnload = 1

    GridCleanUpDelay = 3600000

    // try for my.cnf

    thread_stack = 196K

    max_connections = 5000 # i dont know why you have so much connections, maybe is for website.

    thread_concurrency = 16 # or you can put in 8

    max_allowed_packet = 16M

    table_cache = 4096

    join_buffer_size = 4M

    sort_buffer_size = 2M

    read_buffer_size = 2M

    read_rnd_buffer_size = 4M

    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M

    thread_cache_size = 64

    query_cache_size = 256M

    query_cache_limit = 16M


    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1G

    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 32M

    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0

    innodb_flush_method = O_DSYNC

    innodb_table_locks = 0


  2. Always post the performance related mangos settings, otherwise your info is not that useful.

    Also i think we should start looking for some mysql benchmark tool and start comparing benchmarks to find out what are the most suitable settings for mangos. (Mangos itself doesn't give an objective answer on that, "lagfree" is relative)

    How you say the mysq configuration is not useful?? lol... try have more than 3k without tune mysql!

    Off course, the next way is try use performance benchmarks, i really love Percona perf.. :P

  3. Using High performance Mysql (Percona Perf) 5.086, i7, gcc 4.1, ace 5.7.0, RHEL 5.4 x64, 18GB Ram, HDD 146GB 15K rpm, 2500 Without Lagg.

    PD: The percona builds, at least for me, is a big problem, becouse, i need do this procedure:

    1. Unistall Percona

    2. Install Mysql normal

    3. Compile Core

    4. Unistall mysql normal

    5. install Percona

    Why? becouse with percona builds, or xtradb, Mangos never find the mysql libraries and that is really enoyng!


    max_allowed_packet = 32M

    table_cache = 4096

    join_buffer_size = 8M

    sort_buffer_size = 4M

    read_buffer_size = 4M

    read_rnd_buffer_size = 32M

    myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M

    thread_cache_size = 64

    thread_stack = 526K

    query_cache_size = 356M

    query_cache_limit = 64M

    long-query-time = 2

    innodb_file_per_table = 1

    innodb_table_locks = 0

    innodb_file_format = Barracuda

    innodb_buffer_pool_size = 3G

    innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 32M

    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0

    innodb_flush_method = O_DSYNC #or O_DIRECT

    innodb_thread_concurrency = 16

    innodb_checksums = 0

    innodb_support_xa = 0

    innodb_doublewrite = 1 # This could be improve 30% if you are using Log's correctly

    innodb_adaptive_flushing = 1

    innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90


     ../configure CFLAGS="-O2 -m64 -pipe -DFD_SETSIZE=4096 -march=core2 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing -frename-registers" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -m64 -pipe -DFD_SETSIZE=4096 -march=core2 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing -frename-registers" --prefix=/home/server --sysconfdir=/home/server/etc --datadir=/home/server --enable-cli --enable-ra --disable-builtin-ace

  4. Yes , i've uploaded lastest patch version working with lastest mangos rev.

    I've modified somethings in BG Codes, Event codes and now , bg are updated by her maps

    Actually we've only i known crash and we're working on fix it

    Next Step: adapt events and pools to map restart.

    Greetings, Opterman

    how frecuently is the crash? with ACE MP(6 Cores) + My Patch for stability , i have uptime 12-16-24 hours. +/- 2000 online.

    EDIT: I really dont know whats the diference between this patch, and other mtmaps patches

  5. Another Very Enoyng Crash

    Core [8812]


