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Everything posted by nos4r2zod

  1. Maybe a better fix would be @@ -763,11 +763,12 @@ bool Item::IsFitToSpellRequirements(SpellEntry const* spellInfo) const } } if(spellInfo->EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask != 0) // 0 == any inventory type { - if((spellInfo->EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask & (1 << proto->InventoryType)) == 0) + if(!((spellInfo->EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask & (1 << proto->InventoryType)) || + (spellInfo->EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask & (1 << 22) && proto->InventoryType == 13))) return false; // inventory type not present in mask } return true; } (check one-hand weapons (type = 13) when looking for offhand weapons (type = 22)). But it's still a nuisance because Lava Lash is the only used spell that requires such a check.
  2. Updated this patch to a fix a bug with how the client displayed the buff mod fields' values. When these unit fields are updated, (UNIT_FIELD_POSSTAT / UNIT_FIELD_NEGSTAT / UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCEBUFFMODSPOSITIVE / UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCEBUFFMODSNEGATIVE) they are changed without regard to the order that the mods are applied, which should be ((BASE_VALUE * BASE_PCT) + TOTAL_VALUE) * TOTAL_PCT) So when you alternatingly apply buffs that add values and percents, and then remove them in a different order, things start to get screwy with how the client shows the value. This is a bug that exists on the master branch. For example, cast mark of the wild, then blessing of kings. Then, remove mark of the wild first and then blessing of kings. Check your base stats before and after. Also, - Moved the division step on the NONSTACKING_PCT to a later part of the calculation to avoid storing an inaccurate float, which sometimes would cause minor problems. - Changed ApplyResistanceBuffMods(Percent)Mod to look like ApplyStat(Percent)BuffMod. Also removed the bool "positive" from those methods, because it's the equivalent of the sign of val. It has been kept in SetResistance because it's used in that case to initialize the fields to 0. - Also changed the "return false; break;" to two lines to make it clearer. I thought I saw this style elsewhere in the code, maybe I'm imagining things - Changed the comments in UpdateFields.h where some fields were incorrectly described as INTs. Last tested on 8106 Edit: Forgot to make GetMaxPositiveAuraModifier etc. check only for nonstacking auras where appropriate; patch updated
  3. Edit: Hmmm, you bring up another point though. I don't think this patch can be imported to 0.12 as is, because this was actually a change created in 3.0.2 . The version with just Exclusive Resistances is here, if you want to reference it. Another update on this patch. - Added Mod Armor % effects (Inspiration and Ancestral Healing) - Added Commanding Shout and Blood Pact - Added support for nonstacking stat buffs (sorry I left it half implemented in the last update). Unfortunately, I don't think any more aura effects can be implemented unless the underlying code is changed. Specifically, I think more aura effects will have to be switched to using UnitMods, like I did with HandleModPowerRegen.
  4. If those breaks aren't there, then if the if's condition returns false, it'll fall through the cases. For example, all the mod_attack_power (above resistance_exclusive) would always return false. I looked through the spells and only Blessing of Wisdom and Greater Blessing of Wisdom were in the paladin spell family and had SPELL_AURA_MOD_POWER_REGEN. Likewise, only Mana Spring Totem had that aura and was in the shaman spell family. Judgement of Wisdom is a script effect, and it triggers a spell that has spell_effect_energize, so it isn't an aura and shouldn't be affected by this. You can see that I added additional checks besides SpellFamilyName where necessary, but I could have missed something, so feel free to check.
