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Everything posted by painejake

  1. I think it's a great idea. As we discussed in IRC even without logging the colors directly there are plenty of ways of sorting the different log types into different colors..
  2. I dont use Windows either. I will try it later on on my homeserver (if i can be bothered to set it up) or on my Mac and see how it goes. Been real busy but hoping to get round to it today I have a few servers in my LAN but it's not too much of a isse for me however im interested in this mtmaps patch. As they say if it aint broke don't fix it
  3. Cheers raczman ill take a look at it update and update for automake and mangos. In regards to the db. Have your tried PostgreSQL? As i know MySQL is supposed to be very slow however i don't know anything about PostgreSQL in means of which is faster at what if one even is faster than the other. Also a dedicated SQL server. Im not a expert on SPARCs but surely the SPARCs arch would be faster for running a MySQL database on that any standard CPU. Unless its is the mangos side of the database connection that is the bottleneck
  4. I'm using linux I'm looking for a mtmaps branch (If there is one) for 3.0.9 (0.13)
  5. Ahh brill thanks Hitman. Good job i'm on Linux Do you have one for 0.13?
  6. Im currently updating the mtmaps patch as i can seem to find a repo or patch thats uptodate. I am using the patch from the TrinityCore patch queue and i am getting this error on compile: 9>c:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\mangos\\dep\\ACE_wrappers\\ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h(210) : error C2059: syntax error : 'constant' 9>c:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\mangos\\dep\\ACE_wrappers\\ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h(214) : error C2059: syntax error : 'constant' 9>c:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\mangos\\dep\\ACE_wrappers\\ace/OS_NS_stdlib.inl(397) : error C2059: syntax error : 'constant' 9>c:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\mangos\\dep\\ACE_wrappers\\ace/OS_NS_stdlib.inl(410) : error C2059: syntax error : 'constant' If anoyone could tell me what the ": error C2059: syntax error : 'constant'" is it would be a great help. Heres line 204 -215 of the OS_NS_stdlib.h #if !defined (ACE_HAS_WINCE) # if !defined (ACE_LACKS_REALPATH) ACE_NAMESPACE_INLINE_FUNCTION # else extern ACE_Export # endif /* !ACE_LACKS_REALPATH */ char *realpath (const char *file_name, char *resolved_name); # if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) ACE_NAMESPACE_INLINE_FUNCTION wchar_t *realpath (const wchar_t *file_name, wchar_t *resolved_name); # endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */
  7. painejake

    learning C++

    I agree with that very very good for people who have no idea about the C launguage at all
  8. I agree i would like to see such things here posted. True MT support would be a very very nice feature indeed.
  9. I've been trying to get it out of him for ages to no avail. PM me if you want and ill show you a screenie
  10. Who says its not a fibre connection to his roomate next door Sounds like a good idea hit me up witha PM if you need any help as its something ive been thinking of implementing too
  11. Here guys found this on edugeek. So any students here grab these free and save yourself some $$ https://www.dreamspark.com/Default.aspx They offer from Windows Server 2008 to Visual Studio 2008 Pro Edt. Enjoy
  12. Agreed. Good luck with it though. Let us know how it goes
  13. LOL! Would be a nice thing. Maybe the code vendors from the trading card game would be even better
  14. Not at all read his post "I think it is a bad thing. Offense to the open source :angry:" No i think that's just takes the piss. Everyone know people use mangos for their public private servers, but that's just rubbing it in the faces of the people who work day and night to provide such a solid, stable wow experience
  15. Why not code it in java to avoid any cross platform conflicts?
  16. Not if its VC++ it wont as you most likely used .net
  17. Ok under Debian 1.6 Days uptime and counting peaks of 150 with no lag at all. MaNGOS rev 6928 SD rev 812 Edit: Crashed after 2.1 days and peak of 180 testers. Around 120 on 24/7
  18. Ahh i see I use this if anyone finds use for it until /opt/mangos/bin/mangos-realmd -c /opt/mangos/etc/realmd.conf 2>&1; do date && echo "Realm server died with exit code $?. Restarting..."; sleep 1; done; until /opt/mangos/bin/mangos-worldd -c /opt/mangos/etc/mangosd.conf 2>&1; do date && echo "World server died with exit code $?. Restarting..."; sleep 1; done;
  19. This is very interesting. Would be nice to have it running as a daemon then im guessing RA in?
  20. Latest crash log on Win Server 32 in Debug: http://paste2.org/p/135233 Tried purify and it said i need to have the full version to run it. So i will try a different program later
  21. Np mate for me its when it peaks above 70 online. Then the lag really kicks in. Im fiddling with the grid to see if that IS the issue however i feel it maybe more than that. Maybe a issue with ACE, but im not experinced with C++ just looking through revision changes on GitHub
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