    Mail External

    Frecuently: 1-2Hrs

    Core was generated by `./bin/mangos-worldd -c etc/mangosd.conf'.
    Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
    [New process 6389]
    [New process 6401]
    [New process 6400]
    [New process 6399]
    [New process 6398]
    [New process 6397]
    [New process 6396]
    [New process 6395]
    [New process 6394]
    [New process 6393]
    [New process 6392]
    [New process 6391]
    [New process 6390]
    [New process 6386]
    [New process 6385]
    [New process 6384]
    [New process 6382]
    #0  Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget (this=0x2aab3d4c17a0, target=0x10)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Spell.cpp:914
    914        if (target->processed)                                  // Check target
    #0  Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget (this=0x2aab3d4c17a0, target=0x10)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Spell.cpp:914
       mask = <value optimized out>
       unit = <value optimized out>
       caster = <value optimized out>
       missInfo = <value optimized out>
       procAttacker = <value optimized out>
       procVictim = <value optimized out>
       procEx = <value optimized out>
    #1  0x000000000071de27 in Spell::handle_immediate (this=0x2aab3d4c17a0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Spell.cpp:2623
    No locals.
    #2  0x000000000071e1ad in Spell::cast (this=0x2aab3d4c17a0, skipCheck=true)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Spell.cpp:2597
       castResult = <value optimized out>
    #3  0x00000000007686c2 in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x1beef560, Victim=0x1beef560, 
       spellInfo=0x2aaab4b81050, triggered=true, castItem=0x21760780, 
       triggeredByAura=0x23cf69c0, originalCaster=0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:932
       spell = (Spell *) 0x2aab3d4c17a0
       targets = {m_srcX = 0, m_srcY = 0, m_srcZ = 0, m_destX = 145.869995, 
     m_destY = -10.5539999, m_destZ = -16.6359997, m_strTarget = {
       static npos = 18446744073709551615, 
       _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = 0xba69f8 ""}}, m_targetMask = 2, 
     m_unitTarget = 0x1beef560, m_GOTarget = 0x0, m_itemTarget = 0x0, 
     m_unitTargetGUID = 177573, m_GOTargetGUID = 0, m_CorpseTargetGUID = 0, 
     m_itemTargetGUID = 0, m_itemTargetEntry = 0}
    #4  0x000000000076dbac in Unit::CastSpell (this=0x1beef560, Victim=0x10, 
       spellId=55767, triggered=false, castItem=0x43e01940, 
       triggeredByAura=0x2aaaaddae1cc, originalCaster=0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:910
       spellInfo = (const SpellEntry *) 0x0
    #5  0x000000000076f5c1 in Unit::HandleProcTriggerSpell (this=0x1beef560, 
       pVictim=0x2aab189d37e0, damage=462, triggeredByAura=0x23cf69c0, 
       procSpell=0x2aaab45b1a80, procFlags=262144, procEx=1, cooldown=45)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:7264
       auraSpellInfo = (const SpellEntry *) 0x2aaab4b813c0
       triggerAmount = 0
       trigger_spell_id = 55767
       target = (Unit *) 0x1beef560
       basepoints = {0, 0, 0}
       castItem = (class Item *) 0x21760780
       triggerEntry = <value optimized out>
    #6  0x00000000007838a7 in Unit::ProcDamageAndSpellFor (this=0x1beef560, 
       isVictim=false, pTarget=0x2aab189d37e0, procFlag=262144, procExtra=1, 
       attType=BASE_ATTACK, procSpell=0x2aaab45b1a80, damage=462)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:11623
       triggeredByAura = (class Aura *) 0x23cf69c0
       spellProcEvent = <value optimized out>
       auraModifier = <value optimized out>
       spellInfo = <value optimized out>
       cooldown = 45
       removedSpells = {<std::_List_base<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >> = {