  5. So here's an update on this patch. In short, I added checks for auras that do not stack with SPELL_AURA_MOD_POWER_REGEN, SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER, SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_PCT, SPELL_AURA_MOD_RANGED_ATTACK_POWER_PCT. I created a new method for auras, IsEffectStacking, that basically handles the unavoidable (at least as far as I see) hacky aspect of this fix. This is currently called in the Aura constructor, only because that's where most of the other members are defined. It might not make sense to check if the aura effects stack before checking if the spell itself stacks and can be applied to the target, so this isn't set in stone of course. If it ends up being a slower call, it can be moved, of course. I changed how HandleModPowerRegen works with mana completely; mana regen bonuses from auras are now handled through UnitMods and m_auraModifiersGroup. The whole point of this field as I see it is to avoid unnecessary iteration through aura effects, so it made sense to put these auras here (even if the values aren't applied in exactly the same way, see UpdateManaRegen), and this was necessary to apply my fix to the stacking of Blessing of Wisdom and Mana Spring Totem. Edit: Updated to 8097; fixed whitespace error and typo
  6. void Player::SaveGoldToDB() { CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE money = '%u' WHERE guid = '%u'", GetMoney(), GetGUIDLow()); } Should be void Player::SaveGoldToDB() { CharacterDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE characters SET money = '%u' WHERE guid = '%u'", GetMoney(), GetGUIDLow()); }
  7. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Some spells have SPELL_EFFECT_DISPEL with a corresponding EffectDieSides and EffectBaseDice of 0. So Unit::CalculateSpellDamage is called and sets the "damage" of the effect to zero, resulting in Spell::EffectDispel removing no auras. I think damage should be set to a minimum of 1 for this spell effect. For example, look at Cleansing Totem Effect, which still only works on dispelling disease. The first spell effect is for dispelling diseases, and it has a damage value of 1. The second effect, for dispelling poisons, has a damage value of 0, causing it to not dispel any poisons currently. For which repository revision was the patch created? 8039 Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Me diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp index 1d673bf..09218a1 100644 --- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp +++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp @@ -3363,6 +3363,10 @@ void Spell::EffectDispel(uint32 i) std::list < std::Pair<uint32,uint64> > success_list;// (spell_id,casterGuid) std::list < uint32 > fail_list; // spell_id int32 list_size = dispel_list.size(); + + if(!damage) + damage = 1; + // Dispell N = damage buffs (or while exist buffs for dispel) for (int32 count=0; count < damage && list_size > 0; ++count) {
  8. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? This fixes a small typo in WorldSession::HandleBuyItemInSlotOpcode that makes MaNGOS try to put bought items in the slot of the item in the vendor's inventory rather than the slot the player chose. This causes weird client error messages and potential crashes. Bug reproduceable by manually buying items from vendors, as in using left click and dragging the item into the player's inventory. For which repository revision was the patch created? 8039 Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Me diff --git a/src/game/ItemHandler.cpp b/src/game/ItemHandler.cpp index 1956791..5a9ff81 100644 --- a/src/game/ItemHandler.cpp +++ b/src/game/ItemHandler.cpp @@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ void WorldSession::HandleBuyItemInSlotOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) recv_data >> vendorguid >> item >> slot >> bagguid >> bagslot >> count; - GetPlayer()->BuyItemFromVendor(vendorguid,item,count,bagguid,slot); + GetPlayer()->BuyItemFromVendor(vendorguid,item,count,bagguid,bagslot); } void WorldSession::HandleBuyItemOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) Edit: Perhaps this should have been a part of http://github.com/mangos/mangos/commit/4e8447fda703c49e711d2e2eec92ddfdc29f22f9 ?
  9. This is what I meant should be done: @@ -4019,6 +4047,7 @@ void Player::ResurrectPlayer(float restore_percent, bool applySickness) SetMovement(MOVE_UNROOT); m_deathTimer = 0; + m_lastRegenerate = getMSTime(); // set health/powers (0- will be set in caller) if(restore_percent>0.0f) Here is the patch on [8029]
  10. Something needs to be fixed in Spell::EffectHealthLeech first; the coefficient on this spell and the coefficient on drain life are being applied twice for the healing portions of the spells. According to the wiki, there should be no bonus from +healing, but there should be benefits from spell effects that directly affect healing, like demon armor. @sso1 : Windfury works fine for me, and it wouldn't be affected by this table anyway.
  11. Correct, something like DELETE FROM `spell_proc_event` WHERE `entry` = '53720'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `spell_proc_event` VALUES ('53720', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '20', '0', '0', '0', '0'); will fix this for Seal of the Martyr for instance. There probably is a better way to do this than using SchoolMask physical. I tried using spellFamilyMasks, but it ended up making Seal of the Martyr proc on the paladin himself
  12. This can be fixed with procFlag entries in the spell_proc_event table; I want to deal with the issues in the code first. Of course, anything to stop players from qqing about "nerfs" when x/y/z isn't working yet This might belong in a separate topic, but I think the fix should look like: (Unit.cpp, [7985]) @@ -2420,11 +2420,11 @@ float Unit::MeleeSpellMissChance(Unit *pVictim, WeaponAttackType attType, int32 // Melee based spells hit result calculations SpellMissInfo Unit::MeleeSpellHitResult(Unit *pVictim, SpellEntry const *spell) { WeaponAttackType attType = BASE_ATTACK; - if (spell->DmgClass == SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_RANGED) + if (spell->Attributes == SPELL_ATTR_RANGED) attType = RANGED_ATTACK; // bonus from skills is 0.04% per skill Diff int32 attackerWeaponSkill = int32(GetWeaponSkillValue(attType,pVictim)); int32 skillDiff = attackerWeaponSkill - int32(pVictim->GetMaxSkillValueForLevel(this)); @@ -2436,10 +2436,13 @@ SpellMissInfo Unit::MeleeSpellHitResult(Unit *pVictim, SpellEntry const *spell) // Roll miss uint32 tmp = missChance; if (roll < tmp) return SPELL_MISS_MISS; + if (spell->DmgClass == SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_RANGED) + attType = RANGED_ATTACK; + // Chance resist mechanic (select max value from every mechanic spell effect) int32 resist_mech = 0; // Get effects mechanic and chance for(int eff = 0; eff < 3; ++eff) { In short, this will allow judgements to use melee weapon skill, then switch the attType to ranged after miss chance has been rolled so that they stay undodgeable/unparriable. But there is an underlying problem: it still calculates miss chances twice, once for the judgement that the paladin casts, and once for the triggered effect. For this same reason, the above fix will end up making Chimera Shot's triggered spells use melee skill... Any suggestions? Perhaps adding a flag to make these specific triggered spells never miss?
  13. I figured out the reason for the odd Judgement of Command coefficient: it's being affected by downranking. The spell is treated as level 20, and note that the coefficient I obtained through trial and error (0.7695) is almost exactly the actual coefficient (0.25) divided by the downranking penalty (26/80). Also, shameless bump .
  14. The coefficient is right for prayer of mending, but something in the code is wrong... I did some testing and it gave the correct value for the heal (base heal + 0.8068 * sp) when a direct_bonus of 11 was used, but I have no idea why the coefficient isn't working right. EDIT: Ok, I found the source of this bug: the spell has a spellLevel of 1 in the dbc, so it's receiving a lvl difference penalty. Try .cast 33110 on yourself at level 1 and level 80 and you'll see the difference, even though your spell power doesn't change. EDIT2: Is it possible to just get rid of the "downranking penalty" calculation altogether? 3.0.2 made it so that all spells are based off on % of base mana, so there's virtually no benefit to downranking anyways.