       _M_impl = {<std::allocator<std::_List_node<unsigned int> >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<std::_List_node<unsigned int> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_node = {_M_next = 0x43dfca90, 
           _M_prev = 0x43dfca90}}}, <No data fields>}
       procTriggered = {<std::_List_base<ProcTriggeredData,std::allocator<ProcTriggeredData> >> = {
       _M_impl = {<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ProcTriggeredData> >> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<std::_List_node<ProcTriggeredData> >> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_node = {_M_next = 0x2aab3f7f43d0, 
           _M_prev = 0x2aab3f7f43d0}}}, <No data fields>}
    #7  0x0000000000783cf5 in Unit::ProcDamageAndSpell (this=0x1beef560, 
       pVictim=0x2aab189d37e0, procAttacker=0, procVictim=1572864, procExtra=1, 
       amount=462, attType=BASE_ATTACK, procSpell=0x2aaab45b1a80)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:4464
    No locals.
    #8  0x0000000000704d2c in Aura::PeriodicTick (this=0x2aab495ccd80)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp:6412
       resist = 0
       amount = <value optimized out>
       pdamage = 462
       isCrit = false
       procVictim = 0
       pCaster = (class Unit *) 0x1beef560
       absorb = 121
       cleanDamage = {damage = 0, attackType = BASE_ATTACK, 
     hitOutCome = MELEE_HIT_NORMAL}
       pInfo = {aura = 0x2aab495ccd80, damage = 583, overDamage = 0, 
     absorb = 121, resist = 0, multiplier = 0, critical = false}
    #9  0x0000000000706664 in Aura::Update (this=0x2aab495ccd80, diff=159)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp:662
    No locals.
    #10 0x000000000076cdf8 in Unit::_UpdateSpells (this=0x2aab189d37e0, time=159)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/SpellAuras.h:312
       i_aura = (class Aura *) 0x2aab495ccd80
    #11 0x00000000007714cc in Unit::Update (this=0x2aab189d37e0, p_time=159)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Unit.cpp:192
    No locals.
    #12 0x00000000006dae51 in Player::Update (this=0x2aab189d37e0, p_time=159)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Player.cpp:1072
       now = <value optimized out>
       pet = <value optimized out>
    #13 0x00000000006148dc in Map::Update (this=0xe6f4220, t_diff=@0x19dea6f0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/Map.cpp:595
       plr = (class Player *) 0x2aab3d4c17a0
       updater = {i_timeDiff = 804097760}
       __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "virtual void Map::Update(const uint32&)"
    #14 0x0000000000624b58 in MapUpdateRequest::call (this=0x19dea6d0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/game/MapUpdater.cpp:47
    No locals.
    #15 0x00000000008398e0 in DelayExecutor::svc (this=0xe6f39b0)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/DelayExecutor.cpp:60
       rq = (class ACE_Method_Request *) 0x19dea6d0
    #16 0x00002ba3f4bdadf7 in ACE_Task_Base::svc_run (args=<value optimized out>)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/dep/ACE_wrappers/ace/Task.cpp:275
       t = (ACE_Task_Base *) 0xe6f39b0
       svc_status = <value optimized out>
    #17 0x00002ba3f4bdbd0e in ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke (this=0x2aaaaca98a10)
       at /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/dep/ACE_wrappers/ace/Thread_Adapter.cpp:98
       exit_hook_instance = (ACE_Thread_Exit *) 0x13d7ad20
       exit_hook_maybe = {instance_ = 0x0}
       exit_hook_ptr = <value optimized out>
    #18 0x00000038aba064a7 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
    No symbol table info available.
    #19 0x00000038aaed3c2d in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
    No symbol table info available.