  15. Yes, it's the same amount of code right now, but it'll be a lot less in comparison the next time one of these spell's coefficients changes, and it'll be a lot easier to verify those changes when you only have to check one rank of the spell. Case in point: the data you have for typhoon would only work for rank 1 right now - I don't think damage shields like thorns and fire shield are affected by spell_bonus_data, so I didn't add the data. If someone out there has written a patch that needs this data, I'll happily add it. - Pounce bleed is correctly affected by AP without data. - Swipe isn't affected by spell_bonus_data - Only the dot of lacerate is affected by spell_bonus_data. - Also note that the coefficients of insect swarm and mind sear are from post 3.0.9. spell_bonus_data: -- Updating coefficients for some spells DELETE FROM `spell_bonus_data` WHERE `entry` IN ('689', '18790', '172', '42223', '42224', '42225', '42226', '42218', '47817', '47818', '1949', '5857', '11681', '11682', '27214', '47822', '27243', '30108', '17962', '6789', '48181', '29722', '5676', '686', '17877', '30283', '1120', '30294', '44425', '42208', '42209', '42210', '42211', '42212', '42213', '42198', '42937', '42938', '11113', '31661', '120', '19750', '635', '25914', '25913', '25903', '27175', '33074', '48820', '48821', '58597', '31935', '31803', '53742', '31893', '32221', '53719', '53718', '20167', '20424', '31804', '53733', '31898', '32220', '53726', '53725', '20267', '20187', '20467', '53600', '596', '2944', '8092', '27813', '27817', '27818', '33619', [b]'58381'[/b], '60089', [b]55039[/b], [b]'44457', '44461', '55361', '55362', '5570', '49821', '53022', '61391', '33745'[/b]); INSERT INTO `spell_bonus_data` (`entry`, `direct_bonus`, `dot_bonus`, `ap_bonus`, `comments`) VALUES ('689', '0', '0.143', '0', 'Warlock - Drain Life'), ('18790', '0', '0', '0','Warlock - Fel Stamina'), ('172', '0', '0.2', '0', 'Warlock - Corruption'), [b]('42223', '0.6932', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Rain of Fire Triggered'),[/b] ('1949', '0', '0.0949', '0', 'Warlock - Hellfire'), [b]('5857', '0.1427', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Hellfire Effect on Enemy'),[/b] ('27243', '0.2129', '0.25', '0', 'Warlock - Seed of Corruption'), ('30108', '0', '0.2', '0', 'Warlock - Unstable Affliction'), ('17962', '0.4293', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Conflagrate'), ('6789', '0.214', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Death Coil'), ('48181', '0.4793', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Haunt'), ('29722', '0.7139', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Incinerate'), ('5676', '0.4293', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Searing Pain'), ('686', '0.8569', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Shadow Bolt'), ('17877', '0.4293', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Shadowburn'), ('30283', '0.1932', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Shadowfury'), ('1120', '0', '0.429', '0', 'Warlock - Drain Soul'), ('30294', '0', '0', '0', 'Warlock - Soul Leech'), ('44425', '0.7143', '0', '0', 'Mage - Arcane Barrage'), [b]('42208', '0.1437', '0', '0', 'Mage - Blizzard Triggered'),[/b] ('11113', '0.1936', '0', '0', 'Mage - Blast Wave Rank'), ('31661', '0.1936', '0', '0', 'Mage - Dragons Breath'), ('120', '0.214', '0', '0', 'Mage - Cone of Cold'), ('19750', '1', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Flash of Light'), ('635', '1.66', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Holy Light'), [b]('25914', '0.81', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Holy Shock Triggered Heal'),[/b] ('58597', '0.75', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Sacred Shield'), ('31935', '0.07', '0', '0.07', 'Paladin - Avenger Shield'), ('31803', '0', '[b]0.0176[/b]', '0.03', 'Paladin - Holy Vengeance'), ('53742', '0', '[b]0.0176[/b]', '0.03', 'Paladin - Blood Corruption'), ('31893', '0', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Seal of Blood Enemy Proc'), ('32221', '0', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Seal of Blood Self Proc'), ('53719', '0', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Seal of The Martyr Enemy Proc'), ('53718', '0', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Seal of The Martyr Self Proc'), ('20167', '0.15', '0', '0.15', 'Paladin - Seal of Light Proc'), ('20424', '[b]0[/b]', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Seal of Command Proc'), ('31804', '[b]0[/b]', '0', '[b]0[/b]', 'Paladin - Judgement of Vengeance'), ('53733', '[b]0[/b]', '0', '[b]0[/b]', 'Paladin - Judgement of Corruption'), ('31898', '0.25', '0', '0.16', 'Paladin - Judgement of Blood Enemy'), ('32220', '[b]0.0833[/b]', '0', '[b]0.0533[/b]', 'Paladin - Judgement of Blood Self'), ('53726', '0.25', '0', '0.16', 'Paladin - Judgement of the Martyr Enemy'), ('53725', '[b]0.0833[/b]', '0', '[b]0.0533[/b]', 'Paladin - Judgement of the Martyr Self'), ('20267', '0.1', '0', '0.1', 'Paladin - Judgement of Light Proc'), ('20187', '[b]0.32[/b]', '0', [b]'0[/b]', 'Paladin - Judgement of Righteousness'), ('20467', '0.25', '0', '0.16', 'Paladin - Judgement of Command'), ('53600', '0', '0', '0', 'Paladin - Shield of Righteousness'), ('596', '0.8068', '0', '0', 'Priest - Prayer of Healing'), ('2944', '0', '0.1849', '0', 'Priest - Devouring Plague'), ('8092', '0.428', '0', '0', 'Priest - Mind Blast'), [b]('27813', '0', '0', '0', 'Priest - Blessed Recovery'),[/b] ('33619', '0', '0', '0', 'Priest - Reflective Shield'), [b]('58381', '0.257', '0', '0', 'Priest - Mind Flay Triggered'),[/b] ('60089', '0', '0', '0.05', 'Druid - Faerie Fire (Bear Form)'), ('55039', '0', '0', '0', 'Engineering - Gnomish Lightning Generator'), [b]('44457', '0', '0.2', '0', 'Mage - Living Bomb DoT'), ('44461', '0.4', '0', '0', 'Mage - Living Bomb Explosion'), ('5570', '0', '0.2', '0', 'Druid - Insect Swarm'), ('49821', '0.2861', '0', '0', 'Priest - Mind Sear Trigger'), ('61391', '0.193', '0', '0', 'Druid - Typhoon'), ('33745', '0', '0', '0.01', 'Druid - Lacerate');[/b] spell_chain: DELETE FROM spell_chain WHERE spell_id in ('42223', '42224', '42225', '42226', '42218', '47817', '47818', '5857', '11681', '11682', '27214', '47822', '42208', '42209', '42210', '42211', '42212', '42213', '42198', '42937', '42938', '25914', '25913', '25903', '27175', '33074', '48820', '48821', '27813', '27817', '27818', [b]'44461', '55361', '55362', '61391', '61390', '61388', '61387', '53227', '49821', '53022'[/b]); INSERT INTO spell_chain (`spell_id`, `prev_spell`, `first_spell`, `rank`, `req_spell`) VALUES ('42223', '0', '42223', '1', '0'), ('42224', '42223', '42223', '2', '0'), ('42225', '42224', '42223', '3', '0'), ('42226', '42225', '42223', '4', '0'), ('42218', '42226', '42223', '5', '0'), ('47817', '42218', '42223', '6', '0'), ('47818', '47817', '42223', '7', '0'), ('5857', '0', '5857', '1', '0'), ('11681', '5857', '5857', '2', '0'), ('11682', '11681', '5857', '3', '0'), ('27214', '11682', '5857', '4', '0'), ('47822', '27214', '5857', '5', '0'), ('42208', '0', '42208', '1', '0'), ('42209', '42208', '42208', '2', '0'), ('42210', '42209', '42208', '3', '0'), ('42211', '42210', '42208', '4', '0'), ('42212', '42211', '42208', '5', '0'), ('42213', '42212', '42208', '6', '0'), ('42198', '42213', '42208', '7', '0'), ('42937', '42198', '42208', '8', '0'), ('42938', '42937', '42208', '9', '0'), ('25914', '0', '25914', '1', '0'), ('25913', '25914', '25914', '2', '0'), ('25903', '25913', '25914', '3', '0'), ('27175', '25903', '25914', '4', '0'), ('33074', '27175', '25914', '5', '0'), ('48820', '33074', '25914', '6', '0'), ('48821', '48820', '25914', '7', '0'), ('27813', '0', '27813', '1', '0'), ('27817', '27813', '27813', '2', '0'), ('27818', '27817', '27813', '3', '0'), [b]('44461', '0', '44461', '1', '0'), ('55361', '44461', '44461', '2', '0'), ('55362', '55361', '44461', '3', '0'), ('61391', '0', '61391', '1', '0'), ('61390', '61391', '61391', '2', '0'), ('61388', '61390', '61391', '3', '0'), ('61387', '61388', '61391', '4', '0'), ('53227', '61387', '61391', '5', '0'), ('49821', '0', '49821', '1', '0'), ('53022', '49821', '49821', '2', '0'); [/b] Edit: Judgement of Righteousness does not need AP data