  6. But what is the real diference, between, Ace Mtmaps, or Open Mtmaps?

    I do a fast comparation, with 4 cores:

    With Mtmaps, the 4 CPU Usage is 20-30%

    With Ace Mtmaps, the 4 CPU Usage is 5-20%

    In this momenth, i'm using Ace Mtmaps with Ace 5.7.2, but i no have much testers right now, so, with larger servers, like 2000, or more, what is the result?

    EDIT: and the other important quest, is, wish give less crashes!

    EDIT 2: I really want compile with gcc 4.4.2, but RHEL 5.4 dont have rpm for that :'(

  7. That command show this:

    libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient_r.so.15

    libmysqlclient_r.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient_r.so

    libmysqlclient.so.15 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so.15

    libmysqlclient.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so

    Here is the error

    make[5]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
    make[5]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/shared'
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/shared'
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/shared'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/shared'
    Making install in realmd
    make[2]: Entering directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/realmd'
    /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++  -DDO_MYSQL -march=nocona -m64 -msse3 -o mangos-realmd -L../../dep/src/sockets -L/opt/Test/lib ../../dep/ACE_wrappers/ace/libACE.la  -rdynamic -L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz -lpthread -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -lpthread -lrt -lz  -L/usr/kerberos/lib64 -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz    AuthSocket.o Main.o RealmList.o ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a ../shared/Config/libmangosconfig.a ../shared/Auth/libmangosauth.a ../shared/libmangosshared.a ../framework/libmangosframework.a ../../dep/src/sockets/libmangossockets.a -lpthread 
    g++ -DDO_MYSQL -march=nocona -m64 -msse3 -o .libs/mangos-realmd -rdynamic AuthSocket.o Main.o RealmList.o  -L/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/dep/src/sockets -L/opt/Test/lib ../../dep/ACE_wrappers/ace/.libs/libACE.so -L/usr/lib64/mysql /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a -lrt -L/usr/kerberos/lib64 -lssl -lcrypto -ldl /usr/lib64/mysql/libz.a -lcrypt -lnsl -lm ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a ../shared/Config/libmangosconfig.a ../shared/Auth/libmangosauth.a ../shared/libmangosshared.a ../framework/libmangosframework.a ../../dep/src/sockets/libmangossockets.a -lpthread  -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/opt/Test/lib
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `~DatabaseMysql':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:64: undefined reference to `mysql_close'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:68: undefined reference to `mysql_server_end'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:64: undefined reference to `mysql_close'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:68: undefined reference to `mysql_server_end'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:64: undefined reference to `mysql_close'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:68: undefined reference to `mysql_server_end'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::_TransactionCmd(char const*)':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:315: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:318: undefined reference to `mysql_error'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::DirectExecute(char const*)':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:295: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:298: undefined reference to `mysql_error'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::_Query(char const*, st_mysql_res**, st_mysql_field**, unsigned long*, unsigned int*)':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:190: undefined reference to `mysql_query'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:193: undefined reference to `mysql_error'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:203: undefined reference to `mysql_store_result'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:204: undefined reference to `mysql_affected_rows'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:205: undefined reference to `mysql_field_count'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:218: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_fields'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:214: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:48: undefined reference to `mysql_server_init'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:50: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_safe'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:48: undefined reference to `mysql_server_init'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:50: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_safe'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::Initialize(char const*)':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:79: undefined reference to `mysql_init'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:109: undefined reference to `mysql_options'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:127: undefined reference to `mysql_options'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:140: undefined reference to `mysql_real_connect'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:146: undefined reference to `mysql_get_client_info'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:147: undefined reference to `mysql_get_server_info'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:157: undefined reference to `mysql_autocommit'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:173: undefined reference to `mysql_error'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:174: undefined reference to `mysql_close'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::escape_string(char*, char const*, unsigned long)':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:419: undefined reference to `mysql_real_escape_string'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::ThreadEnd()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:37: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_end'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(DatabaseMysql.o): In function `DatabaseMysql::ThreadStart()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.cpp:32: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_init'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(QueryResultMysql.o): In function `QueryResultMysql::EndQuery()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:69: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:69: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(QueryResultMysql.o): In function `QueryResultMysql::NextRow()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:46: undefined reference to `mysql_fetch_row'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(QueryResultMysql.o): In function `QueryResultMysql::EndQuery()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:69: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:69: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/QueryResultMysql.cpp:69: undefined reference to `mysql_free_result'
    ../shared/Database/libmangosdatabase.a(SqlDelayThread.o): In function `SqlDelayThread::run()':
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/SqlDelayThread.cpp:30: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_init'
    /root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/src/shared/Database/SqlDelayThread.cpp:47: undefined reference to `mysql_thread_end'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[2]: *** [mangos-realmd] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src/realmd'
    make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/Desktop/Mangos/Sources/objdir/src'
    make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

    So i dont know, how i can compile! :'(

  8. Hi,

    I want to know how i can link the MySQL Libraies for compile Mangos, and what libraries is need by Mangos Compilation.

    I need that becouse i Compile my own mysql, and i put the name of mysqlone, so i have some problems with the compilation.

    becouse the program run like this: "rpm -qa | grep mysqlone" if i put "rpm -qa | grep mysql" dont appear any.

    Thanks For your help.

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