  16. Level 18? Gender dependent? Do you mean http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2422 ?
  17. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? Chance on hit procs that do not use auras should be dependent on the hand being used. For example, a rogue poison applied to the off-hand weapon should NOT be triggered when the main hand attacks. If it is an effect that should proc off of an attack made by any hand, then an aura effect would be used instead, and the term "Equip: Chance on hit ..." is used rather than just "Chance on hit." Compare Misplaced Servo Arm with Perdition's Blade for example, and check out the links on the spell effects as well. If you want to confirm this bug, you can try the following: 1) Make an offhand weapon in the db with an attack delay of 65.53 seconds, add a poison to it, and dual wield it with an unenchanted main hand. You'll see that the main hand triggers the off-hand's poison anyways. 2) Dual wield daggers with 1.4 attack speed (normallized). Apply wound poison (50% proc chance) to both. The amount of melee hits made will be 1:1 with the number of wound poison procs (each hit has two 50% chances of proccing poison). For which repository revision was the patch created? 7970 Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread. Didn't find any in search Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Myself Patch: diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp index 4b693b4..d1e7509 100644 --- a/src/game/Unit.cpp +++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp @@ -1501,8 +1501,7 @@ void Unit::DealMeleeDamage(CalcDamageInfo *damageInfo, bool durabilityLoss) { if(GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && pVictim->isAlive()) { - for(int i = EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START; i < EQUIPMENT_SLOT_END; ++i) - ((Player*)this)->CastItemCombatSpell(((Player*)this)->GetItemByPos(INVENTORY_SLOT_BAG_0,i), pVictim, damageInfo->attackType); + ((Player*)this)->CastItemCombatSpell(((Player*)this)->GetWeaponForAttack(damageInfo->attackType, true), pVictim, damageInfo->attackType); } // victim's damage shield In fact, the iteration through all equipped items for "Chance on hit" procs isn't needed, because trinkets/jewelry/armor that add proc effects would always be handled through auras.
  18. This isn't related to the bug that GuruRD discovered. RegenerateAll() isn't called at all when the player the player is dead, so the timer never gets updated when dead. So if someone casts a resurrect spell on you, or you have reincarnate, you can wait 5 minutes before clicking accept and immediately come back to life with +5minutes worth of regenerating health and mana.
  19. Sorry, I had a typo in the first version I uploaded where Seal of Blood was triggering Judgement of Blood's backlash damage. But I'm still trying to work out a way to actually have the backlash damage be based on the actual damage dealt, rather than calling CalculateDamage again. Also, is the backlash supposed to include 10% dmg of the attack that triggers the Seal of Blood/Martyr?
  20. There also needs to be an update to m_lastRegenerate time after a dead player is resurrected (in Player::ResurrectPlayer), or else it counts the time spent dead as time spent regenerating and returns the player to life with more life/power than intended.
  21. Life..? Unrelated I think, this patch deals with power (mana/energy/rage) regeneration. Health "ticks" are still calculated in the same places. But there was a duel bug with this I believe.
  22. I think this fixes some shapeshifting quirks: This allows energy to start ticking immediately after casting cat form, while preventing mana regeneration if you shapeshift out within 5 seconds. Full patch, applied on [7897].
  23. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add? In 3.0.2, Serpent Sting was modified to give total bonus damage of 20% of the hunter's RAP rather than 10%. For which repository revision was the patch created? 7885 Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses. Myself
  24. Spell coefficients for Starfall: DELETE FROM `spell_chain` WHERE spell_id IN (50288, 53191, 53194, 53195); INSERT INTO `spell_chain` VALUES (50288, 0, 50288, 1, 0), (53191, 50288, 50288, 2, 0), (53194, 53191, 50288, 3, 0), (53195, 53194, 50288, 4, 0); DELETE FROM `spell_chain` WHERE spell_id IN (50294, 53188, 53189, 53190); INSERT INTO `spell_chain` VALUES (50294, 0, 50294, 1, 0), (53188, 50294, 50294, 2, 0), (53189, 53188, 50294, 3, 0), (53190, 53189, 50294, 4, 0); DELETE FROM `spell_bonus_data` WHERE entry IN (50288, 50294); INSERT INTO `spell_bonus_data` VALUES (50288, 0.05, 0, 0, "Druid - Starfall"), (50294, 0.012, 0, 0, "Druid - Starfall AOE");
  25. From what I interpret from leak's post above, immune players shouldn't be able to capture bases either. So shouldn't CanCaptureTowerPoint() also check !isTotalImmune() ?
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